What's byt for virtual currency
It's short for bright young things, which means young people's procts
1. Pronunciation: English [Bra & # 618; t jʌ 331; θ 618; 331; z] Beauty [Bra & # 618; t jʌ 331; θ 618; 331; z]
2. Basic definition: glorious years, young ambition, no worries, frivolous youth, young
Grammar: the basic meaning of young is "young, young, young and newly developed", which means that someone or something is in an immature or budding state. It can be used as a metaphor to refer to "energetic and youthful" Young ambition< H2 > extended materials
1. Young ambition
1 331; 230; mˈ bɪ 643; n] Beauty [J & 652 331; 230; mˈ bɪ 643; n] The basic meaning of "ambition" is "ambition". It emphasizes the purpose of personal achievement. It can be used in the commendatory or derogatory sense. It can refer to praiseworthy ambition or unlimited ambition
Young animal1 331; 712; 230; nɪ [ml] beauty [J & 652 331; 712; 230; nɪ The meaning of "animal" as a noun can be divided into several levels. It refers to animals that are different from plants and minerals, that is, creatures that have sense and can move. It refers to animals other than human and bacteria
abbr. Bright young things
[example sentence] by even if Americana are losing a few areas, it will be many years before the country solves the health problems caused by half a century &; However, even if Americans lose a little weight, it will take many years to solve the half century old problem.