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發布時間: 2024-03-31 17:44:41

① 1.What is the largest ant in the world(the key is 1 word of 8 letters)

1.What is the largest ant in the world?(the key is 1 word of 8 letters)世界上最大的螞蟻是什麼螞蟻(該單詞由8個字母組成):Bull ants
2.Rearrange the letters of NOR DO WE to make one word.重新排列字母NOR DO WE,使之成一詞:new door
3.Wha of us goes up and never comes down? 人的什麼東西只可增不可減:Age
4.What starts with E,ends with E and only has one letter? 什麼字母以E開始,以E結尾,且(打開後)只是一封信:envelope (若把letter作字母講,則只有1個字母,那就只有漢語「日「或」王」能解了)
5.What starts with T,ends with T and full of T? 什麼字母以T開始以T結尾,且裡面全是T:Teapot
6.What time is it when 20 dogs are after l cat? 什麼時候20隻狗跟在1隻貓後面? :1:20
7.When should you kick(踢)a birthday Present?什麼時候你回踢你的生日禮物: When it is a football
8.What room has no walls,no doors,no floors and no windows?什麼房間無牆,無門,無樓層/地板,無窗? mushroom蘑菇
9.Why can't your nose be twelve inches long?你的鼻子為什麼不能有12英寸長?Because then it would be a foot 那樣的話,它就是腿不是鼻子了(此處foot有兩層含義:1 foot=12inches)
10.What is dark but is made of light?什麼東西是黑色的但由光產生的? Shadow (影子)
11.What is higher without a head than with a head?什麼東西沒頭在上面比有頭在上面時高? Pillow (枕頭,頭壓在上面就給壓LOWER了)

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