Ethereum alliance chain joining
Ethereum energy coin is not MLM
Ethereum is an open source public blockchain platform with smart contract function. Ethereum provides decentralized virtual machine (Ethereum virtual machine) to process point-to-point contract through its special cryptocurrency Ethereum
in 2013, vitalik buterin, 19, first mentioned the idea of Ethereum in a book entitled "Ethereum white paper: next generation intelligent connection and decentralized application platform". Then, in 2014, the algorithm and protocol of Ethernet coin were officially implemented, and $150 million was raised. The system itself was finally completed on July 30, 2015
as the representative of blockchain 2.0, the mainstream currency Ethernet is regarded as the wind vane of crypto digital currency market. However, over the past week, the price of ether currency has continued to fall. On August 14, 2018, the ethereal currency plummeted by 20%, reaching a record low of $257 this year. Compared with this year's peak of $1295, the price of Ethernet currency has shrunk by more than 80%. Affected by this, on August 15, 2018, none of the top ten mainstream currencies in the digital money market was spared, falling across the board, with a number of single day declines exceeding 10%
extended data
Ethereum started planning almost in 2013, and started to implement the project in 2015. Before that, there were many digital currencies imitating bitcoin in the market, and they made various modifications on the basis of bitcoin code. In this way, it is very difficult to develop a new blockchain application, to re deploy a new chain, and then to develop an application on this chain. Using a consensus mechanism of pow alone is a huge maintenance workload. It's like developing an app on a mobile phone and developing the Android system together
after Ethereum comes out, it is equivalent to the underlying operating system of the blockchain. On Ethereum, it is very convenient to develop various dapps without considering the underlying development, and it can also share the computing power and storage of Ethereum. For programmers, the threshold of blockchain development is lowered instantly. The emergence of Ethereum has played a very important role in the development and popularization of blockchain applications. That's why Ethereum is called blockchain 2.0
what is Ethereum:
Ethereum is an innovation based on the application of technologies and concepts in bitcoin to computers. Ethereum itself imitates a lot of bitcoin technology to maintain the computer platform. Blockchain technology is one of them
Ethereum platform can safely run any program users want
advantages of Ethereum over other competitive currencies before Ethereum appeared, some digital currencies imitated bitcoin. However, these projects have their own shortcomings, they can only support one or several specific applications at the same time< However, the reason why Ethereum can surpass the limitations of these projects in the past is because of the core idea of Ethereum
what Ethereum wants to implement is a blockchain protocol with built-in programming language. Since it supports programming language, in theory, any blockchain application can be defined with this language, and then run on Ethereum's blockchain protocol as an application
The design of Ethereum is very flexible and adaptable
Ethereum target sets the advantages of blockchain technology, in order to add the advantages of blockchain, such as decentralization, openness and security, to almost all computing fields
blockchain applications of Ethereum
Ethereum has many blockchain applications, such as digital applications of gold and stocks, financial derivatives applications, DNS and digital authentication, etc
Ethereum has achieved more than 100 blockchain applications by many start-ups
Ethereum has also been closely watched by some financial institutions, banking consortia (such as R3), as well as large companies like Samsung, Deloitte, RWE and IBM. As a result, a number of blockchain applications such as simplified and automated financial transactions, merchant loyalty index tracking, and gift cards designed to achieve decentralization of electronic transactions have emerged
the relationship between Ethereum and blockchain:
Ethereum is a programmable blockchain
Ethereum does not give users a series of preset operations (such as bitcoin transaction), but allows users to create complex operations according to their own wishes
in this way, Ethereum can be used as a platform for various types of decentralized blockchain applications, including but not limited to cryptocurrency
like other blockchains, Ethereum also has a peer-to-peer network protocol. Ethereum blockchain database is maintained and updated by many nodes connected to the network. Each network node runs the Ethereum simulator and executes the same instructions. Therefore, people sometimes call Ethereum "world computer"
Shenzhen Qianhai Ethereum blockchain Technology Co., Ltd. is a limited liability company incorporated in Shenzhen, Guangdong Province on June 19, 2018, with its registered address at Room 201, building a, No. 1, Qianwan 1st Road, Shenzhen Hong Kong cooperation zone, Qianhai, Shenzhen (settled in Shenzhen Qianhai business secretary Co., Ltd.)
the unified social credit code / registration number of Shenzhen Qianhai Ethereum blockchain Technology Co., Ltd. is 91440300ma5f6ge058, and the enterprise legal person is Fang Jiawen. At present, the enterprise is in business
Shenzhen Qianhai Ethereum blockchain Technology Co., Ltd., within the province, the current registered capital of the enterprise is general
view more information of Shenzhen Qianhai Ethereum blockchain Technology Co., Ltd. through network enterprise credit
issued based on Ethereum public chain should be observed according to the price trend of the platform.
the trust union credit alliance chain is located in the financial public chain, which is oriented to the high-frequency financial application scenarios in the field of credit and assets. It does not use eth, EOS, Neo and other general public chains, but uses the account structure of star network, adopts the lightweight intelligent contract layer, and the whole technical architecture is molarized according to "high aggregation and low coupling", This enables the trust union credit alliance chain to adapt to the requirements of rapid development, rapid implementation and timely response of Internet financial procts.
The public chain is open to all, the private chain is open to indivials who meet specific conditions, and the alliance chain is open to authorized organizations or institutions
public chain, also known as public blockchains, refers to a consensus blockchain that can be read by anyone in the world, sent by anyone, and effectively confirmed
private chain, also known as fully private blockchains, refers to the blockchain in which the write permission is completely in the hands of an organization, and all nodes participating in the blockchain will be strictly controlled
alliance chain, or alliance blockchains, refers to a blockchain that is managed by several organizations or institutions. Each organization or institution controls one or more nodes and records transaction data together. Only these organizations and institutions can read, write and send transaction data in the alliance chain
blockchain has three types: public chain, private chain and alliance chain
blockchain is a new application mode of distributed data storage, point-to-point transmission, consensus mechanism, encryption algorithm and other computer technologies
blockchain is an important concept of bitcoin. It is essentially a disintermediated database. At the same time, as the underlying technology of bitcoin, it is a series of data blocks generated by using cryptographic methods. Each data block contains the information of a bitcoin network transaction, Used to verify the validity of its information (anti-counterfeiting) and generate the next block
< H2 > reference: blockchain networkyou can see the account balance under balance (ethers). The unit is ether
2. In the command line, geth console. Starts the control terminal of Ethereum
when & quot& gt;& quot; At the prompt, enter Web3. From Wei (ETH. Getbalance (ETH. Coinbase), & quot; ether") After that, press enter to confirm
the account balance will be displayed. The unit is ether.