Digital money will be like Alipay and WeChat
the three party payment tools such as digital currency and Alipay and WeChat payment are different. The payment of Alipay and WeChat is a well-known third party payment tool in China. Digital money is also possible in theory, but the market share of digital money in the field of payment is still very low.
1、 Different monetary attributes
1. Digital currency:
digital currency belongs to legal tender
2. Wechat:
wechat belongs to the third-party payment instrument P>
3, Alipay:
Alipay belongs to the third party payment tool. p>
2. Different issuers
1. Digital currency:
the issuer of digital currency is the central bank
2. Wechat:
the clearing Party of wechat is a commercial bank P>
3, Alipay:
Alipay's settlement party is commercial bank. p>
extended data
in the third-party payment mode, the buyer uses the account provided by the third-party platform to pay for the goods (to the third party), and the third party notifies the seller of the arrival of the goods and requires delivery; After receiving the goods, inspecting the goods and confirming, the buyer shall notify the third party for payment; The third party transfers the money to the seller's account
digital currency can be considered as a virtual currency based on node network and digital encryption algorithm. The core characteristics of digital currency are mainly reflected in three aspects:
1. Due to some open algorithms, digital currency has no issuing subject, so no one or organization can control its issuing
Because the number of algorithm solutions is determined, the total amount of digital currency is fixed, which fundamentally eliminates the possibility of inflation caused by the overuse of virtual currency3. Because the transaction process needs the approval of each node in the network, the transaction process of digital currency is safe enough
the Xueshuo innovation blockchain Technology Workstation of Lianqiao ecation online is the only approved "blockchain Technology Specialty" pilot workstation of "smart learning workshop 2020 Xueshuo innovation workstation" launched by the school planning, construction and development center of the Ministry of ecation of China. Based on providing diversified growth paths for students, the professional station promotes the reform of the training mode of the combination of professional degree research, proction, learning and research, and constructs the applied and compound talent training system.
2013-4-29 上午 11:35:10x禽
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