Ethereum public and private key generation rules
To use OpenSSL on Ubuntu, you need to install it first. The command is as follows:
sudo apt get install OpenSSL
after the installation, you can use OpenSSL
first, you need to enter the interactive interface of OpenSSL and enter OpenSSL on the command line
1) generate RSA private key:
genrsa - out RSA_ private_ Key.pem 1024
this command will generate a 1024 bit private key. The successful interface is as follows:
3) generate RSA public key
input the command RSA - in RSA_ private_ key.pem -pubout -out rsa_ public_ Key.pem and enter
the intelligent parking fee collection system is a set of network system which is built by computer, network equipment and lane management equipment to manage the vehicle access, traffic flow guidance and parking fee collection in the parking lot. It is a necessary tool for professional depot management company. It realizes the dynamic and static comprehensive management of vehicles in and out of the yard by collecting and recording the records of vehicles in and out of the yard and the location of the yard. The system generally takes the radio frequency inction card as the carrier, records the vehicle in and out information through the inction card, realizes the charging strategy through the management software, realizes the charging accounting management, Lane equipment control and other functions.
when running, you will be prompted to enter a password. This password is used to encrypt the key file (parameter DES3 refers to the encryption algorithm, of course, you can choose other algorithms that you think are safe). In the future, you need to enter a password whenever you need to read this file (through the command or API provided by OpenSSL). If you find it inconvenient, you can also remove this password, But we must take other protective measures
command to remove the password of key file:
OpenSSL RSA - in server.key - out server.key!
/ / / generate the private key and public key in XML format in the given path< br /> /// </ summary>< br /> public void GenerateKeys(string path)
First of all, cracking RSA means ciphertext - & gt; The process of plaintext
Suppose plaintext m, ciphertext C, private key D, public key e, RSA encryption process is as follows:1, two large mutually unequal prime numbers P and Q
2, n = P * q
3, FN = (P - 1) * (Q - 1)
4, e and FN are mutually prime, and 1 & lt; e < FN
5, D satisfies de% FN = 1
6, encryption and decryption:
C = (m ^ E)% n
m = (C ^ D)% n
the above formula can be understood as encryption by public key and decryption by private key
the first case : the plaintext and public key are known to get the ciphertext encrypted by the private key. This is the encryption process, which has little to do with the private key D. the encryption process mainly depends on the value of n
suppose that there are countless kinds of plaintext m, public key e, private key D and ciphertext C
in the second case, : the private key is obtained by knowing the plaintext ciphertext and public key
given plaintext m, ciphertext C and public key e, find private key D, and insert the secondary formula: C = (m ^ E)% N, the value of n is not unique, so the value of private key D is not unique
when there are correct answers for comparison, I feel that the second situation is easier to find out
personal opinions, welcome to discuss
why don't we encapsulate these tedious and error prone things to simplify our development
so we have all kinds of development packages, all kinds of architectures, all kinds of libraries
in Java
keypairgenerator keygen = keypairgenerator. GetInstance (& quot; RSA");< br />KeyPair key = keyGen.generateKeyPair(); < br /> cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_ MODE, key.getPublic());< br /> cipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_ MODE, key.getPrivate());
this is a fragment of the code I wrote before. It is not continuous. In general, I get a RSA key pair and then call getpublic ()
getprivatekey () to get the public and private key.
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there are free versions on the Internet
now there are more
various cracking
if you download
go in
there are more in CG
it's better
hope to adopt