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Ice flame mining in Babu, Tianlong

Publish: 2021-05-01 23:20:06
1. No one approved it
do it yourself.
2. The scripts are bought by the players themselves. If you think it's 100 chapters for you, even if it's safe for you. I suggest you buy a script. I buy a small cavalry, 25 permanent. I often use it for mining and farming, which is very useful. You can go to Taobao Search, and then let him give you a trial, you try to know
3. Ice flame works now. It's plug-in. Plug in and script have the same meaning
ice flame is developed on the basis of the button Sprite, so it's not something you should pay attention to ~
there should be few people playing in Hongkong service, right? There is no plug-in for Hong Kong clothing in ice flame space
only the eternal classic and aesthetic version of new Tianlong~~~
4. First of all, the scene of "new Tianlong Babu" is different from that of some guilds that have never played before. The first map to enter the game is
Wuliang Mountain. The task starts from "Wuliang Mountain of origin", and it can't activate any card. It will waste a lot of time to activate any card at this time. We need to come back to do the task again, so we can't mislead you<


(enter the first task of the game)

(left click to get the task)

(depending on your operation mode, you can attack by clicking the monster directly with the left button. F1 ~ F10 are skills, The operation and setting of the remaining buttons have been told in the previous evaluation)

"new Tianlong Babu" 1 ~ 90 complete upgrade strategy

"new Tianlong Babu" 1 ~ 90 complete upgrade strategy


"new Tianlong Babu" novice guide is much better than before, each part has a very intimate guide, so it's very fast to start. Along the main line, novices can reach level 7 in about 10 minutes, and then they can enter Dali city Dali city is one of the main cities: there are four main cities in the eight divisions of Tianlong: Dali, Luoyang, Suzhou and Loulan. Each main city has a level limit)


continue to follow the main line, and after three tasks in Dali, you will reach level 10<

(at level 10, I'll see our Heavenly Master, and I'll find him every time for the plot task)

"new Tianlong Babu" 1 ~ 90 complete upgrade strategy


now we can activate the gift bag. Some guilds say that if we activate a bunch of gift bags, we don't have to waste our physical strength, The best gift package is
supreme guild card + Changyou gold card + DuoWan privilege card + Jijia card + various VIP cards (activate if you have one). As for the 2888 pull and octopus card, it's all conflict and chicken ribs. The items of the supreme guild card already contain these gift packages, and they also have one more all attributes + 20 skills. Once you take it, it's like a stone. It's better than eating essence. It's free. You can use it to see the effect. This is not the main content. We'd better skip it<

( and paste to activate)

(after activation, you will be prompted, and then you can pick up the third item of NPC)

"new Tianlong Babu" 1 ~ 90 complete upgrade strategy

"new Tianlong Babu" 1 ~ 90 complete upgrade strategy

< 6

after level 10, you can choose a sect to join, and you will be prompted in the direct task. Here we should pay attention to that when you go to each school, remember to learn the novice skills of each school

(learn the skills of novice sect)

after joining a sect, you can easily upgrade. Now it's said that Tangmen are very corrupt, so let's practice Tangmen<

"new Tianlong Babu" 1 ~ 90 complete upgrade strategy


after joining the sect, there is a task to enter the sect. Remember that it can be transmitted directly from Dali square, and the new game will inevitably take time. The main purpose of running a circle is to guide how to upgrade skills. After learning, it will be directly transmitted to Luoyang. Luoyang, the ancient capital of the Six Dynasties, is a very prosperous place. There are many gangs and shops. It connects Dunhuang in the west, Songshan in the South and Yannan in the East. It is the only way to ancient tombs<

(Note: upgrading after level 10 requires manual operation, as shown in the figure: click, attribute points can only be freely allocated after level 30)

