The influence of digital currency on payment enterprises
In recent years, the rise of financial technology drives the digital and intelligent development of finance, and the form of money is also evolving. Recently, the news of digital currency has attracted people's attention, and there is still a lot of gap with the current online payment
currency payment comprehensively solves the problems of digital asset holding, transaction and security management of enterprises, indivials and developers, and further promotes the application and development of digital assets, so as to promote the healthy development of blockchain.
2013-4-29 上午 11:35:10x禽
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Blockchain has been developing for some time now. During this period, people's cognition of blockchain has experienced rapid change
the essence of blockchain is technology? The essence should be traced back until it can not be traced further. Only then can we call it the essence. The essence of blockchain is a technology. Back to the original point of blockchain, back to the time when bitcoin was just born, the problem it wanted to solve was the Byzantine general problem. From a professional point of view, it was to solve the problem of how to achieve consistency in a distributed environment. Blockchain is a combination of many technologies. It is naturally suitable for multi-party cooperation and can provide a trusted environment for multi-party cooperation
Application of blockchain's tamper proof feature
technical principle of bitcoin P2P network
bitcoin is a P2P computer network, and each network node stores all transaction records on the network. Generally speaking, any information recorded in a node plus a number of backup can be. All the transaction records of the network are stored on each node. As a result, the transaction records can be seen by each node, and each node cannot modify the transaction records independently. Therefore, a set of open and transparent transaction records is formed
e-cash flow still flows through the central bank and financial institutions to enterprises and indivials, which is identical with paper money in terms of money creation channels, circulation links and functions, and does not break away from the scope of traditional monetary policy regulation. The main function of e-cash is to facilitate transaction payment
considering that the development of non cash payment methods such as third-party payment has greatly facilitated transaction payment in recent years, the impact of e-cash on money transaction demand is limited, and the overall impact on monetary policy is not significant. The extent to which e-cash is accepted by the public depends on its convenience and security.