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發布時間: 2021-03-29 13:16:28

1. 為什麼我的電腦cgminer不能挖比特幣


下載win32位的 http://ck.kolivas.org/apps/cgminer/



2. cpu和GPU有什麼區別。












3. 要寫酸甜苦辣話上學 字少些 六年級的(400字左右)








4. 孟凡利:N卡和A卡的各自優點是什麼

  • A卡源於ATI,曾經A卡的畫質要略好於N卡,但經過這么多年的進化,已經基本沒什麼差別了。自AMD收購ATI之後,BVDIA就不再為AMD提供主板晶元而專做顯卡,加強與游戲開發商的合作,很多游戲也專門針對N卡進行優化,從而提高了競爭能力。

  • N卡比同級別的A卡的功耗相對較低。因此對於多數游戲玩家,一般應該選擇N卡。然而,對於麥克斯威架構的N卡對CPU單線程性能的依賴比較大,而這恰恰是這么多年來AMD CPU的強項(RYZEN除外),因此在今年以前,一般情況下AMD平台應該配A卡。另外,由於A要比同級別N卡的運算單元多,理適合用於挖礦等特殊應用,由於此決定了買二手高端A卡就要特別留意,避免買到礦卡。

  • 另外還要說一句:RX 470D要比同價位的GTX 1050TI性能強不少。

5. 作文500字左右。寫永州市冷水灘的一些民風民俗。

哇哦上次掃大街是動物adsdll挖礦按出廠價愛那臭小子,輕輕掐死大聲地那可是大家開始低窪空即是色空間ask低窪jad看我的卡薩是奧斯卡打算今晚撒旦庫薩克拉斯科大家愛死了 哦啊無iqoqjewisdasjiajdaio覺得看電視劇阿卡挖掘阿卡大街上的卡上的就愛看我的幾位大師等級ask阿克蘇的就是卡登記卡時間按貸款就愛看的驕傲sdk我決定擴大是看得見收到卡時間打開我我就打開jad卡設計大賽科技大廈看到jad空間按時打卡時間點開始覺得卡就打開大師較大時刻可是大家愛上看覺得是看見時空大家收到卡薩斯大可就是看得見ask的就愛上看到就愛上看到挖掘點卡阿嬌的卡是大家ask的是jad卡時間打瞌睡較大時看到按時間打開電視劇看到就打誰看得見啊上課大家按時打卡上大事記看到就愛看我的驕傲我的卡我打就打誰看得見啊雙卡手機薩克的時間按空間大師喀什較大時看到吉薩的卡是件大事看得見奧斯卡的角度看撒嬌ask的驕傲sdk時間打開手機大師看得見奧斯卡寄售點卡角度看設計大師看較大時刻就ask大事件時刻記得請我都去玩石達開拉轟死愛的橫掃還哦的話ioqwoqiwwidasodiahwoidhsisa看到愛上課的撒嬌等哈我盡快就暗示的話就看好大uwuwuwuw無無無無無我大師 是kdjask大家愛上卡死愛神的箭ask的哈薩克還是打架大王時間的話就大喊答案好玩的家務活安靜得很師啊好的就愛上阿達時間的話ads就愛打架的哈記得哈維大家的哈時間 阿達按時間大師大家好我接電話是阿達阿薩斯的撒嬌看哈是假的啊哈薩斯的及阿嬌的貨物

