The new digital currency of spoiler
We need to call the police. This belongs to currency fraud. We can't blindly trust the virtual investment platform that can easily earn a lot of money. Fraud gangs often use "small investment, big income" as t to let investors taste the sweetness first and then increase investment, so as to achieve the purpose of fraud
at present, the so-called "digital currency" in the market is not legal digital currency. The so-called "digital currency" launched by some institutions and enterprises and the so-called promotion of the central bank's issuance of digital currency may involve pyramid selling and fraud. It is necessary for the general public to raise their risk awareness, invest rationally and prudently, and prevent the interests from being damaged
extended information:
five ways to distinguish whether digital currency is MLM currency. virtual currency does not rely on specific monetary institutions to issue, it is based on a specific algorithm, generated through a large number of calculations, is a decentralized way of issuing. Each different terminal node is responsible for maintaining the same account book, and the maintenance process is mainly to package and encrypt the transaction information by the algorithm, while the MLM currency is mainly issued by a certain organization, and the profit is made by pulling the head
2. Transaction mode. Virtual currency is a kind of sporadic transaction formed spontaneously in the market. After the scale is formed, the third party graally establishes an exchange to complete the transaction. The MLM currency is issued by an institution and traded on its own platform
3. The virtual currency itself is an open source program, maintained in the GitHub community. The parameters and methods of the total amount limit are shown in the open source code. The open source of MLM currency is completely ing other people's open source code, and there is no use of open source code to build programs, so its essence is controlled by the website like Q currency
Whether the source code link is given. The general decentralized digital currency will give the source code link in the prominent position of the official website, so as to show the operation mechanism of the monetary system openly and transparently. What MLM currency focuses on is the transaction process of recharge purchase, not to mention its operation mechanism, and even the website does not have the link address of the source code5. Whether the official website starts with HTTPS. In general, the addresses of the official website and trading website of decentralized digital currency begin with HTTPS. The purpose of this kind of website is to protect users' data from illegal theft. But the official website of MLM currency, trading website and other related websites do not start with HTTPS
Nowadays, with the development of the Internet age, the era of digital currency is coming. Digital currency obviously provides convenience for people's life, and there are many advantages. However, digital currency has no advantages of real currency and no interest{ RRRRR}
Third, digital currency has no interestbut the promotion of digital currency also has certain obstacles, for example, our payment platform today, and these mobile payment also need network, once the network problems, then even can not complete the payment. However, digital currency is different, not only does it need no network, but also will not be limited by time and space, and even does not need handling charges< it's just that digital currency has no interest of real currency, which is also the case that many people are reluctant to use digital currency strong>
2013-4-29 上午 11:35:10x禽
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The popularity of digital currency is very high in recent years. People have different opinions on digital currency. Some people support it, while others think it's just another gimmick. As ordinary people, we can invest in digital currency, but at the same time, we should be alert to those who use digital currency to defraud or even pyramid schemes. GEC environmental protection currency has been popular in Hubei for a period of time. Many people have promoted this so-called new digital currency. However, after the investigation by reporters and police, it is found that this digital currency is actually a fraud{ RRRRR}
MLM organizations exist all the time, but they often change their face. They use whatever is popular to publicize . Now that digital currency is popular, they use digital currency to cheat. Here, I also hope that the police can take these groups seriously and try to bring them to the end