"new Tianlong Babu" 1 ~ 90 complete upgrade strategy


after arriving at Dunhuang, follow the main line to level 15 soon, kill some wolves, and run a few steps to reach it. After reaching level 15, you will receive the mission to Songshan, all the way to Songshan, and after level 20, you will receive the mission to West Lake. Click the mission, you will automatically find the way from Songshan - Luoyang to Suzhou - West Lake. I believe that after level 10, we have basically started. Here we will not take a screenshot one by one

the West Lake is a level 20 mission scene, with heaven above and Suzhou and Hangzhou below. Like is a favorite place for many female players. There is a night like scene beside the West Lake, which is a must for married players


after reaching level 25, you will automatically receive the task of going to Erhai Lake. After finishing the task of Erhai Lake, you have reached level 30 or so. At this time, pay attention that when level 29 reaches level 30, you don't need to upgrade. That is to say, you can keep your experience. At this time, you can pay homage to a master. After that, ask the master to take you to brush friendly. When you reach level 500 or 1000, you can upgrade. The master can gain 30W experience, and you will also get reward items. When you reach level 45, you will get a black mutant rare animal

after reaching level 30, clean up the package and return to Dali shuang to get a reward of level 25. You will get a dahuandan. When you reach level 32, you can swallow it directly (right-click) and even upgrade to level 3

if you reach level 30 at the right time, if you have a guild, you can brush off the anti thief with your guild friends. Remember to open a pair. The experience is very good. Or brush the pieces. A comes out at level 33, and then swallows dahuandan. It's easy to get to level 36. After level 30, some people still think that they need to do mainline tasks. In fact, this is a waste of time. So don't be in charge of the main line, go to the directly, and then finish several single tasks at level 41 or 42. If there are guild players, they can join the gang, earn money and prepare for war

after reaching level 36, the upgrade will be very fast. First, go to zhoutianshi in Luoyang to pick up the chess pieces, then brush the pieces backwards, then brush the pieces smaller, and finally run. Remember to open 4 times experience. After passing these tasks, you will reach level 42

novice players can finish it in 2 hours

after level 42, the upgrade is a little full. When you reach level 42, you can still make your own artifact. You will be rewarded with one single and three guild gift packages. You can get the artifact by swiping the running and hitting 1000 monsters. (it's suggested that you can kill 1000 monsters in the skyscraper. It's faster and no one will rob.). After reaching level 45, you can go to the school to accept the task of some skills. If you order all the skills, the upgrade will be faster. But if you have brothers of the guild to play together, team activities, or very fast, after all kinds of activities, the day can reach level 50. Please see the figure below for activities and participation time. There are "wonderful activities" in the upper right corner of the game. Click to view them

"new Tianlong Babu" 1 ~ 90 complete upgrade strategy

of course, there are many activities experience and items, if you have time, you can brush some copies, such as: Suzhou Sanhuan, Paopao, also known as the old Sanhuan. You can also do the next school task. There are rewards for the accumulation of the number of school task rings

after level 50, the upgrade will be full. It will take about an hour to upgrade. At this time, you need the help of your teammates. If you are a recharge player, you can change your equipment and add some gems to: ancient tomb, level 1 to 3, or the first floor of the underground palace. You can brush monsters and practice level in one hour, which is about level 4. The upgrade is relatively fast. If ordinary leisure players form teams to do tasks, the activity time is about level 60 in a day

(underground palace of the Qin emperor, upgraded holy land)

generally speaking, the upgrade of the new Tianlong Babu is very fast

1-90 complete upgrade strategy of new Tianlong Babu

after reaching level 60, it is also the time to start the watershed. Players who upgrade fast may reach level 88 in one day, and VIP can put on 90 + equipment in exchange for Zijin dragon card. Upgrading is faster. It takes about a week for ordinary players to reach level 80 just by their activities and brushing monsters

after level 60, the main upgrade plan is to brush monsters. Of course, if you don't care about the level, you will keep up with it through the activity

after reaching level 75, you can enter Loulan City, where there will be more activities and copies for you to participate, and the upgrade will be slightly accelerated. You can also go to the ancient tomb or underground palace to upgrade on the 2nd or 3rd floor

following this rhythm to level 80 does not change. There are also many scenes of painting monsters

you will soon reach level 80, because level 90 is the watershed, so many players will stop at level 80 to make artifact and hit the boss. The boss will drop many rare items, some of which are very precious, such as the Emei skill: pure heart universal good mantra. It's all the things that Emei players rob

upgrading to level 90 requires the first six skills to reach level 80, and the light point skill needs about 2000 gold coins. It still needs a lot of experience. Many players will not upgrade for several months when they upgrade from level 89 to level 90. In fact, they just focus on skills. However, it's not difficult for the current "new Tianlong Babu" to upgrade, so it's generally about a week and they all upgrade to level 90

after level 90, many players are no longer on this server and start to go to Tianhuang ancient mirror. Of course, this is a later story. We will talk about it later

let's share the experience of xintianlong Babu to see seven ways to make money that people ignore<

