How big is the digital money payment market
according to the introction, zcash uses a technology called zero knowledge proof (known as "ZK snark") to verify the authenticity of the transaction. It uses a public blockchain to display the transaction, but it will hide the amount of the transaction. Viewing the owner of the key (i.e. the owner of the coin) allows others to view the information associated with the key
in short, this method of calculation allows users to prove that they have the currency they want without exposing information about where the currency came from or is going. It's like zero knowledge proof allows you to enter a password on a website and verify it by the website's server without actually transmitting the password
in contrast, although bitcoin and other digital currencies are famous for their concealment of transactions, in real life, they can often track transactions through the records of ordinary bitcoin blockchain, so that people can accurately know the sender and sending location of bitcoin. Nowadays, zcash has realized the transaction of original data in the form of encryption, rather than publishing the transaction data to the public like bitcoin. Snowden also said that the anonymous zcash project can solve the monitoring risk of bitcoin
therefore, zcash, an anonymous function that pursues the ultimate privacy protection, is first considered to have great value in the financial instry. Foreign media pointed out that the traditional financial instry has an extraordinary demand for information protection. Although many people think that the privacy requirements of bitcoin and other blockchain systems come from crypto anarchists and liberals, the fact is that the traditional financial instry is promoting the hiding of transaction information on the blockchain
however, the anonymity of digital currency is also a headache for the regulatory authorities, and it is very difficult to popularize it in the world. At most, it is only a niche proct. However, the platform developed by using blockchain technology has great potential. For example, the blockchain content publishing platform decent, Ethereum's intelligent contract and so on.
2013-4-29 上午 11:35:10x禽
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There are also many differences between the promotion of digital currency and wechat payment. It does not have an Internet giant like Tencent, nor does it have an investment ecosystem under Tencent. Digital currency mostly cooperates with local governments. At present, digital currency prefers the offline scheme. In the three rounds of pilot projects in Shenzhen, the red packets of digital currency are only used offline, while in the pilot projects in Beijing, the red packets of digital currency are only used offline, It is also limited to offline use. At present, only Suzhou's online payment scheme has made a breakthrough. In Suzhou's digital currency pilot project, Jingdong digital currency has become the first technology company to cooperate with all six major banks, and is the pilot consumer scheme of digital currency e-commerce platform
Exploring online payment scheme is also one of the directions of the next digital currency pilot project although digital currency has been connected to various business schemes, they are all third-party schemes rather than proprietary business schemes if digital currency wants to break the third-party payment barriers and offline & lt; Code card & quot; For digital currency, acquiring new users is not the current challenge. How to retain users is a difficult problem in promotion. A Shenzhen citizen who won the red envelope of digital currency told time, After using the red envelope of digital currency for offline consumption, the related apps are unloaded, and no other available solutions have been found. Therefore, the biggest challenge faced by digital currency is how to achieve user retention and breakthrough in the environment of a few technology companies dominating the micro payment market, This is how to build a self operating ecosystem for the government and how to cultivate the use habits of market users
if we regard digital currency as a concept and investment object, we can analogy this kind of financial management method as a kind of futures or equity investment which is not necessary for proction, Suitable for investors with high risk preference -- the prospect can be compared with the precious metal futures of previous years~
Principle conjecture
in the experimental study, there is no final conclusion on the formation of crystal relic. Most explanations are based on existing scientific principles
Dietary habits some people think that the formation of sariki is e to the monks' long-term vegetarian diet, intake of a large amount of cellulose and minerals, through the metabolism of the human body, it is easy to form a large amount of phosphate, carbonate, etc., and finally deposited in the body in the form of crystals. The objection is that there are countless vegetarians in the world, but there are no sarikos There may be recrystallization of various shapes when human bones are burned.2. There are many small bones in the human body (such as phalanges, phalanges or ear canals). A small number of bones are recrystallized after combustion, resulting in the appearance of "relic". This possibility exists According to a Buddhist website in Taiwan, in 1998, they cooperated with the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Taiwan to analyze the relic of an eminent monk and found that it was mainly composed of human bones. Other scientific studies have also proved the skeleton theory In addition, teeth are also burial objects carried by the dead. The composition of teeth also includes a lot of inorganic salts, among which the cementum is similar to that of bone, so some people speculate that teeth are the source of sariki
The stone of human body. The main components of gallstones in human body are macromolecular organic matter (cholesterol, bilirubin) and a small amount of calcium carbonate; The main components of kidney stones and bladder stones are calcium salts (calcium oxalate, calcium phosphate) and other mineral salts, uric acid, etc. Among them, the latter is similar to the inorganic components of bone (inorganic salts containing calcium and phosphate) However, calcium and a small amount of metal salt precipitation, as the main components of stones, will become powdery oxides at high temperature; Secondly, the opposing view is that the number of stones in the human body is very small, and it will lead to intolerable severe colic, so it is impossible for patients to enre pain for a long time without delaying medical treatment; Moreover, many patients with lithiasis were cremated after death, and no crystal was found. Moreover, the eminent monks who gave up the relic were almost healthy, peaceful and comfortable long-lived old people The shape and color of the sariki are various; Some are like pearls, others like agate and crystal; Some are transparent, while others shine like diamonds, which is not a natural proct. When the monks are cremated, some of them will wear their personal belongings. In addition, there are also some worshippers' offerings. Among these items, there are many precious gems. The main component of gems is silicathese things will go into the cremation furnace with the remains of eminent monks. Under the high temperature condition of cremation furnace, these silicon dioxide will be dissolved and react with calcium carbonate in human bones to form articles similar to bone china, glass, ceramics and so on. Sariki may be formed in this way
Temperature control it is said that the relatively low temperature cremation can form relic, for example, the ancient firewood used as fuel, and the traditional cremation furnace used in Southeast Asian countries can proce a large number of relic. Professionals have analyzed the difference between pit surface cremator and grate type cremator, and also pointed out the existence of slag. In recent years, many of the eminent monks who left the relic were actually incinerated in a modern funeral home with a program-controlled cremator. So the formation of relic is considered to be related to the temperature control of cremation
extended data
Sari is Sanskrit; ar ī The transliteration of RA is the general term for the body of Indians after death. In Buddhism, the hair, bones and ashes left by monks after their death are all called relics; After cremation, the crystal proced is called a relic or a sturdion
At present, there is no final conclusion on the experimental study of the formation reason of crystal Sheraton ofSheraton. According to the Buddhist scriptures, the sariki was naturally felt by the monks ring their lifetime because of the cultivation of the merits of abstinence and wisdom; Most speculate that the formation of relic is related to the chemical reaction of cremation of bones and other objects; There is also a popular belief among the people that if a person leaves lust for a long time and is full of essence, he will have a strong relic
According to the theory of the origin of emptiness, Buddhism believes that the relic is only a material element, and there is no spiritual element. Buddhists respect the Buddha's relic and the Buddhist disciples' relic mainly because of the merit, benevolence and wisdom of the eminent monk before he was bornReferences: Network - relic