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Ethereum command Windows

Publish: 2021-05-29 15:55:02
1. My computer - & gt; Attribute - & gt; Advanced - & gt; Environment variables - & gt; Add the following environment variables to the system variables:
java_ The home value is: the directory where JDK is installed, and mine is C: &# 92; Program Files\ Java\ jdk1.6.0_ 34
the classpath value is:;% JAVA_ HOME%\ lib\ tools.jar;% JAVA_ HOME%\ lib\ dt.jar;% JAVA_ HOME%\ bin;( Pay attention to the & quot& quot; To add)
Path: append at the beginning.;% JAVA_ HOME%\ bin;% JAVA_ HOME%\ jre\ bin;( Pay attention to the & quot& quot; To add)

after the installation, you can check whether the JDK is installed successfully. Open the CMD window and enter Java – version to view the version information of JDK.
2. Eth mining mainly uses graphics card to mine. Therefore, you need a PC with the following devices:
graphics card, motherboard, power supply, CPU, memory, hard disk (more than 60g SSD is recommended), extension cable, adapter cable, etc
among them, the graphics card determines the speed of mining, and the motherboard and power supply largely determine the stability of mining machine operation.

First of all, the answer: Linux system has more advantages than windows

The main advantages of

are as follows:

< UL >

  • operation is relatively more stable and maintenance is more convenient

  • the cost of system resources is small (that is, the hardware requirements are not high), and the mining cost is saved

  • the installation and debugging are simple, and the technical threshold is lower

  • fully open source system, free legal edition, more stable and further save mining cost? In fact, you only need two steps to mine under Linux system:

    < UL >
  • open the website, enter the mobile phone number, select how many CPUs you want to use to mine, the default is to use 50% of the CPU to mine, click to generate your exclusive command and

  • is such a simple operation

    4. 1. Preparation. Windows 64 bit system, C disk to reserve a certain space, download and install vs2015 (the official note only supports vs2015, to be verified), cmake I use 3.10.1, the system language to non Unicode language, such as English (U.S.), otherwise there will be errors in the final compilation
    2. Project clone to local, project address:
    3. Execute submole updata -- init
    4. Install script in the directory_ Deps.bat is copied to the root directory and executed. This step will download hunter, boost, libjson, etc. to Disk C, which takes a long time. Please wait patiently
    5. Go to the directory of the project and create the build subdirectory,
    5. Legend is fun
    Wu glaze / Legend
    6. Truffle is a world-class development environment, testing framework, Ethereum resource management channel, dedicated to making Ethereum development easier, truffle has the following:
    built in smart contract compilation, linking, deployment and binary file management
    automatic contract testing under rapid development
    scripted and extensible deployment and publishing framework
    the network environment management function deployed to no matter how many public or private networks
    uses the package management provided by ethpm & NPM and erc190 standard
    a direct interactive console that communicates directly with the contract (after writing the contract, you can verify it on the command line)
    the configurable construction process supports tight integration
    external scripts can be executed in truffle environment< Truffle is the most popular development framework, whose mission is to make development easier
    installation method:
    $NPM install - G truffle
    environment requirements
    nodejs 5.0 +
    windows, Linux, or Mac OS X
    truffle needs Ethereum client and supports standard JSON RPC API. For development, some are more suitable, which will be introced in the following chapters (for example, testrpc provides real-time feedback ring coding and debugging)
    suggestions for Windows users
    if you are a Windows user, we recommend that you use PowerShell or git bash to install and use the truffle framework. These two shell environments provide more convenient features than the default
    if you have to use the command line, see the discussion here on how to configure truffle.
    7. The solution of eth0 device cannot be found in CentOS
    Problem Description:
    ifconfig command cannot find eth0 device, and / etc / sysconfig / network scripts / has only ifcfg Lo file, but no ifcfg-eth0
    temporary solution 1:
    using the command ifconfig
    192.168.1. X, the IP of eth0 can be set normally. This method is only a temporary method, and it will be invalid after the system is restarted
    permanent solution 2:
    1. Create ifcfg-eth0 file in / etc / sysconfig / network scripts / directory
    2. Set device, bootproto, onboot, IPADDR, gateway, dns1, domain, netmask, network, name, etc. of ifcfg-eth0 correctly, for example:
    device = eth0

    The command of route is to manually configure the routing table, display and modify entries in the local IP routing table, and view the local routing table information with routeprint without parameters. The detailed steps are as follows:

    1, win + R, open the resource manager, enter: CMD, click: OK, and enter: route /? To see how the route command and parameters are used

    9. Equivalent to ipconfig command under Windows
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