1. Fireflies:

in the scene of night west lake (Suzhou West Lake Night West Lake)

Tianlong Babu

Click fireflies to catch fireflies, and there is a certain chance to get firefly fireworks. Fireflies can be sold to businessman Bao Shirong Suzhou [189168] for money, You also need a certain amount of fireflies in the wedding ring upgrade task. The use of fireworks, blooming a gorgeous firefly effect<

Tianlong Babu

① fireflies can be easily delivered in 2 or 3 minutes, so you can consider it when you have no money to buy medicine< (2) catching fireflies is also a way to make money, but it is limited by conditions, so it is suitable for long-time online players

③ because the firefly refresh time is 2 hours. So, if you master the time of a firefly, you can wait for the firefly to come out on time every day. At most, I caught all the fireflies in the West Lake at night! It took 16 minutes and got 28 jiaozi. I was lucky that no one robbed me< Thank you for listening to me so patiently. Next, I'll talk about fireflies. Now, this firefly needs to be robbed! Yes, it's like the Anti Japanese war in the new district. We have to fight! Then I'm going to talk about this method. First of all, let's take a look at the map:

Tianlong Babu

the red three corners are the places that players prefer as the starting point, the yellow arrow refers to your efficient insect catching track, and the green dot is the insect spot that people prefer to find when they finally find the leak. The same below<

Tianlong Babu

top of 2 loops

Tianlong Babu

the red box area is insect free area, so don't waste time looking for it

Tianlong Babu

then, if we are familiar with the running method, what we need to do is to grab! If you have the conditions, you should pay attention to avoid direct conflict with others. It's not worth fighting for jijiaozi. It also delays you catching fireflies. Isn't the purpose of your coming here to make money? The concept of time has to have, to speed, nothing to use to speed up running. To have a certain degree of judgment, to judge the opponent's trajectory. In this way, you can walk a lot less and save time

