When was bitcoin legislated
It was officially born on January 3, 2009
since 2015, the future of bitcoin has become more and more uncertain. On the one hand, bitcoin fell as much as 55.55% against RMB last year; In 2015, bitcoin fell by more than 30% against the RMB in the first half of January alone
bitcoin's "falling" reflects the "self-healing" of its value after "fanaticism" to a certain extent. According to statistics, in 2013, bitcoin rose from 1 ∶ 13.59 to 1 ∶ 731, with an annual increase of 5300%. This speculative driven inflation has affected the virtual currency property on which bitcoin relies
on the one hand, no country has defined it as a legal currency. On the other hand, in 2014, the US dollar rose significantly, and the prices of oil and bulk commodities fell correspondingly. The price trend of bitcoin is the same as that of the latter, becoming part of the asset allocation of some speculators, which highlights that its asset attribute is far greater than the monetary attribute
extended data
Security and credit risk have also become the reasons for the decline of investor confidence. Mt. GOx, once the world's largest bitcoin exchange, claimed in March last year that it had lost all its assets e to hacker attacks. Recently, it was revealed that its lost bitcoin was probably e to internal system manipulation
the regulatory environment of bitcoin is not optimistic, and Russia, Thailand and other countries have begun to implement strict control on it. In addition, the global stock market performed well last year, resulting in the diversion of bitcoin investment funds, and the crazy "mining" activities also rapidly increased the supply of bitcoin, which may lead to a trend of oversupply in the short term, leading to a sharp drop in the price of bitcoin
Bitcoin was born in 2009, and it has entered China since it appeared
extended information:
bitcoin can be used to cash and can be converted into the currency of most countries. Users can use bitcoin to buy some virtual items, such as clothes, hats and equipment in online games. As long as someone accepts it, they can also use bitcoin to buy real-life items
the concept of bitcoin was first proposed by Nakamoto in 2009. According to Nakamoto's ideas, open source software was designed and released, and P2P network was built on it. Bitcoin is a kind of P2P digital currency. Point to point transmission means a decentralized payment system
generation principle:
starting from the essence of bitcoin, the essence of bitcoin is actually a special solution generated by a bunch of complex algorithms. A special solution is one of the infinite (in fact, bitcoin is finite) solutions that can be obtained from the equations. Every particular solution can solve the equation and is unique. In the metaphor of RMB, bitcoin is the serial number of RMB. If you know the serial number of a note, you have the note. The process of mining is to constantly seek the special solution of this equation system through a huge amount of calculation. This equation system is designed to have only 21 million special solutions, so the upper limit of bitcoin is 21 million
source: bitcoin
There is no law in China to ban bitcoin, so it is not illegal to mine and earn bitcoin
it is not illegal to buy bitcoin in China. In 2013, five ministries and commissions jointly issued the bitcoin risk notice, which states that although bitcoin does not belong to legal tender and is not legally compulsory, people can freely participate in bitcoin trading activities when they voluntarily undertake risks
"notice" clearly defines the nature of bitcoin, and holds that bitcoin is not issued by the monetary authority, has no monetary attributes such as legal compensation and mandatory, and is not a real currency. In terms of nature, bitcoin is a specific virtual commodity, which does not have the same legal status as currency and cannot and should not be used as currency in the market
however, as a kind of commodity trading on the Internet, ordinary people have the freedom to participate in bitcoin trading at their own risk
the notice requires that at this stage, financial institutions and Payment institutions shall not price procts or services with bitcoin, buy or sell bitcoin as a central counterparties, underwrite insurance business related to bitcoin or include bitcoin in the scope of insurance liability, and provide other bitcoin related services to customers directly or indirectly, Including: providing bitcoin registration, trading, clearing, settlement and other services for customers; Accept bitcoin or use bitcoin as a payment and settlement tool; Carry out bitcoin and RMB and foreign currency exchange services; Carry out bitcoin storage, custody, mortgage and other services; Issuing financial procts related to bitcoin; Take bitcoin as the investment target of trust, fund, etc
in order to avoid over hype of virtual commodities such as bitcoin in the name of "virtual currency" and damage the public interest and the legal tender status of RMB, the circular requires financial institutions and Payment institutions to correctly use the concept of currency in their daily work, pay attention to strengthening the ecation of the public's knowledge of currency, and correctly understand the concept of currency The concept of correctly treating virtual commodity and virtual currency, rational investment, reasonable control of investment risk, and maintenance of their own property security should be included in the content of financial knowledge popularization activities, so as to guide the public to establish a correct concept of currency and investment
source of reference: People's website bitcoin network virtual currency
unlike all currencies, bitcoin does not rely on specific currency institutions. It is generated by a large number of calculations based on specific algorithms. Bitcoin economy uses a distributed database composed of many nodes in the whole P2P network to confirm and record all transactions, and uses cryptography design to ensure the security of all aspects of currency circulation. The decentralized nature and algorithm of P2P can ensure that it is impossible to artificially manipulate the value of bitcoin through mass proction. The design based on cryptography can make bitcoin only be transferred or paid by the real owner. This also ensures the anonymity of money ownership and circulation transactions. The biggest difference between bitcoin and other virtual currencies is that the total amount of bitcoin is very limited and it has a strong scarcity.