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发布时间: 2022-01-01 00:22:43

『壹』 早饭后去大型购物中心这句英文句子翻译

We go to a big mall after having breakfast.
We went to a big mall after fihishing breakfast.

『贰』 介绍一个你喜欢的购物中心,用英文,带翻译.

1, geographical location and size of shopping center,
2, what are the different types of shopping center stores,
3, do you like the shopping center.

『叁』 我们将要去购物中心用英语翻译出来


We are going to the shopping mall

满意请采纳,不懂欢迎追问 谢谢😄

『肆』 去购物中心 的英文翻译

Go to the mall

『伍』 我要去购物中心购物的英文

I'm going to the shopping centre buy the English book

『陆』 去购物中心英语翻译

visit the shopping mall
go to the shopping mall
visit the shopping center
go to the shopping center

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