⑤ when catching insects, there is a kind of thing called fluorescent dance. You should not pick up that thing. As for the benefits of doing so, I will not say< br />
5. This kind of business line can not run, too few scenes
whether you are in Erhai or Shilin, you can run like this
Shilin / Cangshan → Erhai → Dali → Jiange → Dunhuang → Luoyang → Yannan
that is to say, you can pull a business line of Yannan, one time, eight times, four hours
6. Search the ice flame space, download the ice flame script, which is very complete, of course, there are a few bugs, at least very safe, I have been using
7. If you have lost the file, download and re register it, or download a dm.dll file from the Internet, and then unzip it into the game
Tianlong Babu upgrade and pay for it
first of all, the scene of new Tianlong Babu is different from that of some guilds that have never played before. The first map to enter the game is Wuliang Mountain. The task starts from "Wuliang Mountain of origin", and it can't activate any card. It will waste a lot of time to activate any card at this time. We need to come back to do the task again, so we can't mislead you<
(enter the first task of the game)
(left click to get the task)
(depending on your operation mode, you can attack by directly clicking the monster with the left button. F1 ~ F10 are skills, The operation and setting of other buttons have been told in the previous evaluation)
1-90 complete upgrade strategy of new Tianlong Babu
the novice guidance of new Tianlong Babu is much better than before, and each part has a very intimate guidance, so it's very fast to start. Along the main line, novices can reach level 7 in about 10 minutes, and then they can enter Dali city Dali city is one of the main cities: there are four main cities in the eight divisions of Tianlong: Dali, Luoyang, Suzhou and Loulan. Each main city has a level limit)
continue to follow the main line, and after three tasks in Dali, you will reach level 10
(at level 10, I'll see our Heavenly Master, and I'll find him every time for the plot task)
"new Tianlong Babu" 1-90 complete upgrade strategy
now you can activate the gift bag. Some guilds say that if you activate a bunch of gift bags, you don't waste your energy, The best gift package is the supreme guild card + Changyou gold card + DuoWan privilege card + Jijia card + all kinds of VIP cards. As for the 2888 pull and octopus card, it's all conflict and chicken ribs. The items of the supreme guild card already contain these gift packages, and they also have one more all attributes + 20 skills. Once you take it, it's like a stone. It's better than eating essence. It's free. You can use it to see the effect. This is not the main content. We'd better skip it<
( and paste to activate)
(prompt after activation, and then click the third item of NPC again to get it)
"new Tianlong Babu" 1 ~ 90 complete upgrade strategy
"new Tianlong Babu" 1 ~ 90 complete upgrade strategy
after level 10, you can choose a sect to join, and you will be prompted in the direct task. Here we should pay attention to that when you go to each school, remember to learn the novice skills of each school
(learn the skills of novices)
after joining a sect, you can easily upgrade. Now it's said that Tangmen are very corrupt, so let's practice Tangmen
1-90 complete upgrade strategy of new Tianlong Babu
after joining the sect, there is a task to enter the sect. Remember that it can be transmitted directly from Dali square, and the new game will inevitably take time. The main purpose of running a circle is to guide how to upgrade skills. After learning, it will be directly transmitted to Luoyang. Luoyang, the ancient capital of the Six Dynasties, is a very prosperous place. There are many gangs and shops. It connects Dunhuang in the west, Songshan in the South and Yannan in the East. It is the only way to ancient tombs
(Note: upgrading after level 10 needs to be done manually, as shown in the figure: click, attribute points can only be allocated freely after level 30)
"new Tianlong Babu" 1 ~ 90 complete upgrade strategy
after arriving at Dunhuang, follow the main line to level 15 soon, kill some wolves, run a few steps, and you can reach it. After reaching level 15, you will receive the mission to Songshan, all the way to Songshan, and after level 20, you will receive the mission to West Lake. Click the mission, you will automatically find the way from Songshan - Luoyang to Suzhou - West Lake. I believe that after level 10, we have basically started. Here we will not take a screenshot one by one
the West Lake is a level 20 mission scene, with heaven above and Suzhou and Hangzhou below. Like is a favorite place for many female players. There is a night like scene beside the West Lake, which is a must for married players
after reaching level 25, you will automatically receive the task of going to Erhai Lake. After finishing the task of Erhai Lake, you have reached level 30 or so. At this time, pay attention that when level 29 reaches level 30, you don't need to upgrade. That is to say, you can keep your experience. At this time, you can pay homage to a master. After that, ask the master to take you to brush friendly. When you reach level 500 or 1000, you can upgrade. The master can gain 30W experience, and you will also get reward items. When you reach level 45, you will get a black mutant rare animal
after reaching level 30, clean up the package and return to Dali shuang to receive a reward of level 25. You will receive a dahuandan. When you reach level 32, you can swallow it directly (right-click), and you can even upgrade to level 3
if you reach level 30 at the right time, if you have a guild, you can brush off the anti thief with your guild friends. Remember to open a pair. The experience is very good. Or brush the pieces. A comes out at level 33, and then swallows dahuandan. It's easy to get to level 36. After level 30, some people still think that they need to do mainline tasks. In fact, this is a waste of time. So don't be in charge of the main line, go to the directly, and then finish several single tasks at level 41 or 42. If there are guild players, they can join the gang, earn money and prepare for war
after reaching level 36, the upgrade will be very fast. First, go to zhoutianshi in Luoyang to pick up the pieces, then brush the pieces, then brush the pieces, and finally run. Remember to open 4 times experience. After passing these tasks, you will reach level 42
