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发布时间: 2022-01-29 22:51:56











在以太坊协议中规定,交易手续费=Gas 数量 x Gas 价格,其中 Gas 数量由智能合约的复杂程度决定,而 Gas 价格则由合约发起人决定。这对开发者和用户意味着什么呢?虽然读取本地区块链是免费的,但写入和运算是花钱的,储存更是尤其昂贵,因为任何写入的信息都会被永久的储存着。


以太坊计划实现将 POW 机制改为 POW/POS 混合共识机制。但这个涉及到技术开发和矿工双方能否达到利益共识的问题了。如果协议发生了变化,社区意见不合时,就会导致分叉,大家各自玩各自的。

② 英语翻译 不要机器, 翻完后追加分。

6 Business English's statement Business English in statements often specific, accurate things, absolutely not general. For example: "yes for your letter of month. Mr.," say rather, "yes for February 1st letter dated suvs. The former punch-drunk, this will probably cause dissension. So the most taboo in commercial aspects such vague language and cause differences. While the latter is made clear, accord with business English language accurate habit.
7 Business English language to polite, decent, short incisive. (1) the politeness principle Courtesy is a kind of interpersonal relations, polite adhesives have training performance is. Polite and verbal decent have inseparable relationship. In speech communication, appropriateness politeness is an important content. To do close ritual, we write in business English letters, it should first be polite expressions suits. Begin and end all should have corresponding courtesy, refused to someone be tactful polite, request to and respect. For example we regret when refuses to say stupidest... Regret, which reflected tactful polite, helps to continue good relations of cooperation. Another example request you can say you kindly get sucstressed that... , kindly can reflect the principle of a polite. (2) the principle of appropriateness The words say the benefits, you want to minimize the words to express in words of express beneath others view, decrease as far as possible let other people feel cheated words, as far as possible much make others get more interest, such not only can consolidate the original friendly relations, still can make the relationship of both more harmonious. The use of easy and decent words, accord with commerce idioms and their identity. (3) short incisive For simplicity to express to grasp their content points, a minimum amount of words to express oneself must express meaning, so can make others very easy to read the content of the proposed for both sides, the exchange provides superior basis.
8 business English translation principles Translation is a kind of spanning spatio-temporal language activities is "one language has expressed in another language what is accurate and complete expression" is "in style from semantic translation into the language the closest natural equivalent of two and the language of the source language message translation" for indivial 承做 though is a kind of social activities a comprehensive very strong disciplines collecting stamps very strong theoretical and have rich practical connotation. Translation is the proct of human social activities is the need of human progress. The human society to develop needs in different culture communication between the peoples of this process without translation. As baker said, "it is the Translating that openeth the well in garages to < breaketh the pleasure that we may eat the shells kernnel" translation is science is not art or a creative work.

③ 什么是比特币分叉


按照这种算法,那么一个区块大约包含的4 194.3(笔)交易。










④ 请问谁帮忙翻译下! 追+200 机器的不要


⑤ 以太坊区块链ETH目前存在哪些问题

以太坊区块链目前暴露出三大问题,长时间以来其创始人Vitalik Buterin一直无力解读。第一是以太坊区块链整体很低的性能和TPS;第二是资源不隔离,CryptoKitties虚拟猫咪的事件,一度占据了整个以太坊 20% 的流量,直接造成以太坊网络用户无法展开及时的交易,就是资源不隔离最大的痛点;第三个问题在于以太坊治理结构的体现,区块链作为去中心化的分布式账本,以太坊过去以来,创始人团队主导了其网络发展,过于中心化的治理模式,让目前的以太坊出现了ETH、ETC、ETF等分叉,以太坊社区目前进入四分五裂的治理状态。而以太坊网络目前出现的各种弊病,在「aelf」创始人与CEO马昊伯看来,这是无法接受的。于是,「aelf」定位,就是为对标以太坊的下一代去中心化底层计算平台,重点解决目前以太坊存在的性能不足、资源不隔离、治理结构三方面的问题而诞生的。

⑥ 以太经典的投资价值有哪些

  1. 市值高,以太经典在数字货币市场市值排名前15

  2. 名气较大,作为以太坊的分叉币,有一定名气

  3. 波动相对稳定,比起空气币来说,没有那么大起大落

  4. 更好用的数字货币交易平台“币汇”

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