Wechat's most powerful digital currency
The Internet of things digital currency is fake
the monetary Bureau of the people's Bank of China issued a risk warning on its official website that the central bank has not yet issued legal digital currency, and the so-called promotion of the central bank's issuance of digital currency may involve pyramid selling and fraud. At present, the so-called "digital currency" in the market is not legal digital currency. The legal currency in China is RMB printed and issued by the people's Bank of China. The so-called "digital currency" launched by some institutions and enterprises and the so-called promotion of the central bank's issuance of digital currency may involve pyramid selling and fraud. The general public should raise their risk awareness, invest rationally and prudently, and prevent their interests from being damaged. And now the country has stopped trading bitcoin
Digital currency is abbreviated as digiccy, which is the abbreviation of "digital currency" in English. It is an alternative currency in the form of electronic currency. Both digital gold coin and cryptocurrency belong to digiccy
digital currency is an unregulated and digital currency, which is usually issued and managed by developers and accepted and used by members of a specific virtual community. The European Banking authority defines the virtual currency as the digital representation of value, not issued by the central bank or the authorities, nor linked to legal tender. But because it is accepted by the public, it can be used as a means of payment, and can also be transferred, stored or traded in electronic form.
Alipay (China) Network Technology Co., Ltd. is the third party payment platform in China. Committed to providing "simple, safe and fast" payment solutions. Since its establishment in 2004, Alipay has always regarded "trust" as the core of procts and services. It has two independent brands: "Alipay" and "Alipay wallet". Since the second quarter of 2014, it has become the largest mobile payment manufacturer in the world
2013-4-29 上午 11:35:10x禽
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1. The brokerage business of RMB special stocks, RMB ordinary stocks, overseas issued stocks, domestic and overseas government bonds, corporate bonds and corporate bonds; 2、 Proprietary business of RMB common stock, RMB special stock, overseas issued stock, domestic and overseas government bonds, corporate bonds and corporate bonds; 3、 The underwriting business of RMB common stocks, RMB special stocks, overseas issued stocks, domestic and overseas government bonds, corporate bonds and corporate bonds; 4、 The initiation and management of the fund; 5、 Corporate restructuring, acquisition and Merger Consultant; 6、 Project Financing Consultant; 7、 Investment consulting and other consulting business; 8、 Foreign exchange trading; 9、 Foreign exchange assets management of overseas enterprises and domestic enterprises with foreign investment; 10、 Interbank lending; 11、 Customer asset management. 12、 Online securities commission business; 13、 Margin trading business; 14、 Selling financial procts on a commission basis; 15、 Selling securities investment funds on a commission basis; 16、 Provide intermediary business for futures companies; 17、 Other businesses approved by financial regulatory authorities Projects that need to be approved according to law shall be operated according to the approved contents after being approved by relevant departments.)
it is suggested to limit the scope of business. It is impossible to issue virtual currency. The virtual currency you hear may be handed down currency, so it is suggested to stay away from it. It is suggested to play with mainstream virtual currencies, such as bitcoin, Fuyuan coin, dogcoin, etc.