Virtual currency WIA
Some virtual currencies are illegal in China. Chinese laws prohibit virtual currencies. The only legal currency in China is RMB. Since the people's Republic of China issued RMB, it has lasted 71 years. With the development of economic construction and the needs of people's life, it has graally improved and improved. So far, it has issued five sets of RMB, forming a multi variety and multi series monetary system of paper money and metal money, ordinary commemorative money and precious metal commemorative money
except for 1,2,5 fen coins, the first, second and third sets of RMB have been withdrawn from circulation, and the fourth set of RMB has been suspended from circulation since May 1, 2018 (except 1 jiao, 5 jiao notes and 5 jiao, 1 yuan coins). The current circulation of RMB is mainly the fifth set of RMB issued in 1999
the people's Bank of China is scheled to issue the fifth set of RMB 50 yuan, 20 yuan, 10 yuan, 1 yuan banknotes and 1 yuan, 5 jiao, 1 jiao coins of the 2019 edition from August 30, 2019. The fifth set of RMB inherits the traditional experience of China's printing technology and draws lessons from the advanced technology of foreign banknote design, which has greatly improved its anti-counterfeiting performance and currency processing modernization
Chairman Mao Zedong's head portrait in the early days of the founding of the people's Republic of China is used on the front of each denomination currency, the famous Chinese flower pattern is used on the bottom, and the main scenery pattern on the back fully shows China's long history and magnificent mountains and rivers, and carries forward China's great national culture by selecting representative patterns with national characteristics
the first category is familiar game currency
the second type is the special currency issued by the portal website or instant messaging service provider, which is used to purchase the services in the website. The most widely used is Tencent's q-coin, which can be used to purchase membership, QQ show and other value-added services
the first two types can be regarded as one, which is only a detailed difference in function. Since the end of 2016, the third type of digital currency has quietly entered our life, which refers to the digitization of currency. Digitization doesn't mean scanning. This is just like digital signature. Digital signature does not mean scanning your signature into a digital image, or using the touchpad to obtain the signature, let alone your signature. Digital currency is often mistaken for virtual currency. But virtual currency refers to non real currency. For example, when you play "Three Kingdoms" (game) or "grand Voyage", you have money, which is virtual, that is, the first and second categories we just described. Of course, the virtual money will also have its real value. For example, if you buy her / his account from another player, you can get all the virtual assets of that player, and then it will be much easier for you to continue playing. Virtual money is not necessarily digital. For example, children play games with pebbles as virtual currency
there are also obvious differences between the transaction rules of digital currency and virtual currency. In most cases, the value of digital currency is higher than that of virtual currency, and it needs more strict transaction rules to carry out transactions
the top three currencies of digital currency are BTC eth EOS
1 bitcoin
2 Leyte coin
3 Dahan coin
it is expected that Leyte coin will catch up with bitcoin
you can inquire about Dahan coin Ruide
the future Chinese bitcoin
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