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發布時間: 2023-03-09 07:27:44

① 完美KDA礦機當屬iBeLink的k1max,算力天外飛仙32T,功耗猶如鯨落3200W

Blake2S Hash Function(KDA)

Hash Rate: 32 TH/s ±5%

Power Consumption: 3200 W (at the wall, with 25°C ambient temp)

Power Efficiency: 100 W/TH (at the wall, with 25°C ambient temp)

Operating Temperature: 0° C to 40° C

Network Connection: Ethernet

Power Supply: 190V to 240V, 50Hz/60Hz

Packing Dimensions: 424 mm(L) * 289 mm(W) * 388 mm(H)

Machine Dimensions: 340 mm(L) * 190 mm(W) * 293 mm(H)

Weight: 12.2 Kg

Warranty Period:A 180-day warranty is provided starting from the shipping date.

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