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⑴ What is full of holes but still holds water

A sponge.海綿

⑵ 關於埃爾斯岩的英文介紹

Ayers Rock, is a large sandstone rock formation in the southern part of the Northern Territory, central Australia. It lies 335 km (208 mi) south west of the nearest large town, Alice Springs; 450 km (280 mi) by road. Kata Tjuta and Uluru are the two major features of the Uluru - Kata Tjuta National Park. Uluru is sacred to the Pitjantjatjara and Yankunytjatjara, the Aboriginal people of the area. It has many springs, waterholes, rock caves and ancient paintings. Uluru is listed as a World Heritage Site.

⑶ 英文讀後感-Holes

[英文讀後感-Holes]這本小說曾榮獲1999年紐柏瑞兒童文學獎的金牌,作者是路易斯.薩奇爾,是一部引人入勝的兒童文學作品,迪斯尼電影公司於2003年將其改編為電影,中文影名《別有洞天》,英文讀後感-Holes。 Alex很喜歡這本小說,看來這是比較適合這個年齡段孩子的讀物,今天是元旦假期,一口氣把剩餘部分全都讀完了。晚上草草寫了一篇讀後感,寫完後又檢查修改了一遍,總體感覺最近在語法方面有所進步,詞彙量也有較大提高,短文里運用的很多單詞我已經不認識了。 從去年暑假至今,Alex已經聽讀了大量英文原版書籍,目前《暮光之城3》也已經讀了一百多頁。 如果要說近期最痴迷的小說,非金庸的《笑傲江湖》莫屬!昨天是學校放假的第一天,這小子居然大清早六七點就爬起來躲在自己的房間里讀了一個多小時,把厚厚的一本上冊全看完了,我們還以為他在睡懶覺。今天已經在讀下冊,看來,地球人已經無法阻止他要看完全本《笑傲江湖》的沖動了。 Book review of Holes <Holes> was famous ring 2004, but soon the wave ceased. I had the opportunity to know this book is all e to my Englishclasses. This book fascinates me by giving many enigmas, I think: Louis Sachar( the author) must have thought so many things!! It also teaches me a lesson: don\'t be so fastidious (because in camp Green Lake, it was really such worse than a slum)! Stanley and Zero, the protagonists, had many things in common. Zero\'s real name is Hector Zeroni, his great-great-great-great grandmother has relationships with Stanley\'s great-great-great-great grandfather. Zero was an abandoned child from his mother. He wasn\'t ecated, and he stole one\'s shoe and was arrested to the camp Green Lake, just then the shoes fell onto Stanley\'s head and the police took him to the camp too. As the book said: all was destiny. When time went by, Stanley became friends with Zero. Zero g holes for Stanley, and Stanley taught Zero to read and write. Actually Zero was very wise, even wiser than Stanley... A fight between Zigzag and Stanley led to the escape of Zero, and Stanley found him. They lived in the mountains for one week only drinking dirty water and eating onions. Finally they got back to the holes where Stanley used to find a lipstick. Something I like to see is that the antagonist in this book, the Warden, is actually so bad, and the badness is abnormal. But finally all went well and they found the treasure: cheap jewelries. 〔英文讀後感-Holes〕隨文贈言:【這世上的一切都借希望而完成,農夫不會剝下一粒玉米,如果他不曾希望它長成種粒;單身漢不會娶妻,如果他不曾希望有孩子;商人也不會去工作,如果他不曾希望因此而有收益。】

⑷ 大家可以給我介紹一下Holes的情節嗎

我們的主角Stanley很倒霉地因為被一雙不知道打哪兒飛過來的鞋子砸到,碰巧那鞋子是一個有名球星捐出來給homeless shelter籌錢的,更巧的是在他拿著那雙鞋想跑回去給他那個收集運動的老爸的時候被警察抓到。法官給他兩個選擇,去Camp Green Lake 或者是監獄。他選擇了前者。It was all because of his no-good-dirty-rotten-pig-stealing-great-great-grandfather!Stanley這么想著。他們一家子都喜歡把自己的霉運歸咎到他身上。他所知道的故事就是他的great-great grandfather從一個one-legged Gypsy那偷了一隻豬,然後她詛咒他和他的子孫們。

