What are the prospects and risks of ACC pool
PPLNs: (the purest Group mining) full name is pay per last n shares, which means "pay income according to the past n shares", which means that once all miners find a block, You will allocate the currency in the block according to the proportion of each person's own shares Share means share)
in PPLNs mode, luck is very important. If the mine pool can find many blocks in a day, then everyone's dividend will be very large. If the mine pool can't find any blocks in a day, then everyone will have no income
PPS: pay per share mode --- this mode is to pay for each share immediately. The expenditure comes from the existing bitcoin funds in the mine pool, so it can be withdrawn immediately without waiting for the block generation or confirmation. In this way, the operation behind the scenes of the pool operators can be avoided. This method reces the risk of miners, but transfers the risk to the pool operator. Operators can charge fees to make up for the possible losses caused by these risks
in order to solve the problem that PPLNs sometimes has a high profit and sometimes has no profit, PPS adopts a new algorithm. PPS estimates the daily available mineral resources of the mine pool according to the proportion of your computing power in the mine pool, and gives you basically fixed income every day
do you feel that this is a stable job? In fact, in order to avoid the risk of loss, the PPS model often charges a high handling charge of 7% - 8%< DGM: Double geometric method. It combines PPLNs and geometric reward type, so that the pool operator can avoid part of the risk. The pool operator will collect part of the excavated currency in a short time, and then return it to the miners with normalized value, such as charge and discharge of electric capacity. If you are lucky, you will get less money for each block and more money for poor luck
175btc: the mining node of 175btc works on a shares chain similar to bitcoin blockchain. Because there is no center, it will not be attacked by DOS. Unlike other existing mine pool technologies, each node's working block includes bitcoin paid to the owner of shares in the early stage and the node's own bitcoin. 99% of the reward (50btc + transaction cost) will be distributed equally to miners, and the other 0.5% will be awarded to those who generate blocks
bitcoin home has a detailed introction.
you may have to dig for five years to get a block. Team mining is that once anyone in the team gets a block, they will divide the currency in the block according to their performance, so that they can get bitcoin quickly.
In fact, Mbyte means "megabyte" and Mbit means "megabit". Mbyte is the number of bytes, Mbit is the number of bits Although "byte" in Mbyte is the same as "bit" in Mbit, both are bits and data measurement units, they are completely different. Byte is the "number of bytes" and bit is the "number of bits". In a computer, every eight bits is a byte, that is, 1byte = 8bit, which is the corresponding relationship of 1:8. Therefore, when writing units, we must pay attention to the case and meaning of B letters
basic data unit conversion
byte (byte): 8 binary bits for a byte (b), the most commonly used unit. Computer storage units are generally represented by B, KB, MB, GB, TB, Pb, EB, ZB, Yb, BB. The relationship between them is:
1B (byte) = 8bit,
1KB (kilobyte) = 1024b,
1MB (mega byte for short) = 1024KB,
1GB (Gigabyte for short) = 1024MB,
1TB (Tera byte terabyte) = 1024gb, of which 1024 = 2 ^ 10 (the 10th power of 2),
1PB (PETA byte petabytes) = 1024tb,
1eb (exa byte petabytes) = 1024pb,
1zb (zetta byte petabytes) = 1024 EB,
1yb (yotta byte petabytes) = 1024 ZB,
1BB (bronto byte 100 billion bytes) = 1024 Yb
1nb (Nona byte) = 1024bb,
1dB (dogga byte) = 1024nb
It is reported that the company announced the price of the new m-byte. The new m-byte is an electric SUV with a starting price of 45000 euros (about 346500 yuan). It will be officially put into mass proction in the middle of this year and will be delivered at the end of 2021. At present, the new m-byte has been pre sold to the global market, and the new car has a predetermined volume of 65000 units
at present, the company has established a partnership with a number of European car dealers, will open high-standard sales stores in 20 European cities, and plans to establish a digital charging station in Munich, Germany
this article comes from the author of car home, which does not represent the standpoint of car home
1. Properties
commname: fill in the names of COM1, com2... And other serial ports, which must be filled in before opening the serial port
baudrate: set baudrate 96004800, etc. according to the actual needs. The baudrate can also be changed after the serial port is opened, and the actual baudrate will be changed accordingly
paritycheck: parity check
bytesize: byte length_ 5,_ 6,_ 7,_ 8, etc. according to the actual situation
parity: parity bit
pbits: stop bit
senddataempty: This is a Boolean property. If true, it means that the send cache is empty or there is no information in the send queue; False indicates that the send cache is not empty, or there is information in the send queue
2. Method
the startcom procere is used to open the serial port. When the opening fails, an error is usually reported. There are seven kinds of errors:
1. The serial port has been opened; 2< (2) error opening serial port< (3) the file handle is not a communication handle< (4) communication cache cannot be installed< (5) no event can be generated< (6) the read process cannot be generated< (7) the write process cannot be generated
the stopcomm procere is used to close the serial port and has no return value
function writecommdata (pdatatowrite: PChar; dwSizeofDataToW rite:Word : Boolean is used to send a string to the write thread. If it is sent successfully, it will return true. If it is sent failed, it will return false. If you execute this function, you will get the return value immediately, and the send operation will be executed later. The function has two parameters, where pdatatowrite is the string to send and dwsizeofdatatowrite is the length of the send
3. Event
onreceivedata: process (sender: tobject; Buffer: Pointer; Bufferlength: word) of object
this event will be triggered when there is data in the input cache, where the data received from the serial port can be processed. Buffer is the received data, and buffer length is the length of the received data< br />
OnReceiveError : procere(Sender: TObject; Eventmask: DWORD)
this event will be triggered when an error occurs when receiving data.
public Byte[] getphoto(string photopath)
string str = photopath;
FileStream file = new FileStream(str, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
Byte[] bytBLOBData = new Byte[file.Length];
file.Read(bytBLOBData, 0, bytBLOBData.Length);
return bytBLOBData;
if (this.pictureBox1.Image != null)
sql1 = sql1 + ",Photo";
sql2 = sql2 + ",bytBLOBData";
Byte[] bytBLOBData = getphoto(openFileDialog1.FileName);
cmd.Parameters.Add(new OleDbParameter("jpeg", OleDbType.Binary, bytBLOBData.Length, ParameterDirection.Input, true, 0, 0, null, DataRowVersion.Default, bytBLOBData));
string sql = "select photo from studentinfo where studentid = " + this.Tag.ToString();
OleDbCommand cmd = new OleDbCommand(sql, connection1);
if (Convert.DBNull != cmd.ExecuteScalar())
pictureBox1.Image = Image.FromStream(new MemoryStream((Byte[])cmd.ExecuteScalar()));//读取长二进制为图片..