Shenzhen airport to Baoan central passenger station
Now many people are talking about whether the central school should be cancelled? In fact, there are many problems that need to be explained one by one. Many people don't understand the meaning of central school. Next, I'll take you to understand the term central school
what is a central school
the term "Central School" sounds like the name of a school, but it is not what we now think of as a school. In fact, it is really a management organization. In order to manage students uniformly, it is called "Central School"{ RRRRR}
the power of the central school itself is too centralized. No matter how much dissatisfaction you have in your heart, you dare not point it out directly, because if you are not careful, you may lose your job. Therefore, in the face of such a central school where the power is so concentrated on the principal, many teachers in office want to cancel it, and there are reports of canceling the central school in many places. If you are a member of the central school, do you think you should cancel it
in essence, NRC is equivalent to bitcoin, litecoin, ether and other blockchain digital currencies. That is to say, the token will never disappear
development cost: Ethereum provides a complete set of token publishing and maintenance solutions, and its effectiveness has been widely recognized by the public. Using Ethereum infrastructure can rece the network construction cost and potential vulnerability risk brought by completely independent development
Security: Ethereum has the largest computing network in the world, which means it is the safest blockchain network in the world. With its network, our NRC can also obtain unprecedented security
circulation: there is a one-to-one correspondence between NRC wallet address and ether address, so users can more easily communicate and transfer with ether and other digital currencies running on the chain.
On May 21, the six programs of CCTV are as shown in the figure, there are pictures and truth
please compare the time with the program
deregulation of the nuclear instry and extension of plant licenses have become and will continue to be the main driving forces of the surge in power generation. Deregulation means that power plant operators can sell electricity at a higher price in an open market, thus generating more revenue per MW of electricity. The extension of the plant license took up to 20 years, which was enough for operators to benefit from the increase in power. In addition, the nuclear instry has greatly improved its tools and methods for increasing power. The original nuclear steam system supply (NSSS) equipment supplier has improved the method and simplified the implementation proceres; Power companies and suppliers form a better alliance in the implementation process of improving power; The NRC continues to work with stakeholders to optimize the review process. The result is that the power plant maintains safety while increasing power, making it more competitive< The deregulation of nuclear instry is the result of power companies improving the economic performance of their nuclear assets. Before deregulation, power companies are generally able to recover proction costs plus a certain percentage of revenue from their generation assets. This will not stimulate the optimization of proction costs, and there are few opportunities to create considerable revenue growth, because the price of electricity is basically fixed
in deregulated market, power companies pursue more competitive costs in order to obtain greater operating income. The cost of nuclear power generation is close to 1.5 cents / kW · h per year. Under the premise of ensuring safety, many power companies optimize the cost to the maximum extent, so that it is almost difficult to rece the cost by a large margin. But power companies understand that by increasing power generation, they can rece the cost of generating electricity per kilowatt hour. In the open market, selling additional electricity at market price also brings more benefits to power companies. At the peak of demand, the increased power will be sold at a higher spot price in the open power market, which will create more revenue
in addition, power companies are striving to extend the permitted operation life of power plants by 20 years. The extension of operation period will undoubtedly bring more power generation benefits. For example, a typical Westinghouse al unit four loop power plant will increase its power by 5%, and its annual revenue will increase by as much as $20 million. Most of the cost of increasing power is fixed cost. The fixed cost of increasing power by 5% is generally no more than US $50 million. The increase of fuel cost is relatively small. Therefore, the power plant is expected to recover the investment in upgrading power within three years and achieve a very high net present value, that is, the net monetary value of the project includes the required investment and expected income, because there will be increased income every year in the extended 20 years. As a result, power companies have developed attractive business models to support their investment in power enhancement
economic viability