Camp Green Lake is a camp for bad boys.If you take a bad boy and make him dig a hole every day in the hot sun,it will turn him into a good boy.這個所謂的Green Lake Camp並沒有lake,也沒有任何green的東西,有的只是一片荒原。然後Stanley的挖洞史正式開始。

這個故事裡的人物名字很有意思,比如Stanley的全名叫Stanley Yelnats IV,Yelnats倒過來就是Stanley.也是因為這個原因他們家有這么多個Stanley.還有camp里的Mr.Sir(沒錯就是姓Sir的),Mr.Pendanski(pen,dance,key)等等。

當然這個故事並不只是每天挖洞那麼無聊。當Stanley開始挖洞時,故事開始分兩條線,是他所謂的no-good-dirty-rotten-pig-stealing-great-great-grandfather Elya的故事。Elya喜歡上一個女孩子Myra,但他有競爭者--一個50歲的豬農。顯然女孩子的父親覺得一頭肥豬比他的真心值錢。無奈之下他去找Madame Zeroni.Madame Zeroni說那Myra腦袋空空根本不值得他愛。但在Elya的堅持下,Madame Zeroni告訴她一個辦法。她送他一隻小乳豬,告訴他:"You must carry the piglet every day to the top of the mountain and let it drink from the stream.As it drinks,you are to sing to him."

最後Madame Zeroni讓他保證在把豬送給Myra的父親後也要把她背上山喝那邊的水,給她唱那首歌。不然他和他的子孫都將永遠遭受厄運。Elya最終沒有守住承諾。歷經艱辛後的Elya發現Myra的確如Madame Zeroni說的那樣完全沒主見,竟然分不出他和那個糟老頭哪個好,於是放棄競爭。後來他去了美國並結了婚,Madame Zeroni提過她兒子在美國,所以他想找到他來完成那個他未遵守的諾言,可惜他一直找不到。故事暫時告一段落。


"If you find anything interesting or unusual,you should report it either to me or Mr.Sir when we come around with the water truck.If the Warden likes what you found,you'll get the rest day off."這是Mr.Pendanski說的。當然他們挖洞並不是to build character那麼簡單。於是100年前發生在Green Lake小鎮上的故事漸漸展開。Katherine Barlow是這個鎮上唯一的學校老師,備受愛戴。Charles Walker是鎮上最有錢人家的兒子想追求她卻被拒絕。她喜歡上了Sam,一個賣洋蔥的黑人(這本書真的是很為洋蔥打廣告)他有一隻50歲的愛驢叫Mary Lou.

我很喜歡他們的故事很浪漫。起初只是簡單的交談,Kate抱怨學校的屋頂漏水,I can fix that,Sam說。慢慢地經過進一步的交流,Kate對他越來越感興趣。當屋頂修好後,她又讓Sam修理學校的其他東西。就這樣一直持續著,當學期快結束的時候,整個學校在Sam的巧手下變得煥然一新。Kate卻因為再也找不到借口和Sam獨處而悶悶不樂。終於有一天她再也忍不住了。Sam問Kate怎麼了,My heart is breaking,Kate說。I can fix that,Sam和Kate在雨中擁吻,可惜沒注意到有旁觀者。

那個時代黑人地位很低,跟白人相戀根本是不允許的。所以當有人看到他們親吻後這事立刻在鎮上傳開。Charles Walker帶著一群人去Kate的教室搞破壞。她去找警長幫忙但他無恥卻地對她進行性騷擾:"I will make you a deal.One sweet kiss,and i won't hang your boyfriend.I'll just run him out of town."當然她沒同意。最後她跟Sam坐船逃離的時候Sam被槍殺,Mary Lou也被打死。而從那一刻開始Green Lake再也沒下過雨。Kate在Sam死後三天槍殺了那個警長,塗上口紅給他一個他之前要求的吻。For the next twenty years Kissin' Kate Barlow was one of the most feared outlaws in all the West.

