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发布时间: 2021-05-15 17:07:11

Ⅰ 急急急!!!求两篇英语演讲稿,带ppt的,初中水平,5分钟左右的。。

What would a good city look like?

To make a better city, planners aimed at creating a city in which the insalubrious environment and social structure would be defeated by a reordering of physical and social arrangements, so that all the citizens could attain the benefits of beauty, community, and democracy. In Harvey’s opinion, the better city should confront on the postmodernist challenge to political economy, and deal with environmental sustainable.

However I think green buildings could make good cities, and also citizens will have a best quality of life. According to the World Green Building Council’s definition, “to significantly rece or eliminate the negative impact of buildings on the environment and on the building occupants, green building design and construction practices address: sustainable site planning, safeguarding water and water efficiency, energy efficiency, conservation of materials and resources, and indoor environmental quality.”The green building, which is sustainable in the built environment, can rece environmental impact but also provide better buildings. The technologies associated with green buildings include:

-Energy conservation
-Water conservation
-Material selection
-Use of renewable materials
-Occupant health and indoor environment quality
-Site ecology

The green building can be residential, commercial, retail and instrial buildings. For example, the green building uses water-mining plant to recycle water on toilet flushing, watering the garden, and washing cars. The building also uses phase-change materials for cooling, automatic night-purge windows, wavy concrete ceilings, which saves a lot of money and become more sustainable.

The idea of green and healthy cities is becoming more important nowadays. The better city should be planed for health and well-being by planners, and they will mainly focus on service facilities, ecations. The good city will also need to be safe in community, and make community more walkable, and has an urban design with exquisite streetscape. However the planner keeps developing new ideas of how cities should be changed, therefore the city will become more livable and sustainable in the future.

Susan S. Fainstein, can we make the cities we want? The urban movement
Richard Reed and Sara J. Wilkinson (Oct, 2006) Green building-issues for the valuation process, Uiversity of Melbourne

The ascendancy of the Net economy

As we cross the threshold into the next century, human society is beginning its move from the instrial economy into the knowledge-based economy. The general trend is that the 21st century will be a new era of the knowledge-based economy. As mentioned in my previous article, the most notable characteristics of this new era of the knowledge-based economy is information-driven economic growth and globalisation. This article will deal with the information aspects of the knowledge-based economy.
In more specific terms, the application of information to the economy is best exemplified in the networking of communication, or the so-called Net economy. This Net refers to the computer network of satellites, optic fibres, cables and telephone lines that connect the whole world. With the click of a mouse, information from the other end of the globe will be transported to your computer screen at the dizzying speed of seven-and-a-half times around the earth per second.
Singapore has an early start in networking. If we deposit a sum of money at a particular POSB branch, we can withdraw our money from any other POSB branches in Singapore. This was an early step in networking. The networks of the future would have greater significance and implications.
Generally, there are two aspects of the Net. One is the networking between businesses and their customers. The other is the networking between indivial businesses, or the regional and even global networking between instrial proction and scientific research. The examples of the POSB and Internet shopping belong to the first aspect.
From a long-term perspective, Internet shopping is but a low-level aspect of the Net, and it is not likely to become the most important trend. After all, most merchandise are unsuitable for Internet shopping. Besides, if everyone shops on the Net, what will happen to our Orchard Road? Or New York's Broadway? A friend said if he were to force his daughter to shop on the Net instead of letting her shop at Orchard Road, the daughter would rather kill herself.
Therefore, the second aspect of the Net will be more important. Its significance goes beyond that of connecting businesses. There have been reports of simultaneous consultation of doctors from all over the world, surgery on the Net and cooperation in research and development made possible by the Internet. These are early examples of high-level networking.
The president of Intel, procer of the Pentium micro-processors, feels that the new synergy between computers and Net technology will have multiple implications for instry of the future. The sheer power of electronic commerce (e-commerce) will change the face of trade dramatically. Sporting goods company Puma was on the verge of bankruptcy back in 1992. From 1993, Puma began to diffuse its proction, logistics and marketing divisions to 80 Net enterprises worldwide, and the results were spectacular. Puma was transformed from a sickly feline into a magnificent beast. The reason for this transformation is that intra- and inter-business electronic links greatly increase the efficiency of proction, planning, the collecting of information and data exchange. As the business is rapidly being rationalized, proction figures go up while costs come down.
The development of e-commerce may well bring the world into a brand new era of "electronic currency". With the emergence of a phantom electronic currency, everyone of us would be affected. At the moment, developed areas in Europe, the United States and Asia are already studying the possibility of an electronic currency. The main publication of the Association of Electrical Engineers of America even devoted a special edition to electronic currency.
Electronic currency is not only about currency. It refers to an entire finance system on the Net. It includes a virtual numeric currency, an electronic system of withdrawals, transfers and loans, and Smartcards (electronic purses) of all shapes and sizes. The appearance of an electronic currency system implies the emergence of "virtual banks" and "virtual enterprises".
Actually, the rudimentary beginnings of a virtual bank appeared in the US in 1995 as the Security First Network Bank, the world's first Internet bank. Although it is a small and insignificant bank, it represents the trend of the future. In time to come, we may even have to forsake the familiar paper currency.
As the Net pushes the economy ahead rapidly, the economy is also bringing the Net market forward, resulting in the Internet itself becoming the world's largest emerging market. Of course, this is just the beginning. Although there are many companies which made huge profits investing in the Internet market, they tend to be small companies, like Yahoo, which has been basking in the limelight for quite some time. To date, most companies are making losses.
The Net and e-commerce will foster a large number of freelancers, and this will affect social structure in a big way. The competition for technological superiority in the era of the knowledge-based economy will also be more intense. This will definitely promote greater (even global) and more efficient cooperation to maintain competitiveness. The highly efficient research and development work concted on the worldwide Net is best suited for small and medium enterprises to band together and break the monopolies of the "giants".
It is not hard to see that within this new Net economy, especially with its electronic currency and virtual banks, lurks an imminent danger. The writer will elaborate on this danger after expounding the other characteristic of the era of the knowledge-based economy-- globalization.
生产奔腾(Pentium)微处理器的英特尔公司总裁格罗夫(Grove)认为,新的电脑和网络技术的结合将会对未来产业带来十倍速的影响。通过网络的电子商务(Electronic Commerce)的惊人威力会使贸易发生巨变。美洲豹体育用品公司(Puma)在92年已濒临破产。93年起美洲豹把生产,后勤和销售分散到全世界八十个电脑联网企业,结果成绩斐然,美洲豹从一只病猫恢复成了真正的猛兽。
其实,这种虚拟银行的雏形,全球第一家网络银行(Security First Network Bank)早在1995年就已经在美国出现。虽然它只是微不足道的一家小银行,却代表了未来的潮流。到时候,我们说不定真的会不得不告别那习惯了的纸币。

