Operation system of digital currency
digital currency is an alternative currency in the form of electronic currency (which can be used for real goods and services transactions)
digital currency has the main characteristics of network packets. This kind of data packet is composed of data code and identification code. The data code is the content we need to transmit, while the identification code indicates where the data packet comes from and goes
based on the characteristics of digital currency, the direct benefit of digital currency to the central bank is not only to save the cost of note issuance, circulation and settlement, but also to enhance the central bank's ability to control funds
Electronic money and virtual money are called digital money. According to the definition of the European Central Bank, virtual money is issued by non central banks, credit institutions and e-money institutions, which can be used as the numerical expression of the value of currency substitutes in some cases{rrrrrrr}
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the process of digital currency trading through the platform is as follows:
(1) investors should register accounts first, and obtain digital currency accounts and US dollar or other foreign exchange accounts at the same time
(2) users can buy and sell digital currency with the money in their cash account, just like buying and selling stocks and futures
(3) the trading platform will sort the buying requests and selling requests according to the rules and start to match them. If they meet the requirements, the transaction will be concluded
(4) e to the difference between the buy and sell volumes submitted by users, a buy or sell request may be partially executed
Digital currency is an unregulated and digital currency, which is usually issued and managed by developers and accepted and used by members of a specific virtual community. More generally speaking, digital currency is actually a commodity
just like gold, it took more than 200 years to be graally recognized by the world. In the early days, many people questioned gold's ability to store value. If we take digital currency as a substitute, people's questioning attitude towards gold in the past is equivalent to many people's attitude towards digital currency now
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digital currency is a balance between financial security and innovation ability. Financial instry should have clear access threshold. Digital currency involves finance, so it must have clear access threshold. The enterprise qualification of blockchain and digital currency needs to be reviewed and an access system set. One of the core of supervision is that blockchain enterprises must have qualified technical personnel
for example, enterprises of different levels in the construction instry need different levels and numbers of registered structural engineers to ensure the safety of buildings and bridges, which can also be used for reference in the supervision of digital currency. In addition, investors need to refer to the requirements of the "measures for the appropriateness of securities and futures investors" issued by the CSRC, and only those who meet certain conditions can participate in the investment
Digital currency adopts a two-tier operation system, which will not affect the real economy< single tier operation system is to issue digital currency directly to the public. First, the digital currency is converted to banks or other operating institutions, and then these institutions are converted to the public, which belongs to a two-tier operating system& rdquo; On the whole, this al delivery system is suitable for China's national conditions. It can not only use the existing resources to mobilize the enthusiasm of commercial banks, but also smoothly improve the acceptance of digital currency
in the process of many people's livelihood funds distribution, it can be fixed to people through the way of digital currency smart contract, and the relevant funds can be directly distributed to the people's digital wallet, without going through layers of middle links, so as to put an end to the possibility of false report, false claim and embezzlement in advance
what is the operation system of digital RMB? Will it have an impact on the real economy? If you have any opinions, you can leave them in the comments section
Do you mean there is no essential difference between digital currency and the existing monetary system? I don't know where to draw this conclusion. At present, the general digital currency mainly includes bitcoin, Ethereum, reborn, Leyte and other virtual currencies. These virtual currencies are very different from the existing monetary system! For example:
issuers: the issuers of existing legal tender are national government agencies, generally the central bank. Bitcoin and other digital currencies are issued according to the program encryption algorithm. If we want to say that the issuing subject, even one person can issue them. There is no credibility or coercion
credibility. The existing monetary system, that is, legal tender, has the endorsement of national credit, which has more credibility. Bitcoin and other digital currencies rely on algorithms, which are often issued by a community or even indivials, with weak credibility
mandatory. The existing monetary system, namely legal tender, is issued by the state and circulates in a country or region according to law. Digital currencies, such as bitcoin, do not have the power to enforce the law
volatility. In the current monetary system, there are exchange rate fluctuations in various legal currencies, but they are basically in a relatively stable state. As for bitcoin and other digital currencies, you can look at the market of digital currencies on investing. It can be seen that the price difference of bitcoin even one day is more than 10%, which is obviously unstable
moreover, the development of digital currency is still immature.
Mobile payment means that mobile clients use electronic procts such as mobile phones to make e-money payment. Mobile payment creates a new payment method and makes e-money popular. Because of the advantages of convenient and fast payment, eliminating counterfeit money, no change and so on, it is loved by many people< The Ministry of Commerce issued the "overall plan for the pilot project of deepening the innovation and development of service trade in China", and officially announced that the number of digital currency has expanded from the original 4 pilot cities to 28 , which means that digital currency is coming towards us. The same virtual currency and bitcoin, so these virtual currency can replace the status of paper money
Therefore, it is essentially no different from the paper currency RMB, and will not be wildly hyped like bitcoin. In a short period of time, virtual currency can not completely replace traditional currency. There are mainly two constraints: the first is the user's will, not everyone is used to this payment method; the second is the satisfaction of technical conditions, because the speed of transaction payment is mainly limited by the technical realization, and the goal of digital currency is only to replace part of the cash in circulation. So for a long time, it should be used in parallel with banknotes