power companies use a variety of technologies to prove the economic viability of improving power. Two of them include the cost per kW of installed capacity and the net present value. At present, the economic viability per kW of installed capacity is not uniform in the United States, but generally speaking, it is between 500-1000 US dollars / kWe. And the power generation cost can not exceed or even lower than this range. For example, a standard Westinghouse al unit four loop power plant can increase power by 100 MWe at a cost of less than $50 million. The result is a cost of less than $500 per kW of installed capacity
the key reason for improving the power economy is that Westinghouse's nuclear power units generally have at least 5% - 10% margin for increasing power, and some units even have 10% - 15% margin. In addition, e to the extension of the power plant license and the requirement of increased operational reliability, the power plant must replace and / or maintain the equipment, which is a considerable cost in the power upgrade plan. Therefore, the power plant can pass on the component cost as part of the power plant extension plan, not included in the cost of the power upgrade plan
for power enhancement, the 20-year extension of the plant's operation permit will greatly increase its NPV. Or take the above power station as an example, which can generate an additional $20 million in operating revenue every year. If the cost of power upgrade is less than US $50 million, the NPV will be more significant in the remaining operation life
business analysis
generally, the cost of improving power can be divided into three parts. The first part is the engineering related to license modification of nuclear power plant, including NSSS, selected BOP parts and plan review. Among them, the most important work is NSSS, including fuel, accident and system / component analysis. NSSS original equipment manufacturer (OEM) suppliers, such as Westinghouse, have made great achievements in developing the analysis methods needed to improve power. Increasing power can increase fuel supply through higher fuel consumption, and also affect the current analysis margin. The improved analysis technology can adjust or even increase the margin value after the power upgrade is implemented.
in order to ensure the success of license application, it is very important to prove to NRC with various detailed analysis that the power plant can operate safely after increasing power. The most basic plant design basis and margin must be carefully understood and analyzed. In addition, with the improvement of power level, the impact on power plant operation margin will also increase. Therefore, an in-depth analysis of each NSSS area is carried out to confirm that it is consistent with the applicable design and license approval basis requirements
generally speaking, after power upgrade, BOP system, structure and components should be reviewed. Through the review, it can be proved that at a higher power level, they can continue to operate safely while providing the thermal hydraulic and electrical characteristics required for generating more electricity
the second part of the cost is the design work, procurement and installation modification for more substations. For the PWR of Westinghouse, it is not necessary to modify NSSS to support the power increase and most of the BOP improvement. The extent of plant improvement depends on the power level selected as part of the preliminary feasibility study and commercial analysis
the third part is the cost involved in the review and approval of the audit management department. The NRC announced that increasing power was one of its top priorities<
integrated team
in the past, many power companies managed their power enhancement plans by subcontracting various NSSS, BOP and steam turbine (TG) analysis to suppliers. With the decrease of personnel in power companies and the further expansion of suppliers' team and cooperation, some power companies put more responsibilities on suppliers to form an integrated team to rece the total cost and ensure the proper integrity of main input interfaces between different suppliers. It is no wonder that NSSS OEM is fully responsible for the power increase. In this plan, the investment of power companies is very important. Through this arrangement, more planning risks are transferred to suppliers, and power companies get great benefits. First, by transferring more project management responsibilities to suppliers, the cost of power companies is reced; Second, cooperate with experienced power upgrade suppliers to ensure the success of the project. By doing so, we can speed up the implementation of the plan, so that power companies can increase their power faster than traditional methods
in addition, the integration between power companies and experienced suppliers can ensure proper planning and design, optimize NSSS operation performance related to overall BOP and TG design, minimize BOP cost and optimize overall TG design< The future of nuclear power is bright. All power plants are striving for the extension of operation license and the increase of power input to maximize the total asset value. Compared with other forms of power generation, nuclear power is still increasing its cost-effectiveness. The nuclear instry has made great improvements and optimizations in methods and proceres to help power companies achieve better, faster and more economical power increase, and further make nuclear power an important part of the future energy structure of the United States.
the full name of the Olympic Sports Center is the National Olympic Sports Center, and the bird's nest is the National Stadium. Opposite the Olympic Sports Center, in the Olympic Park, the water cube is also in the Olympic Park
two different places