Ⅱ 理财小白,该如何投资才好





























可以先学习学习。一般理财进阶的步骤是这样的: 货币基金一定期产品(固收)一指数基金一主动型基金-股票。


Ⅲ 做区块链新加坡基金会为什么要做法律意见书后期如何开户






1.项目白皮书中英文版 (word文档)







Ⅳ 有七年级上册英语书的所有单词吗

七年级上册英语单词Words and expressions Mole 1*meet [mi:t]v.认识,遇见*first [fə:st] adj. 第一*English [’iŋgliʃ] n.英语,英文lesson [’lesən] n.(一节)课class [klɑ:s] n.班级*student [’stju:dənt] n.学生Miss [mis] n.女士;小姐(对未婚女性的称呼)twelve [twelv] num.十二; 12year [jə:]n. ...岁,年thirteen [θə:’ti:n]num.十三*too [tu:] adv.也,还*from [ frɔm, frəm]prep.从…来*close [kləuz] v.关闭open [’əupən] v.打开match [mætʃ] v.相称,匹配;*write [rait] v.写practise [’præktis]v.练习*city [’siti] n.城市*England [’inglənd]n. 英国英,格兰*English [’iŋg liʃ] adj.英语的fourteen [,fɔ:’ti:n] num.十四eleven [I’levn] num.十一blackboard [’blækbɔ:d]n.黑板twenty -nine [,twenti’nain]num.二十九fifty [’fifti] num.五十Mole 2*parent [’pɛərənt]n.父,母;家长(pl.parents父母)can [kæn, kən]aux. v.能,能够*basketball [’ba:skitbɔ:l] n.篮球piano [pi’ænəu] n.钢琴tennis [’tenis] n.网球(运动)*table tennis [’teibl] [’tenis] 乒乓球*ride [raid] v.骑;开(车)horse [hɔ:s]n.马*welcome [’welkəm] v.欢迎*international [,ɪntə’næʃənəl]adj.国际的*factory [’fæktəri] n.工厂hotel [həu’tel] n.饭店, 宾馆university [,ju:ni’və:siti] n.大学hospital [’hɔspitəl]n.医院office [’ɔfis]n.办公室,*doctor [’dɔktə] n.医生*worker [’wə:kə]n.工人manager [’mænidʒə]n.经理secretary [’sekrətəri]n.秘书*at [æt] prep.在(工作或学习地点);向,朝*photo [’fəutəu] n.照片*family [’fæmili] n.家庭*her [hə:]pron. (she的所有格)她的Mole3there [ðɛə, ðə] pron (用于引导句子)forty-six *dictionary [’dikʃənəri] n.词典,字典*libra[’laibrəri] n.图书馆,藏书室 *picture [’piktʃə] n.图片,照片*right [rait] adj.正确的,准确的fifteen [,fif’ti:n] num.十五sixteen [,sik’sti:n] num.十六seventeen [,sevən’ti:n] num.十七eighteen [ei’ti:n] num.十八nineteen [,nain’ti:n] num.十九thirty [’θə:ti] num.三十sixty [’siksti] num.六十seventy [’sevənti] num.七eighty [’eiti] num.八十ninety [’nainti] num.九十dining hall [’dainiŋ,hɔ:l] 饭厅;饭堂gym [dʒim](=gymnasium/ dʒim’neiziəm] n.体育馆*science [’saiəns] n.科学,科学课lab [læb] (=laboratory [lə’bɔrətəri] )n.实验室in front of [in] [frʌnt] [ɔv, əv, v, f] 在…前面next [nekst] to 在... ....旁边behind [bi’haind] prep.(表示位置)在…的后面*some [sʌm, səm] adj.一些,若干*any [’eni, əni] pron.任何(一个)*one [wʌn] n.一个物,一个人building [’bildiŋ] n.建筑物Mole 4many [’meni] adj.许多*people [’pi:pl] n.人,人们;一般的人aunt [ɑ:nt] n.姑母, 姨母; 伯母, 婶母, 舅母grandfather [’grænd,fɑ:ðə] n. 祖父;外祖父grandfather [’grænd,fɑ:ðə]n.祖父,外祖父grandmother [’græn,mʌðə] n.祖母;外祖母*grandparent [’grænd,pɛərənt]n.(外)祖父,(外)祖母uncle [’ʌŋkl] n.伯伯, 叔叔, 舅父, 姑父, 姨父*sister [’sistə] n.姐, 妹*have [hæv, həv] v.有 have got 拥有*grandma [’grænmɑ:] n.