Go to the administrative center to deal with the unlicensed moto
introction letter
Beijing Xicheng District Talent Exchange Center:
XXX comrade, ID number: XXXX to Beijing Xicheng District Talent Exchange Center for our archives affairs, please contact!
XXX Co., Ltd.
July 6, 2006. There is a title and content, the main idea is that the work needs to adjust the file, and finally the date, the name of the unit, and then the official seal. It's very simple. It's mainly a matter of form. The personnel bureau is good at keeping the bottom
have a look!
you can choose the right mining software according to your graphics card
it seems that you don't have OpenCL installed. For details, please go to the official website of the software
Method 1: the normalization method is also called deviation standardization, which is a linear transformation of the original data to map the results to [0,1] interval
method 2: normalization method
this method standardizes the data based on the mean and standard deviation of the original data. The original value x of a is normalized to X 'using Z-score
TheZ-score standardization method is suitable for the case that the maximum and minimum values of attribute a are unknown, or there are outliers beyond the value range
The default standardization method ofSPSS is Z-score standardization
the method of Z-score standardization with Excel: there is no ready-made function in Excel, so you need to calculate it step by step. In fact, the standardized formula is very simple
the steps are as follows:
calculate the arithmetic mean (mathematical expectation) Xi and standard deviation Si of each variable (index)
2. Standardization:
Zij = (Xij XI) / Si
where: Zij is the standardized variable value; Xij is the actual variable value
the standardized variable values fluctuate around 0, greater than 0 means higher than the average, less than 0 means lower than the average< br />
display Navigator window [n]
Run visual basic application editor [ALT] + [F11]
save the current drawing [Ctrl] + [S]
Open edit text dialog [Ctrl] + [shift] + [t]
erase part of the drawing or divide an object into two closed paths [x]
undo the previous operation [Ctrl] + [Z]
undo the previous operation [ALT] + [backspase]
align the center of the selected object vertically [shift] + [a]
align the center of the selected object vertically [shift] + [C]
align the center of the selected object vertically [C]
change the text to vertical layout (toggle) [Ctrl] + [
open an existing drawing document [Ctrl] + [O]
print the current drawing [Ctrl] + [P]
open the size tool shutter [ALT] + [F10]
run the zoom action and return to the previous tool [F2]
run the zoom action and return to the previous tool [Z]
export the text or object to another format [Ctrl] + [e]
Import text or object [Ctrl] + [i]
send the selected object to the back [shift] + [b]
put the selected object to the back [shift] + [pagedown]
send the selected object to the front [shift] + [t]
put the selected object to the front [shift] + [pageup]
send the selected object to the right [shift] + [R]
send Send the selected object to the left [shift] + [l]
align the text to baseline [ALT] + [F12]
align the object to the grid (switch) [Ctrl] + [y]
align the center of the selected object to the center of the page [P]
draw a symmetrical polygon [y]
split the selected object [Ctrl] + [k]
align the scattered center of the selected object to the horizontal center of the stage [shift] +P
align the horizontal center of the selected object's scattered page [shift] + [e]
open the "envelope tool shutter" [Ctrl] + [F7]
open the "symbol and special character tool shutter" [Ctrl] + [F11]
the selected item to the clipboard [Ctrl] + [C]
the selected item to the clipboard [Ctrl] + [ins]
set text Attribute format [Ctrl] + [t]
restores the last "undo" operation [Ctrl] + [shift] + [Z]
cuts the selected object and places it on the "clipboard" [Ctrl] + [x]
cuts the selected object and places it on the "clipboard" [shift] + [del]
reces the font size to the previous font size setting CTRL] + keyboard [2]
apply gradient fill to the object [F11]
combine the selected object [Ctrl] + [l]
to draw a rectangle; Double click the tool to create a page box [F6]
open the outline pen dialog box [F12]
open the outline tool shutter [Ctrl] + [F9]
to draw a spiral shape; Double click the tool to open the tool box tab [a] of the options dialog box
to start the spelling checker; Check the spelling of the selected text [Ctrl] + [F12]
switch [Ctrl] + [space]
Deselect the group of objects or groups of objects [Ctrl] + [u]
display the full screen preview of the drawing [F9]
group the selected objects into [Ctrl] + [g]
delete the selected objects [del]
select the objects Align [t]
rece the font size to the previous available setting in the font size list [Ctrl] + keyboard [4]
go to the previous page [pageup]
move the lens up relative to the painting [ALT] + [↑]
generate the "property bar" and aim at the first visible item that can be marked [Ctrl] + [backspase]