novice players can finish it in 2 hours
after level 42, the upgrade is a little full. When you reach level 42, you can still make your own artifact. You will be rewarded with one single and three guild gift packages. You can get the artifact by swiping the running and hitting 1000 monsters. (it is suggested that you can kill 1000 monsters in the skyscraper. It's faster and nobody grabs them.). After reaching level 45, you can go to the school to accept the task of some skills. If you order all the skills, the upgrade will be faster. But if you have brothers of the guild to play together, team activities, or very fast, after all kinds of activities, the day can reach level 50. Please see the figure below for activities and participation time. There are "wonderful activities" in the upper right corner of the game. Click to view them
1-90 complete upgrade strategy of new Tianlong Babu
of course, there are a lot of experience and items. If you have time, you can brush some copies, such as Suzhou Third Ring Road, Paopao, also known as the old Third Ring Road. You can also do the next school task. There are rewards for the accumulation of the number of school task rings
after level 50, the upgrade will be full. It will take about an hour to upgrade. At this time, you need the help of your teammates. If you are a recharge player, you can change your equipment and add some gems to: ancient tomb, level 1 to 3, or the first floor of the underground palace. You can brush monsters and practice level in one hour, which is about level 4. The upgrade is relatively fast. If ordinary leisure players form teams to do tasks, the activity time is about level 60 in a day
(underground palace of the Qin emperor, upgraded holy land)
generally speaking, the new Tianlong Babu is still upgraded very quickly
1 ~ 90 complete upgrade strategy of new Tianlong Babu
after reaching level 60, it's also the time to start the watershed. Players who upgrade fast may reach level 88 in one day, and VIP can put on 90 + equipment in exchange for Zijin Youlong card. Upgrading is faster. It takes about a week for ordinary players to reach level 80 just by their activities and brushing monsters
after level 60, the main upgrade plan is to brush monsters. Of course, if you don't care about the level, you'll keep up with it
after reaching level 75, you can enter Loulan City, where there will be more activities and copies for you to participate, and the upgrade will be slightly accelerated. You can also go to the ancient tomb or underground palace to upgrade on the 2nd or 3rd floor
following this rhythm to level 80 doesn't change. There are also many scenes of painting monsters
you will soon reach level 80, because level 90 is the watershed, so many players will stop at level 80 to make artifact and hit the boss. The boss will drop a lot of rare items, some of which are very precious, such as the Emei skill: pure heart universal good mantra. It's all the things that Emei players rob
upgrading to level 90 requires the first six skills to reach level 80, and the light point skill needs about 2000 gold coins. It still needs a lot of experience. Many players will not upgrade for several months when they upgrade from level 89 to level 90. In fact, they just focus on skills. However, it's not difficult for the current "new Tianlong Babu" to upgrade, so it's generally about a week and they all upgrade to level 90
after level 90, many players are no longer on the server and start to go to Tianhuang ancient mirror. Of course, that's what we'll talk about later
let's share the experience of new Tianlong Babu and take a look at seven ways to make money that people ignore
1. Fireflies:
in the scene of night west lake (Suzhou West Lake Night West Lake)
Tianlong Babu
Click fireflies to catch fireflies, and you have a certain chance to get firefly fireworks. Fireflies can be sold to businessman Bao Shirong Suzhou [189168], and you can get money. You also need a certain amount of fireflies in the task of wedding ring upgrade. The use of fireworks, blooming a gorgeous firefly effect<
Tianlong Babu
① fireflies can be easily obtained in 2 or 3 minutes, so you can consider it when you have no money to buy medicine< (2) catching fireflies is also a way to earn money, but it is limited by conditions, so it is suitable for long-time online players
③ because fireflies refresh every 2 hours. So, if you master the time of a firefly, you can wait for the firefly to come out on time every day. At most, I caught all the fireflies in the West Lake at night! It took 16 minutes and got 28 jiaozi. I was lucky that no one robbed me< Thank you for listening to me so patiently. Next, I'll talk about fireflies. Now, this firefly needs to be robbed! Yes, it's like the Anti Japanese war in the new district. We have to fight! Then I'm going to talk about this method. First of all, let's take a look at the map:
Tianlong Babu
the red three corner points are the places where players prefer to start, the yellow arrow refers to your efficient insect catching track, and the green point is the insect point that people are willing to find when they find a leak. The same below<
Tianlong Babu
the top of 2 loops
Tianlong Babu
the red box area is the insect free area, so don't waste time looking for it
Tianlong Babu
then, when we are familiar with the running method, what we need to do is to grab! If you have the conditions, you should pay attention to avoid direct conflict with others. It's not worth fighting for jijiaozi. It also delays you catching fireflies. Isn't the purpose of your coming here to make money? The concept of time has to have, to speed, nothing to use to speed up running. To have a certain degree of judgment, to judge the opponent's trajectory. In this way, you can walk a lot less and save time< When catching insects, there is a kind of thing called fluorescent dance. You should not pick it up. As for the advantages of doing so, I will not say<
2. Drawing:
now drawing is very simple, because there is an automatic Pathfinder. It is recommended that players of level 30-39 or above should play, because the punishment orders in this level range are all nearby scenes. It takes about 1-3 minutes for a picture, and each picture sells about 3j,
8. The security platform of virtual currency toobi is not clear, but it is very risky
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