奶奶,姥姥*grandpa /’grænpɑ:/ n.爷爷;姥爷*email [’i:meil] n.电子邮件him [him,lm]pron.(he的宾格)他*make [meik] v.做;制造Mole 5healthe [helθ] n.健康的*orange [’ɔrin dʒ] n.橘子,橙, 柑 drink [driŋk] n. 饮料; v.喝*fruit [fru:t] n.水果;果实*vegetable [’vedʒitəbl] n.蔬菜beef [bi:f]n.牛肉carrot [’kærət] n.胡萝卜*chicken [’tʃikin]n.鸡,鸡肉*juice [dʒu:s]n.果汁melon [’melən]n.甜瓜*milk [milk]n.牛奶onion [’ʌnjən]n.洋葱pork [pɔ:k]n.猪肉potato [pə’teitəu]n.土豆*tomato [tə’mɑ:təu]n.西红柿*favourite [’feivərit]adj.最喜欢的*noodle [’nu:dl]n.面条candy [’kændi]n.糖果Coke [kəuk]n.可口可乐*hamburger [’hæmbə:ɡə] n.汉堡包*ice cream [,aiskri:m] n. 冰激凌unhealthy [ʌn’helθi]adj.不健康的,身体不好的,身心不健全的fridge [fridʒ] (=refrigerator[ri’fridʒəreitə]) n.冰箱Revision mole Aparty [’pɑ:ti] n.晚会,聚会birthday [’bə:θdei] n.生日last [lɑ:st] adj.刚过去的;最近的 table [’teibl]n.桌子;台子them [ðem, ðəm]pron.他/她/它们(they的宾格)live [liv] v.活,生存;住chocolate [’tʃɔkəlit] n.巧克力Mole 6invitation [,ɪnvi’teiʃən] n.邀请cinema [’sinəmə] n.电影院would [wud, wəd] aux.v. 愿意film [film]n. 电影,影片stadium [’steidjəm] n.体育馆match [mætʃ] n.比赛,竞赛star [stɑ:]n. 明星team [ti:m] n.队伍evening [’i:vniŋ] n. 晚上,傍晚, 黄昏 Friday [’fraidi] n.星期五Monday [’mʌndi] n.星期一Saturday [’sætədi] n.星期六Sunday [’sʌndi]n.星期日Thursday [’sʌndi]n.星期日Tuesday [’sʌndi]n.星期日Wednesday [’wenzdi]n.星期三with [wið] prep.和…在一起 (表示关系)great [ɡreit] adj.好极的,伟大的idea [ai’diə]n.想法,主意let [let] v.让,使let’s=let us [let] [ ʌs; əs, s] 让我们when [hwen] adv.什么时候,何时invite [in’vait] v.邀请on [ɔn]adj. adv进行;上演ask [ɑ:sk] v.问,询问magic [’mædʒik] n.魔术show [ʃəu] n表演day [dei]n. 白天,日子place [pleis] n.地点price [prais] n.价格,theatre [’θiətə] n.戏院;剧院swimming 游泳come [kʌm] v.来;来到today [tə’dei] adv.今天plan [plæn] n.计划,打算,方案playground [’pleiɡraund]n.操场stay [stei]v.停留game [ɡeim]n.游戏Mole 7talk [tɔ:k] v.谈论about [ə’baut]prep.关于What-about...?(询问其他人的情况)……怎么样?time [taim] n.时间o’clock [ə’klɔk] n. ... ...点钟half [hɑ:f] n.一半past [pɑ:st] prep.超过art [ɑ:t] n.艺术, 美术chemistry [’kemistri] n.化学history [’histəri] n.历史maths [mæθs] n.数学at [æt, ət] prep.在(某时间或时刻)start [stɑ:t]n.开始get-up起床have breakfast [’brekfəst] n.早饭house [haus] n.房子,住宅 break lunch [lʌntʃ] n.午饭or [ɔ:, ə] conj. 或者go home 回家dinner [’dinə] n. 晚饭;正餐finish [’finiʃ] v.结束,完成park [pɑ:k] n.公园housework [’hauswə:k] n.家务劳动Mole 8different [’difərənt] adj.不同的habit [’hæbit] n.习惯always [’ɔ:lweiz] adv.总是;一直card [kɑ:d] n.卡片present [’prezənt] n.礼物usually [’ju:ʒuəli] adv. 通常often [’ɔfən] adv. 经常never [’nevə] adv.从不get [ɡet] v.得到send [send] v.发送OK好的(表同意)ticket [’tikit] n.票pair [pɛə] n.双,对a poir of 一双,一对trainer jeans [dʒi:nz]n.(复)牛仔裤T-shirt [’ti:ʃə:t] n.T恤concert [’kɔnsət] n.音乐会box [bɔks] n.