Development of real digital currency system
the birth and popularity of bitcoin all over the world depends on the concept, which is in the foreword of the times. However, bitcoin has been preconceived and cannot be replaced by other digital currencies. Although some counterfeit currencies were popular for a while later, they slowly went down in the end, only bitcoin strengthened. Puyin is another shortcut, as a standard system of digital currency appears, behind the endorsement of related tea assets, its value is recognized by the society.
even though many enterprises have invested in the research of blockchain, there are few domestic projects of blockchain, so we should make a certain distinction. At present, there are few enterprises applying blockchain technology to develop digital currency system. For example, the digital currency system scheme developed by Yingtang Zhongchuang has many references. There are many systems developed by Yingtang Zhongchuang. You can have a look at them.
The spacing width of dowel bars is 10 mm
one end of the dowel bar is fixed in one side plate, and the other end can slide in the adjacent side plate. Its function is to transfer traffic load between two pavement slabs and prevent platform staggering, increase the stress transfer between adjacent concrete blocks, so as to prevent uneven settlement of concrete pavement caused by large local stress of concrete pavement, and transfer stress to make adjacent concrete blocks bear stress together
In the calculation, it is assumed that other parameters remain unchanged and the size of the foundation is graally enlarged, and the stress of the slab is graally stable with the increase of the size of the foundation until the stress convergesthrough a lot of trial calculation, the calculation size of the foundation is finally determined as 5.0 M × 7. 0 m × 7. 0 m 75 m in width; The length of slab is generally 4.0 m, 5.0 M and 6.0 M. The length of dowel bar is 450 mm, which is set along the joint center line of concrete slab, and the joint width is 10 mm
contact stress between dowel bar and concrete
the diameter of dowel bar is 32 mm and the length of embedded concrete is 22 cm. The distribution of various contact stresses at the interface between dowel bar and concrete along the length direction of dowel bar is shown in Figure 6. In Figure 6, the horizontal axis is the distance from the center of the seam gap (or the midpoint of the dowel bar). For example, "0" represents the position of the seam, "5" represents the position of the dowel bar 5 cm in the loaded plate, and "5" represents the position of the dowel bar 5 cm in the unloaded plate
the stress distribution along the length direction of the dowel bar is as follows: the maximum contact stress between the dowel bar and concrete is at the joint. With the increase of the distance from the concrete joint, the stress value decreases rapidly, and it is close to 0 at both ends of the dowel bar. In the range of about 8 cm from the joint, all kinds of contact stress values are relatively large. The warping or arching of concrete slab under the action of temperature gradient will lead to the bending of dowel bar
the basic threshold of Minstry is a little high. Let me talk about the new strategy today< 1. Defense facilities: basic technology, necessary items for defense
according to size, it can be divided into small (1x1), medium (2x2), large (3x3) and super large (4x4)< The attack targets can be roughly classified as ground, air, land and air joint
2. Mineral drill: the only way to obtain materials except hand drill can be divided into electric drill and non electric drill. The mining intensity of each miner is different. Let's talk about the mineral hardness. Different minerals have different hardness, and the corresponding mining speed is different. For example, if the mining intensity of dart is one, it can only dig minerals (copper, lead) with hardness less than or equal to one, but not minerals (coal, titanium, thorium) with hardness higher than one
3. The transportation system (solid) does not have one of the necessary materials for each bureau
it can be roughly divided into conveyor belt, conveyor bridge, material cannon and connecting equipment
conveyor belt: directional three-way access, basic transport materials (attachment: transport speed is directly related to distance, and can be accelerated)
conveyor bridge: directional multi terminal access, basic transport materials (attachment: transport speed is not related to distance, and can be accelerated), No acceleration)
material Cannon: directional single end entry, advanced transport material (attachment: transport speed has an indirect relationship with distance, which can be accelerated)
connecting device: non directional four side entry, basic transport material (attachment: transport speed has a direct relationship with arrangement, which can not be accelerated (warning: simultaneous router is extremely not recommended))
4, The details are the same as above, but the simultaneous router will not affect too many speed 5, power, extremely important resources in the later period The key points of drawing are connection points. The hubs that can be connected with multiple objects have upper limit of connection (Note: the connection points are connected with each other to occupy the connection space), battery, temporary power storage unit, rectifier effect diode with reference to actual capacitance, anti negative power (I'll do the tutorial next time, this is the new strategy) power station, power generation unit. There is the nature of blood loss (Note: power generation materials are explosive, the higher the probability and rate of blood loss), and the priority of new technology is pump and turbine. 6. Walls are defense units that block bullets. Some penetrating ammunition can't block them. They can be roughly divided into three categories. Ordinary, special effect, door ordinary, is the literal meaning of anti injury, there is no other special effects. For special effects, the plastic steel wall (absorbing arc, including its own side (Note: it can be used as a small battery without reserve (maybe the next tutorial), the special effects of small plastic steel and large plastic steel are the same), the fabric wall (rebounding most bullets), and the alloy wall (being hit will be blebbing discharge) are extremely not recommended to be used with the plastic steel wall. Door, own door, click to switch (disappear) 7, factory, used to upgrade the raw materials of advanced items The only thing to be reminded is that routers should not be put together with factories. Because the router is not directional. The material from the factory will flow back into the router. You'll get stuck in your purchase belt 8, arms factory, input materials and electricity to build troops. There's nothing to introce. The command post is an offensive unit. There are three commands (attack (start to the enemy's core, no, just go to the nearest monster's birthplace), assemble (circle around the command post), and retreat (circle around the factory)) to repair the unit. The injured unit will automatically go to the repair device and turn around. 9. Transform the platform to change your armor. The basic data of each set is different. See for yourself in detail 10. Other items, a mess of things, repair instrument (knock on the blackboard), give the surrounding friendly building units the percentage health value every second Accelerator (tapping on the blackboard). The point is that the official introction letter is wrong. It can accelerate almost all items (I have marked those that can't be accelerated) and can be superimposed with other acceleration effects (such as the water of the mining machine or the coolant of the battery). The shield is superimposed by multiplication. The absorbing bullet (note that the absorbing bullet) has shield capacity and threshold, (shield capacity: as the name suggests, it is the upper limit of the damage a shield can take) (the threshold is the amount of recovery per second of the shield capacity (which can be accelerated by liquid)) (cooling is the recovery speed of the shield after being blasted (which can be accelerated by liquid)). It can't be accelerated by accelerators to store goods and materials. There's nothing to introce about this use. Expand the core capacity, Next to the core manufacturing complex (I think the biggest use is to increase the core interface) launch pad, launch materials (to your space station, you can unlock the technology tree, or bring it down (start)). This launch material (next to the core manufacturing complex) is not easy to introce. When it is powered on, it can be launched as a percentage of all materials (only basic technology can, other mod's are quantitative launch)