open the "view manager tool" window ”[Ctrl] + [F2]
switch between the two recently used view qualities [shift] + [F9]
draw lines and curves in "freehand" mode [F5]
use this tool to pan the drawing by clicking and dragging [H]
display the object or tool's properties by the current option or tool [ALT] + [backspase]
refresh the current drawing window [CTR] l + [w]
align the center of the selected objects horizontally [e]
change the text arrangement to horizontal direction [Ctrl] + [,]
open the "zoom tool shutter" [ALT] + [F9]
zoom all objects to the maximum [F4]
zoom the selected objects to the maximum [shift] + [F2]
zoom out the graphics in the drawing [F3]
add the fill to the objects; Click and drag the object to achieve fountain filling [g]
Open lens tool shutter [ALT] + [F3]
open graphics and text style tool shutter [Ctrl] + [F5]
Exit CorelDRAW and prompt to save the active drawing [ALT] + [F4]
Draw ellipse and circle [F7]
draw rectangle Group [D]
convert the object to mesh filling Object [M]
open the "position tool shutter" [ALT] + [F7]
add text (click to add "fine art word"; click to add "fine art word"; click to add "fine art word"; click to add "fine art word"; click to add "fine art word"; click "fine art word"; click "fine art word"; click "fine art word"; Drag to add "paragraph text") [F8]
align the selected object down [b]
increase the font size to the next setting in the font size list [Ctrl] + keypad 6
go to the next page [pagedown]
move the lens down relative to the painting [ALT] + [↓]
include the function of specifying linear dimension line attributes [ALT] + [F2]
Add / remove Bullet (switch) of text object [Ctrl] + m
place the selected object one position backward according to the stack order of the object [Ctrl] + [pagedown]
place the selected object one position forward according to the stack order of the object [Ctrl] + [pageup]
use the "super fine tuning" factor to fine tune the object up [shift] + [↑]
fine tune the object up [↑]
fine tune the object up with the fine tuning factor [Ctrl] + [↑]
fine tune the object down with the super tuning factor [shift] + [↓]
fine tune the object down with the fine tuning factor [Ctrl] + [↓]
fine tune the object right with the super tuning factor [shift] + [←]
fine tune the object down with the fine tuning factor Adjust object [←]
fine tune the object to the right using fine tune factor [Ctrl] + [←]
fine tune the object to the left using super fine tune factor [shift] + [→]
fine tune the object to the left [→]
fine tune the object to the left using fine tune factor [Ctrl] + [→]
create a new drawing document [Ctrl] + [n]
edit the node of the object; Double click the tool to open the "node edit shutter window" [F10]
open the "rotation tool shutter" [ALT] + [F8]
open the dialog box of setting CorelDRAW options [Ctrl] + [J]
[Ctrl] + [a]
open the "outline color" dialog box [shift] + [F12]
apply uniform fill to the object [shift] + [F11]
display the whole printable page Face [shift] + [F4]
align the selected object to the right [R]
move the lens to the right relative to the painting [ALT] + [←]
remake the selected object and offset [Ctrl] + [D]
by the specified distance to increase the font size to the next font size setting CTRL] + keyboard [8]
paste the contents of "clipboard" into the drawing [Ctrl] + [v]
paste the contents of "clipboard" into the drawing [shift] + [ins]
Start "what is this?" Help [shift] + [F1]
repeat the previous operation [Ctrl] + [R]
Convert fine arts words to paragraph text or vice versa [Ctrl] + [F8]
convert the selected object to curve [Ctrl] + [q]
Convert contour to object [Ctrl] + [shift] + [q]
use fixed width, pressure sensing Calligraphic or preset "natural pen" style to draw the curve [i]
align the selected object [l]
move the lens to the left relative to the painting [ALT] + [→]
text editing
display a list of all available / active HTML font sizes [Ctrl] + [shift] + [H]
change the text alignment to misalignment [Ctrl] + [n]
in Find the specified text in painting [ALT] + [F3]
change the text style to bold [Ctrl] + [b]
change the text alignment to scattered text within the line width range [Ctrl] + [H]
change the case of the selected text [shift] + [F3]
rece the font size to the previous font size setting CTRL] + keyboard [2]
change the text alignment to center alignment [Ctrl] + [e]
change the text alignment to both ends alignment [Ctrl] + [J]
change all text characters to small capital characters [Ctrl] + [shift] + [k]
delete the words on the right side of the text caret [Ctrl] + [del]
delete the words on the right side of the text caret Character [del]
reces the font size to the previous available setting in the font size list [Ctrl] + keyboard [4]
moves the text caret up one paragraph [Ctrl] + [↑]
moves the text caret up one text box [pageup]
moves the text caret up one line [↑]
adds / removes the first word of the text object Sinking format (switch) [Ctrl] + [shift] + [D]
select the "text" label, Open the options dialog box [Ctrl] + [F10]