盒子silk [silk] n.丝绸shirt [ʃə:t] n.衬衫magazine [,mæɡə’zi:n] n.杂志novel [’nɔvəl] n.小说CD [si:’di:] (compact disk [,kəmpækt’disk] n.光盘choose [tʃu:z] v.挑选;选择lot [lɔt] n.大量;许多 lots of 大量;许多a lot of 大量;许多clothes [kləuðz] n.衣服(总称)music [’mju:zik] n.音乐singer [’siŋə] n.歌手on [ɔn] prep.通过,以... ...方式on television [’teli,viʒən] 通过电视;在电视上its [its] pron.它的think [θiŋk] v.想;认为think of [ɔv, əv, v, f] 想出Mogule 9 trip [trip] n.旅行zoo [zu:] n.动物园tiger [’taiɡə] n.老虎camel [’kæməl] n.骆驼elephant [’elifənt] n.大象lion [’laiən] n.狮子giraffe [dʒi’rɑ:f] n.长颈鹿kangaroo [,kæŋɡə’ru:] n.袋鼠monkey [’mʌŋki]n.猴子panda [’pændə] n.熊猫snake [sneik] n.蛇wolf [wulf] n.狼polar-bear[,pəulə’bɛə] 北极熊guide [ɡaid]n.导游thousand [’θauzənd] num.千visit [’vizit] v. 参观;访问 n. 参观;访问every [’evri]adj.每一个/只animal [’æniməl] n.动物zebra [’zi:brə] n.斑马more [mɔ:]adv.更多Australia [ɔs’treiljə] n.澳大利亚Australian [ɔ’streiliən] adj.澳大利亚(人)的Arctic [’ɑ:ktik] adj.北极Europe [’juərəp] n.欧洲European [,juərə’piən]adj.欧洲的; 欧洲人的Asia [’eiʃə] n.亚洲Asian [’eiʃən] adj.亚洲的here [hiə] adv.在这里,向这里,到这里bamboo [bæm’bu:]n.竹子Africa [’æfrikə] n.非洲African [’æfrikən]adj.非洲的America [ə’merikə] n.美洲;美国American [ə’merikən] adj.美洲的;美国的,美国人的Oceania [əusi’ɑ:niə] n.大洋洲Oceanian [,əuʃi’einiə] adj.大洋洲的desert [’dezət] n.沙漠,不毛之地forest [’fɔrist] n.森林,丛林jungle [’dʒʌŋɡl] n.(热带)丛林,密林grass [ɡrɑ:s] n.草,牧草grassland [’ɡrɑ:slænd]n.草原;草地;草场India [’indjə] n.印度leaf [li:f] n.叶子world [wə:ld] n.世界,地球Mole 10keyboard [’ki:bɔ:d] n.键盘monitor mouse [maus] n. 鼠标,老鼠 print [print] v.打印printer [’printə] n.打印机connect [kə’nekt] v.连接,switch [switʃ] v.用开关把... ...开启(或关掉)switch-on 接通;开(电灯、机器等)finally [’fainəli] adv.最后first [fə:st] adv. 首先document [’dɔkjumənt] n.文件,公文,文献use [ju:z] v.使用;利用click [klik] v.点击next [nekst] adv.然后;其次的save [seiv] v.保存;挽救box [bɔks] n.方框then [ðen] adv. 然后,接着,于是again [ə’ɡen] adv.再一次;又online [,ɔn’lain]adj.在线travel [’trævəl] n.旅行download [,daun’ləud] v.下载lnternet grandchild sometimes [’sʌmtaimz] adv.有时候;不时check [tʃek] v.检查train [trein] n.火车timetable [’taim,teibl] n.时刻表laptop [’læptɔp] n.笔记本电脑weekend [,wi:k’end] n.周末website London [’lʌndən]n.伦敦information [,ɪnfə’meiʃən] n.信息kind [kaind] n.种类Revision mole B subject [’sʌbdʒikt] n.科目Proper namesNames of peopleAlexBeckhamBecky[ˈbeki]n.贝基(Rebecca的昵称)(f.)Betty[’beki]n.Britney[’beki]n.贝基(Rebecca的昵称)(f.)Bruno[ˈbru:nəu]n.布鲁诺(m.) of placesAthens Berlin Buenos Aires Durban Ho Chi Minh LondonLos AngelesSeattleSouth StrikeFinal FanasyHarry PotterManchester UnitedOxfordTomb RaiderUk (=United Kingdom)USA (=the United States of America