6. 小弟在做采礦畢業設計 急求一片3000字英文參考文獻翻譯

附錄 1
在國外,很少使用磚、料石和鑄鐵井壁, 從前,幾乎全用木支架,但現在混凝土和金屬井壁使用量日增。 井壁的選擇決定於圍岩和水的條件,井筒的形式和材料的費用。
(1)木支架——直到最近,大多數方形的井筒還在用框形木支架支護井幫和分成隔間。.所用木料的尺寸和框距取決於所遇到的岩層情況。. 木支架缺點是費用高,強度低、壽命短,易引起火災。在膨脹性岩層中,木支架損壞得慢,警告時間長。在大多數情況下,開始鑿井時澆灌一個混凝土鎖口以固定支架,為井筒木支架提供良好的基礎。木框架一般用掛鉤掛在上面的框架上,框架就位後插入支柱,拉緊掛鉤,在井筒周圍鋪上背板。
(2)金屬支護——有時用金屬支架代替木支架。 通常與木背板配合使用。木背板可快速而高效地插入金屬支架的翼緣中。金屬支架若設計恰當其安裝的速度和准確度均比木支架高,因為安裝時金屬支架可能螺栓連接,並且排列很整齊。
(3)混凝土井壁——現在,原形混凝土井壁使用日益廣泛。 例如,在南非幾乎100%的井筒採用圓形混凝土井壁。而且幾乎所有井筒毫無例外地達到最高的鑿井速度。 除了鑿井速度快外,,還有許多其它優勢。 圓形混凝土井壁做井筒指甲其強度系數最高,風流特性最好,與任何井壁形式相比其維護量最小。混凝土井壁容易拆除並改裝成另一種提升布置方式,或改為風井而不影響圍岩狀態。這類井筒對涌水的控制或封堵容易的多。與大多數其他類型相比,這種井筒的事故較少,萬一發生事故,修復也容易得多。在某些特殊的情況下,也採用方形或橢圓形混凝土做井壁的井筒。盡管方形井筒的成本與圓形或橢圓形相仿,但其強度不如圓形或橢圓形井筒。橢圓形井筒具有良好的強度系數,需要分開風流時採用這種形狀。但起鑿井費用比圓形的高。
(4 )噴漿或噴射混凝土井壁——有一些井壁採用噴漿或噴射混凝土井壁。這類井筒的罐道一般用錨桿固定。如果井筒完成後並能不需要罐道,那麼鑿井時可採用鋼絲繩罐道。
(1)金屬支架——金屬支架通常由兩節組成,每節包括一條棚腿和半截拱。同樣兩節相對立好之後,在拱頂用螺栓對接。金屬支架的尺寸取決於岩石的性質和地壓。一般地說,小斷面巷道採用4英寸或5英寸金屬支架,間距為1.5—4英尺;中斷面巷道採用5~6 英寸金屬支架,間距為1.5—4英尺;大斷面巷道採用6~8英寸金屬支架,間距2~5英尺。對於全部採用錨噴支架的工程,只是在斷層和嚴重破碎或軟岩地帶才需用金屬支架。根據需要,金屬棚子還必須鋪以木檔塊及木背板。一個標准掘進班組架設一架金屬棚子,需時20~40分鍾。
(2 )錨桿支架——現在通用的能張緊的錨桿有許多多種,其主要區別在於,擰緊螺帽使錨桿張緊之前,在孔內固定錨頭的脹圈結構的不同。最適合某種岩石的錨頭形式要經常做試驗來確定。軟鋼金屬錨桿的直徑至少應為1英寸,長度應為10英尺(巷道斷面要足以允許使用這樣長的錨桿)。安裝錨桿時應認真研究岩石節理的規律。錨桿的布置要大致均勻有規律,使錨桿張緊之後能與圍岩構成一個相似的拱形結構,以承受作用在巷道上的外部壓力。在起拱線以上整個巷道頂板錨桿的平均間距在最小約12平方英尺/根,最大25或25以上平方英尺/根之間變化。由普通掘進班組安裝錨桿時,一個標准掘進班組通常在30至40分鍾內可安裝錨桿,一個小時也許只能平均安裝兩根。
(3 )噴射混凝土——噴射混凝土或噴漿,這種把混凝土或砂漿直接噴到拱形巷道頂板岩石表面的方法正迅速地被公認是一種效率高而又經濟的巷道支護方式。只要噴上的混凝土能附著相當時間達到初凝強度而不陷落,此方法在各類軟、硬岩石或硬土上均可用。有許多促凝劑可到初凝。混凝土的噴射厚度為2~6英尺。干法噴射的效果通常比濕法好,因為可以噴、得厚一些,可以採用較大粒度的骨料(最大為0.75英寸),每台噴嘴的小時生產率較高(一個小時達5立方碼)。噴射混凝土在經濟上常具備的優點之一是可在裝岩的同時,向巷道頂板噴混凝土,從而縮短完成整個「循環」所需用的時間。