change the text style to the underlined style [Ctrl] + [u]
increase the font size to the next setting in the font size list [Ctrl] + keyboard [6]
move the text caret down one segment [Ctrl] + [↓]
move the text caret down one text box [pagedown]
move the text caret down one line [↓]
display the non printing characters [Ctrl] + [shift] + [C]
select a piece of text up [Ctrl] + [shift] + [up]
select a text box up [shift] + [pageup]
select a line of text up [shift] + [up]
select a piece of text down [Ctrl] + [shift] + [down] + [↓]
select a text box down [shift] + [pagedown]
select a line of text down [shift] + [↓]
change the text style to italics [Ctrl] + [i]
select the text at the end of the text [CTRL] + [shift] + [pagedown]
select the text at the beginning of the text [Ctrl] + [shift] + [pageup]
select the text at the beginning of the text box [CT] + [shift] + [pageup]
select the text at the beginning of the text box RL] + [shift] + [home]
select the text at the end of the text box [Ctrl] + [shift] + [End]
select the text at the beginning of the line [shift] + [home]
select the text at the end of the line [shift] + [End]
select the word to the right of the text caret [Ctrl] + [shift] + [←]
select the character to the right of the text caret [shift] + [←]
select the character to the right of the text caret Select the character to the left of the text caret [Ctrl] + [shift] + [→]
select the character to the left of the text caret [shift] + [→]
to display a list of all painting styles [Ctrl] + [shift] + [S]
to move the text caret to the text
of which 0 has been successfully registered, 2 are in the process of application, 0 is invalid registration, and 0 is on sale
according to Bajie's intellectual property statistics, Apollo cloud platform can also register the following trademark categories:
category 1 (chemical agents, fertilizers)
category 2 (pigments, paints, dyes, anti-corrosion procts)
Category 3 (daily chemical procts, washing and care, spices)
category 4 (energy, fuel, grease)
category 5 (drugs, health procts, nutrition)
category 6 (metal procts Metal building materials, metal materials)
class 7 (mechanical equipment, motor, transmission)
class 8 (hand tools (small), tableware, cold weapons)
class 10 (medical devices, medical supplies, alt supplies)
class 11 (lighting and sanitary ware, cold and hot equipment, disinfection and purification)
class 12 (transport vehicles, vehicle parts)
class 13 (arms, fireworks, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire Personal protective spray)
fourteenth categories (jewelry, precious metals, Zhong Biao)
fifteenth categories (musical instruments, musical accessories and accessories)
sixteenth class (paper, office supplies, stationery teaching aids)
seventeenth class (rubber procts, insulation and sound insulation materials)
eighteenth categories (box, leather, leather, umbrella)
nineteenth category (non-metallic building materials)
twentieth categories (furniture, Furniture components, cushions)
category 21 (kitchen appliances, household utensils, washing and care appliances)
category 22 (ropes, awnings, bags)
category 23 (yarn, thread, silk)
category 24 (textiles, bedding, towels)
category 25 (clothing, shoes, hats, socks and gloves)
category 26 (accessories, wigs, buttons and zippers)
category 27 (carpets, mats, cushions, socks and gloves)
category Wallpaper)
category 28 (toys, sports fitness equipment, fishing tackle)
category 29 (cooked food, meat, eggs, milk, edible oil)
category 30 (pastry, condiments, drinks)
category 31 (fresh food, animals and plants, feed seeds)
category 32 (beer, non-alcoholic drinks)
category 33 (wine, alcoholic drinks)
category 34 (tobacco Smoking set)
category 35 (advertising, business management, marketing)
category 36 (financial affairs, real estate management, pawn guarantee)
category 37 (construction, interior decoration, repair and maintenance)
category 38 (telecommunication, communication services)
category 39 (transportation and storage, energy distribution, travel services)
category 40 (material processing, printing, transportation, transportation, transportation, transportation, transportation, transportation, transportation, transportation, transportation, transportation, transportation, transportation, transportation, transportation, transportation, transportation, transportation, transportation, transportation, transportation, transportation, transportation, transportation, transportation, transportation, transportation Sewage treatment)
category 41 (ecation and training, cultural and sports activities, entertainment services)
category 43 (catering and accommodation, elderly care, animal accommodation)
category 44 (medical treatment, beauty, gardening)
category 45 (security law, wedding housekeeping, social services)
the following information for your reference, I wish you happy every day
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Songgang station of Shenzhen Metro is a station on line 11 in Shenzhen Metro.