Ⅳ 马耳他基金会注册流程和条件


马耳他共和国(马耳他语:Repubblika ta Malta,英语:Republic of Malta)通称“马耳他”官方语言为马耳他语和英语,首都瓦莱塔(Valletta),马耳他亦是英联邦和欧盟的成员国,马耳他是一个高度发达的资本主义国家,经济以服务业和金融业为主。
5.注册马耳他的公司或基金,同步办理交易数字货币交易平台或项目 ICO 的

Ⅵ 什么是WEB网络技术工程师

在日常的IT活动中积蓄了力量之后,应用程序设计领域中的下一波潮流即将到来了.这潮流就是Web服务--也即是通过基于XML(可拓展的标记语言)的SOAP(简单对象访问协议)可以进行访问的商业逻辑和信息。在本文中, eWeek Labs解释了为什么Web服务能够降低成本并加强商业联系以及应该在什么时机下在电子商务活动的战略计划中加入这种结构和加入这种结构的方法. 直到现在,而且至少在未来一段较短的时间内, Web 服务还只是销售商鼓吹的概念, 而不是确实的实物,虽然微软和Sun 公司已经分别基于这个概念开发了它们的.NET和Sun ONE 开发系统. 但它们不是唯一的--除了一夜之间出现的成百上千的Web服务支持者们还有那些目前对万维网联盟的XML和SOAP标准不甚狂热的开发者. Web 服务是异构网络伟大的均衡器, IT业通用的信息交流技术. 事实上,在千差万别的硬件平台之间进行容易的通讯是Web服务架构最明显--也最直接的好处之一. 例如, 一个员工可以使用基于J2ME(Java 2微型版)的手持设备, 比方说摩托罗拉iDen移动电话, 来直接访问一台基于IBM OS/390的主机上的服务(在这种情况下,需要Lutris Technologies 公司的J2ME SOAP客户程序并在主机上运行IBM 或 Iona Technologies公司的SOAP服务程序). Web 服务还最有可能成为使用松散耦合的IT结构的新一波电子商务联系的基础. Web 服务能够让企业选择性的使它们的商务伙伴能够访问其内部的应用程序和数据而不需要为每一个商务伙伴特别设计一个网关. 它们也使得公司能够访问其它公司提供的同样的服务,创建客户程序来实时的从一个广泛的内部和外部资源收集信息. Web 服务要成为通用的计算平台还需要很多年;许多外部Web 服务所需的内部架构, 诸如授权和支付系统还无法获得. 但是, 一些演示性的服务已经在网上出现了:xmethods.net Web 站点提供FedEx公司的包裹追踪, 货币转换 和查询加里福利亚州高速公路路况信息的服务;集成工具销售商Cape Clear软件公司提供机场的天气预报;Continental Airlines航空公司提供飞行状态信息;而ActiveState公司提供股票交易信息. 另外,微软公司的HailStorm项目的目的就是要提供多种Web服务. 当然,在关键的内部架构中采用Web服务的时候是必须要小心的; 这种技术仍然处在开发者的预览阶段, 而且不同的SOAP实现之间存在互连性问题.例如,微软的.NET要求处理HTTP SOAPAction头信息,但是Apache Software Foundation公司的Apache SOAP的缺省方案却是不需要. 开发工具的缺乏成为了采用Web服务最大的绊脚石. 虽然Web服务的标准(如XML 和 SOAP)和基本库(如Apache SOAP)现在已经相当稳定,但主流的开发工具仍然无视新平台的存在. 在Web服务领域内一个相对领先的软件是Borland 软件公司的Delphi 6, 它在六月份被发布并提供了对创建SOAP服务程序和SOAP客户程序的原始支持.另一个处在Web服务边缘的公司是IBM,它在上个月发布了它的WebSphere 4.0 应用服务软件和集成的SOAP开发工具. 但是,即使一个企业使用的开发工具不提供对Web服务的原始支持,只要它们使用的语言支持Internet协议和XML, 开发Web服务也不是那么难. 关键的一点是,现在应该考查这些技术并比较它们之间的优点,而eWeek Labs建议在明年采用Web 服务, 首先从内部开始然后选择性的使用到外部的商业伙伴上去. 虽然不同硬件和分部的网络之间的互连性是Web服务的最终目标,但我们对早期采用Web服务的公司的调查显示了一个另人惊讶的发现:Web服务最直接的好处是在严格的内部实现上--例如,数据库集成的工作. "人们对于Web服务的内部使用存在很大的兴趣,我们决定使它成为我们整个架构的一部分,"Sanjay Sarathy说, 他是加里福利亚州,Snta Clara市,Sun-Netscape联盟,iPlanet公司的产品营销,应用程序和集成业务的主任."从内到外的构建过程吸引了许多人. 特别的同时基于内部和外部来实现它是困难的." 一个特别困难的互连性障碍--Windows程序使用的微软COM(组件对象模型)与Sun公司的JavaBeans和企业版JavaBeans对象模型之间的鸿沟--通过SOAP已经更容易越过了. 在eWeek Labs的测试中, 我们修改了一个基于SOAP的Java客户应用程序,它原先是被设计调用iPlanet应用服务器(它使用Apache公司的Apache SOAP 工具包来提供Web服务支持)上的代码,修改以后,它调用的是我们用微软C#.NET语言编写的在Windows 上运行的一个组件. 