In the USA, brick, stone and cast iron shaft linings are rare; formerly, timbering was almost universal but concreting and steel framing are increasing in use. Choice of support depends on ground and water conditions, shape of shaft and cost of materials.
(1)Timber Sets——Until relatively recently, most rectangular shafts have used square-set timbering for ground support and compartment division .Size of the timber used and set spacing is dependent on ground conditions encountered .The disadvantages of timer sets are the cost, strength , short life and fire hazard involved. In swelling ground timbering fails slowly and with ample warning .in most cases , a concrete collar is poured at the start of a shaft to tie the sets in and provide a good bearing for the shaft-timbering installation .Timber sets usually are hung from the preceding set with steel hanging rods .After the set is in place , the posts are inserted and the hanging rods are tightened up . The lagging is placed in around the sides of the shaft.
(2)Steel Sets-Steel sets sometimes ate used instead of timber. Wood lagging generally is employed in conjunetion. The laggling can be placed in the web of the steel sket very quickly and effectivelt. Properly designed steel sets go in faster and more accuratelt than wooden sets, as they can be bolted together and lined up perfectly when assembled.
(3)Concrete Lining-Circular concrete-lined shafts are more and more used today. For example, in South Africa, almost 100% of the shafts installed are circular concretelined .Also almost without exception, the best sinking time is achieved. Besides the good sinking rate, there are numerous other advantages. The circular concrete section provides the greatest strength factor for ground support ,the best air-flow characteristics, and by far the lowest maintenance of any shaft type. It can be stripped easily and changed to another hoisting configuration, or to a ventilation shaft, without disturbing ground conditions. Water can be controlled or sealed off much easier in this type of shaft. There are fewer wrecks in this shaft than in most other types, and rehabilitation can be accomplished much easier if they do occnr. In some special cases concrete-lined shafts of a square of elliptical shape are used. Although the cost is similar, the square shaft does not have the strength of either the circular of elliptical. The elliptical shaft has a good strength factor and is used where split ventilation is required. It is, however, more expensive to sink than a circular shaft.
(4)Gunite or Shotcrete Lining——There have been some shafts sunk using gunite or shotcrete for wall support. The guides in this type of shaft usually are not required in the completed shafe, the rope guides could be used in sinking.
In former years, the square or segmented timber set was the only known method for supporting underground excavations. As timber become more scarce and wideflange steel shapes made their appearance, steel rapidly displaced timber as a structure-support material. More recently, rock bolting and pneumatically applied concrete have been added to the list of practical ground-support media. Either rock bolting or pneumatically applied concrete concrete usually cost less per linear foot of tunnel than steel ribs . Sometime the two are used together and still show a saving over steel ribs.
(1)Steel Rib Support-Steel rib sets commonly are fabricated in two pieces with the side leg and half of the arch in each piece. The two identical pieces are stood up and bolted together at a butt joint in the crown . Size of steel required will depend upon the nature of the rock and the pressure being exerted by the ground . Generally speaking, a small tunnel section will require a 4-or 5-in .rib with spacing of 1(1/2)to 4ft; medium-sized , 5-to 6-in. rib with spacing of 1(1/2) to 4 ft; large, a 6-to 8-in.rib with spacing of 2 to 5 ft. On a project where full utilization is being made of rock bolting and pneumatically applied concrete, steel rib supports need be used only in fault zones and through stretches of badly broken rock or soft ground. Supplementing the steel rib, timber blocking and lagging must be installed as required. A standard tunnel crew usually erects a set of steel in 20 to 40 min.