其它的一些努力, 尤其是对象管理组织的CORBA(通用对象请求代理结构),曾经企图提供分部式的计算."CORBA的问题在于它变得有些过分庞大,"加州 Santa Cruz市 Lutris Technologies公司的首席宣传官,David Young说. 在九十年代早期,Young曾在X/Open标准团队工作,当时CORBA的开发工作正进行得如火如荼."它火得过了头,"Young 说,"希望满足所有人的所有要求. SOAP是软件实现细节无关的一个更简单的概念.SOAP 绝对是建立一个美丽的,简洁的,可以互连的软件世界的关键." SOAP的范围必须相当的广泛以支持它所承诺的一切,特别是对于一个还只有两岁大的协议来说. 而且,它的能力是惊人的, 因为SOAP和相关的技术正被广泛而快速的采用--即使是微软和SUN这样的死对头,Web服务已经成为一种现实. SOAP 站点 www.soapware.org 列出了71个支持SOAP的软件包,而更多的软件包还在开发之中. 另外, Web服务的变种内构--比方说对可用的服务的列表显示和对加密标准的建议,数字签名和消息路由--都在快速的出现.Web服务的目录被列出在微软和IBM公司的Universal, Description, Discovery 和 Integration 目录里, 其它的公司也会很快赶上来的. 在两到三年内, 对于应用程序如何获取信息并在什么地方获取信息以及如何进行事务处理,我们将看见一个更加灵活的模式.基于更加容易处理的XML的良好定义的接口,再加上内部的和外部的服务列表,这些都将使得在大部分地方重新发明编程工具变得没有必要. 当我遇见微软的程序语言设计师Anders Hejlsberg的时候, 他将C#(C sharp)描述成" C/C++ 家族中第一个真正的面向组件的语言."程序组件中数据(属性)和行为(事件)的编程模型在C#中得到了比Java更自然的支持,他说."[Java]用访问方法的命名转换模拟对象属性而用适配器和管道模拟事件处理,"Hejlsberg说.他承认 Java和C++都支持面向组件的编程风格,但是他也指出了这些语言中的区别,"组件并不是第一位的"--他的意思是在C#中,诸如改变一个图形按纽控件的标题之类的操作将使用更少的代码和更简单的语法,因为按纽已经成为了一个负责管理自己的外观和用户感觉的组件了.面向组件,Hejlsberg表示,能够让开发者在任何用户希望访问Web 服务的地方嵌入自己的软件.下面是C++, Java和C#各自特点的比较.--Peter Coffee

Ⅶ 高分悬赏!!!乍得这个国家的英文介绍

国名:乍得共和国 (The Republic of Chad)
首都:恩贾梅纳 (N'Djamena),原名拉密堡 (Fort-Lamy),1973年9月5日改为现名。





The name: Republic of Chad (The Republic of Chad)
State Comment: from Lake Chad. "Chad" in the local language Borno Italy as "a large water"
Capital: N'Djamena (N'Djamena), formerly known as Fort Lamy (Fort-Lamy), September 5, 1973 is a change.
Area: 1.284 million square kilometers
Population: 9.45 million (2004 UN estimate)
National: total size of the more than 256 tribes. The northern, central and eastern residents mainly Berber people of Arab descent, people of cloth, herders race, Bajiermi family, or about 45% of the country's population; Residents of the southern and southwestern mainly Sara race, ethnic Massa, Kotokoli race, when ethnic Mongolia, the country's population of about 55 %.
Language: residents of the south branch of the Sudan GM Sarah language of northern Chad common Arabic. With French and Arabic is the official language.
Religion: 44% of residents in the Muslim, 33% Christian, 23% believe in primitive religion.
Independence Day: August 11 (1960)
Currency: Central African francs financial cooperation
Time difference: seven hours later than --
Attractions: Dejie wildlife protected areas, zakouma national parks.

Located in north-central Africa, the southern margin of the Sahara desert, is a landlocked country. Even Libya, North, South and Central Africa, Cameroon junction of West and Niger, Nigeria, neighborhood, East and the Sudan border. Relatively flat topography, with an average altitude of 300-500 meters, only North, East, the southern border zone for the mountain plateau. The northern region of the Sahara desert or semi-desert area of the 1 / 3 strong; Yes eastern plateau region; The potential for vast western plains; Northwest Shibei worked an average altitude of 2000 meters above sea level. The Xishan elevation 3,415 meters, is the central African region peak. Major rivers have river sand, and Logone. Lake Chad in central Africa for the largest inland fresh water, as the water level changes with the seasons, in the area of 10,000 square kilometers between 1-2.5. A tropical northern desert climate, a southern savannah climate.

Chad has a long history, early "SOX culture" is the African cultural heritage has been an important part. Five hundred years before Christ, Chad Hunan have been residents of the region. 9-10 century AD has established a number of Muslim kingdom Jianiemu - Boernao Kingdom mainly Muslim Sudan Kingdom. After the 16th century, there Bajiermi contend with the Kingdom and the Kingdom according to Levada, the three countries emerging from scrimmage situation. 1883-1893, the Kingdom were Sudanese Bahejieer conquest. The late 19th century, French colonialists invasion began, in 1902 occupied territory. 1910 was designated as French Equatorial Africa, a province, in 1958 that "the French community" in the Autonomous Republic, August 11, 1960 independence, the establishment of the Republic of Chad.

Agriculture and animal husbandry, economic backwardness, by the United Nations as the world's 47 LDCs one. Rich mineral resources, but most have not exploitation. Trona is the main mineral, limestone, clay and white tungsten, tin, copper, nickel, and chromium. Since 1970, Zedillo covered the Lake Chad area, multi Basin and herders Basin oil were found. Instrial mainly agricultural, livestock procts processing enterprises, which mainly cotton processing.

External neighborly, friendly, cooperative and non-aligned policy and oppose "any form and from any place," the hegemonic and expansionist. On November 28, 1972, Chad establish diplomatic relations with China. On August 15, 1997, the government of Chad with the Taiwan authorities on August 12, 1997 resume so-called "diplomatic relations", the Chinese government today to suspend diplomatic relations with Chad. On August 6, 2006, China and the two representatives of the government of Chad signed a joint communique in Beijing, has now decided to resume bilateral diplomatic relations at ambassadorial level.