(2)Rock Bolting –A number of types of tensionable rockbolts presently are available , differing mostly in the arrangement of the expandable device which anchors the end of the bolt to the rock prior to applying the tension by tightening the nut. Experimentation frepuently is necessary to determine the type of anchor most suitable to a particular formation of rock. Mildsteel bolts should be at least 1 in. in dia and 10 ft long, provided the tunnel is large enough to permit insertion of rods of this length. Rockbolts must be installed with careful consideration for the jointing pattern of the rock.. They must also be installed in a more or less uniform and regular pattern so that when tensioned they will, with the surrounding rock,proce a homogeneous arch structure against the external stresses acting upon the excavation opening. Average spacing of the rockbolts, throughout the roof of the tunnel above the spring line, will vary from a minimum of about 12sq ft of rock per bolt to a maximum of 25 or more. When rockbolts are installed by the regular tunnel crew, a standard tunnel crew usually will install the bolts required for one full round of advance of 8ft in 30 to 40 min. If a two-man crew alone is installing bolts, they probably will average two bolts per hour.
(3)Pneumatically Applied Concrete—Shotcret or gunite, applied directly to the rock surface of the arched tunnel roof, is rapidly becoming accepted as an effective and economical means of ground support. It can be used in all types of fair to poor rock or firm earth provided the material will stand up without caving for a sufficient time to permit the sprayed concrete to gain its initial strength. Accelerating additives are which, when added to the concrete at the spray nozzle, will cause initial set to occur within 3to 10 min. after the mortar has been applied. The concrete is applied in thickness of 2to 6 in. Dry-process application usually proces better results than the wet process because it permits the placing of thicker layers, uses larger aggregates (maximum, 3/4 in.) and usually achieves a higher proction rate per hour per nozzle (to 5.0 cu yd. per hr). One of the economies which frequently can be achieved with pneumatically applied concrete reflects the fact that it can be applied readily to the tunnel roof ring the mucking cycle, thereby shortening the total time required to complete the 「round」.
Supports for the tunnel roof and sides may be required while driving. Conventionally, temporary timbering is often used ring driving and replaced later by permanent supports or lining. Permanent supports may be of timber too.
For permanent support, timber should be well seasoned and treated with preservative. It is easily framed on the job and quickly erected without use of special tools or equipment. For temporary support, in local stretches of bad ground while advancing the heading timbers are readily cut and framed to suit requirements.
Timber sets comprises several timbers forming a framework across the tunnel section. The commonest form for narrow tunnels is the 3-piece set, consisting of a cap (crossbar or header) supported on two posts. The batter of the posts is 1 to 1.5in per ft, which is usually sufficient to prevent the bottoms of the posts. From pushing inward unless side pressure is excessive and the bottom soft. Posts are usually of hardwood, round, with small end 5-in minimum diameter. The minimum thickness of the cap is usually 5-in with width from 6 to 8 in. Lagging, usually 2 in thick, may or may not be set on the sides and top.
In swelling ground the timber set usually has :batter blocks」 to prevent the displacement of the posts; where the bottom tends to heave, an inverted arch set may be used. The back (or roof) of the tunnel often stands better if arched, especially in wide tunnels. Where only the back requires support and the walls are strong, posts may be omitted and the arched timbers set in hitches out at the break-line of the arch. Size of timbers and interval between sets depend upon size of tunnel and pressures to be withstood. Swelling ground should not be close-lagged, but spaces left between adjacent pieces of lagging, through which pressure can be relieved.
Routine and speed of timbering depend largely on how close the timbering must be kept behind the face. If each round of advance must be supported at once, timbering becomes a part of the driving cycle. The first step after blasting is to scale the back; and , in loose ground, to hold the back ahead of the last set by forepoling, sliding booms or similar means, to protect men while mucking. After the round is mucked, the new set is erected, blocked in place and lagged if necessary, and the drills are set up for the new round. timbers can be standardized and a regular routine followed. Speed is gained by baving all materials and supplies at the face before work begins; timber for a compete set, blocks, wedges, lagging and tools, should be brought in with the crew. Where the timbering lags a considerable distance behind the face, a special timber crew is usually employed. With suitable scaffolding, work can proceed without interfering with driving operations. A movable scaffold, with a working deck several sets long and high enough to allow the tunnel cars to pass under it, may be advantageous.
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