Ⅷ 求乍得这个国家的英文介绍求大神帮助

国名:乍得共和国 (The Republic of Chad) 国名释义:源于乍得湖。“乍得”在当地博尔诺语中意为“大片的水” 首都:恩贾梅纳 (N'Djamena),原名拉密堡 (Fort-Lamy),1973年9月5日改为现名。 面积:128.4万平方公里 人口:945万人(2004年联合国估计数字) 民族:全国共有大小部族256多个。北部、中部和东部居民主要是阿拉伯血统的柏柏尔族、图布族、瓦达伊族、巴吉尔米族等,约占全国人口的45%;南部和西南部的居民主要为萨拉族、马萨族、科托科族、蒙当族等,约占全国人口的55%。 语言:南方居民通用苏丹语系的萨拉语,北方通用乍得化的阿拉伯语。法语和阿拉伯语同为官方语言。 宗教:居民中44%信奉伊斯兰教,33%信奉基督教,23%信奉原始宗教。 独立日:8月11日(1960年) 货币:中非金融合作法郎 时差:比北京时间晚7小时 名胜:德基亚野生动物保护区、扎库马国家公园等。 位于非洲中北部,撒哈拉沙漠南缘,是个内陆国。北连利比亚,南与中非、喀麦隆交界,西与尼日尔、尼日利亚为邻,东和苏丹接壤。地势较平坦,平均海拔300-500米,仅北、东、南部边境地带为高原山地。北部地区属撒哈拉沙漠或半沙漠,占全国面积1/3强;东部是高原地区;中西部为辽阔的准平原;西北部提贝斯提高原平均海拔2000米。库西山海拔3415米,是全国、中部非洲地区的最高峰。主要河流有沙里河、洛贡河等。乍得湖为非洲中部最大的内陆淡水湖,由于水位随季节变化,面积在1-2.5万平方公里之间。北部属热带沙漠气候,南部属热带草原气候。 乍得历史悠久,早期的“萨奥文化”曾是非洲文化宝库的重要组成部分。公元前500年,乍得湖南部地区一直有居民。公元9-10世纪先后建立了一些穆斯林王国,加涅姆—博尔努王国为主要穆斯林苏丹王国。16世纪后,出现与之抗衡的巴吉尔米王国和瓦达依王国,从此出现了3国混战局面。1883-1893年各王国均被苏丹人巴赫·祖拜尔征服。19世纪末,法国殖民者开始入侵,1902年占领全境。1910年被划为法属赤道非洲的一个省,1958年宣布为“法兰西共同体”内的自治共和国,1960年8月11日获得独立,成立乍得共和国。 农牧业国家,经济落后,被联合国列为世界上47个最不发达国家之一。矿产资源较丰富,但大多尚未开采。主要矿产有天然碱、石灰石、白陶土和钨、锡、铜、镍、铬等。1970年以来,乍得湖塞迪盖地区、多巴盆地和瓦达伊盆地均发现石油。工业主要为农、牧产品加工企业,其中以棉花加工为主。 对外奉行睦邻、友好、合作和不结盟政策,反对“任何形式和来自任何地方”的霸权主义和扩张主义。1972年11月28日,乍得与中国建立外交关系。1997年8月15日,由于乍得政府同台湾当局于1997年8月12日恢复所谓“外交关系”,中国政府即日起中止同乍得的外交关系。2006年8月6日,中国和乍得两国政府代表在北京签署联合公报,决定自即日起恢复两国大使级外交关系。 The name: Republic of Chad (The Republic of Chad) State Comment: from Lake Chad. "Chad" in the local language Borno Italy as "a large water" Capital: N'Djamena (N'Djamena), formerly known as Fort Lamy (Fort-Lamy), September 5, 1973 is a change. Area: 1.284 million square kilometers Population: 9.45 million (2004 UN estimate) National: total size of the more than 256 tribes. The northern, central and eastern residents mainly Berber people of Arab descent, people of cloth, herders race, Bajiermi family, or about 45% of the country's population; Residents of the southern and southwestern mainly Sara race, ethnic Massa, Kotokoli race, when ethnic Mongolia, the country's population of about 55 %. Language: residents of the south branch of the Sudan GM Sarah language of northern Chad common Arabic. With French and Arabic is the official language. Religion: 44% of residents in the Muslim, 33% Christian, 23% believe in primitive religion. Independence Day: August 11 (1960) Currency: Central African francs financial cooperation Time difference: seven hours later than -- Attractions: Dejie wildlife protected areas, zakouma national parks. Located in north-central Africa, the southern margin of the Sahara desert, is a landlocked country. Even Libya, North, South and Central Africa, Cameroon junction of West and Niger, Nigeria, neighborhood, East and the Sudan border. Relatively flat topography, with an average altitude of 300-500 meters, only North, East, the southern border zone for the mountain plateau. The northern region of the Sahara desert or semi-desert area of the 1 / 3 strong; Yes eastern plateau region; The potential for vast western plains; Northwest Shibei worked an average altitude of 2000 meters above sea level. The Xishan elevation 3,415 meters, is the central African region peak. Major rivers have river sand, and Logone. Lake Chad in central Africa for the largest inland fresh water, as the water level changes with the seasons, in the area of 10,000 square kilometers between 1-2.5. A tropical northern desert climate, a southern savannah climate. Chad has a long history, early "SOX culture" is the African cultural heritage has been an important part. Five hundred years before Christ, Chad Hunan have been residents of the region. 9-10 century AD has established a number of Muslim kingdom Jianiemu - Boernao Kingdom mainly Muslim Sudan Kingdom. After the 16th century, there Bajiermi contend with the Kingdom and the Kingdom according to Levada, the three countries emerging from scrimmage situation. 1883-1893, the Kingdom were Sudanese Bahejieer conquest. The late 19th century, French colonialists invasion began, in 1902 occupied territory. 1910 was designated as French Equatorial Africa, a province, in 1958 that "the French community" in the Autonomous Republic, August 11, 1960 independence, the establishment of the Republic of Chad. Agriculture and animal husbandry, economic backwardness, by the United Nations as the world's 47 LDCs one. Rich mineral resources, but most have not exploitation. Trona is the main mineral, limestone, clay and white tungsten, tin, copper, nickel, and chromium. Since 1970, Zedillo covered the Lake Chad area, multi Basin and herders Basin oil were found. Instrial mainly agricultural, livestock procts processing enterprises, which mainly cotton processing. External neighborly, friendly, cooperative and non-aligned policy and oppose "any form and from any place," the hegemonic and expansionist. On November 28, 1972, Chad establish diplomatic relations with China. On August 15, 1997, the government of Chad with the Taiwan authorities on August 12, 1997 resume so-called "diplomatic relations", the Chinese government today to suspend diplomatic relations with Chad. On August 6, 2006, China and the two representatives of the government of Chad signed a joint communique in Beijing, has now decided to resume bilateral diplomatic relations at ambassadorial level.

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