20年後Kate回到Green Lake,而Charles Walker還是沒有放過她。要她說出她把值錢的東西藏在哪裡。"Go ahead and kill me,but i sure hope you like to dig.'Cause you're going to be digging for a long time.It's a big vast wasteland out there.You,and your children,and their children,can dig for the next hundred years and you'll never find it."Kate堅持著。最後打鬥中Kate被蜥蜴咬死。Kate的故事就此終結。

Charles Walker讓他的後人都在那個地方挖寶貝,而這個camp里那位心狠手辣的頭頭就是他的後人。所以在她看到Stanley挖出的Kate的口紅管的時候,她覺得那寶貝一定在那個洞里,但他們挖遍那個地方也沒找到。原因是這個東西並不是Stanley交上去的,他給了X-Ray,所以他們挖的是X-Ray洞附近的地方。

Stanley和Zero一直被camp里的其他男孩子們挖苦嘲弄,終於有一天Zero受不了和他們打了起來,甚至用鐵鍬狠狠揍了Mr.Pendanski."Don't shoot him,he can't go anywhere.The last thing we need is an investigation.He's going to have to come back for water."The Warden說。於是Zero走了。很讓人佩服的是Stanley會冒那麼大的險去找Zero.

"I found refuge on God's thumb."That was what his great-grandfather had supposedly said after Kate Barlow had robbed him and left him stranded in the desert."But how could he live for three weeks without food or water?"Stanley had asked his father.他父親也不知道。他在Sam那刻著Mary Lou的船上找到了Zero.挺好玩的是他們還在猜Mary Lou會不會是個漂亮的女人,"Somebody must have loved her a lot,to name a boat after her.""I bet she looked great in bathing suit,sitting in the boat while her boyfriend rowed." LMAO~~~~~

雖然他自己又餓又渴,但Stanley還是很努力地拖著精疲力竭的Zero去Big Thumb,途中發現了一條泥濘的渠道挖出了水源,找到洋蔥,救活了奄奄一息的Zero.那水源就是Madame Zeroni讓Elya給小豬喝的水,而洋蔥當然就是Stanley的great-grandfather在那幾個星期維持生命的食物了。而這兩人之後的一個多星期也是靠洋蔥維持生命的。另外Zero承認了自己才是那個偷鞋子的人。Stanley並沒怪他,相反他變得比以前開心,因為他開始喜歡現在的自己。他是Zero的依靠,而不是以前那個被所有人嫌棄的大胖子。

兩人慢慢恢復了體力後,溜回了營地,等所有人都休息後去挖Kate Barlow埋下的東西。好死不死,費勁千辛萬苦挖出那箱寶貝後,the Warden和Mr.Sir&Mr.Pendanski出來了,想坐享漁翁之利。然後突然間一群蜥蜴從箱子上爬了出來。故事一開頭就有提到you don't want to be bitten by a yellow-spotted lizard.That's the worst thing that can happen to you.You will die a slow and painful death.然後那幾個人就站在那想看他們怎麼死。連他們死後如何跟他們家人交代都想好了。Guess what?等到快天亮,他們還活著。

之後一切似乎都開始好轉,Stanley的律師來解救他,因為她查出他並不是那個偷鞋的人,並找到證人。the Warden只在乎那個Stanley找到的寶箱,並一直強調那是她的東西,可是皮箱上竟然有Stanley Yelnats的名字害她啞口無言。而那正巧是Stanley的great-grandfather(最有出息的一個Stanley)被Kate搶走的那個箱子。最後在律師的幫助下Stanley帶著Zero一起離開。

然後故事又帶到Sam,他賣onion juice給別人並告訴他們the lizards don't like onion blood.於是告訴我們蜥蜴們並不是好心放過Stanley&Zero,只是他們吃了一個多星期的洋蔥,滿身洋蔥味,不合它們胃口而已。真是偉大的洋蔥啊!!

時來運轉,在the great-great-grandson of Elya Yelnats carried the great-great-grandson of Madame Zeroni up the mountain後(沒錯Zero的真實姓名叫Hector Zeroni),Stanley那個每天在那煮鞋子的老爸發明了治腳氣的方法。而那個曾經誤會Stanley偷鞋子的球星也給Stanley老爸發明的治腳氣的葯膏打廣告。一句話他們都發達了~~


⑸ 歐泊的歐泊的發現

Quilpie 是以歐泊聞名的城鎮。它時常被作為「爍石歐泊」 的故鄉被提及因為該地區是全球此類型歐泊的最主要出產地。它位於了布理斯班的西方 980 公里和Charleville的西面208公里,Quilpie 是Quilpie郡的商業中心。城鎮的名字起源於土著文字 「Quilpeta」 意思是石頭麻鷸。Quilpie於1917年4月29日被宣布成為一個官方認可的城鎮。Quilpie位於昆士蘭州西部的著名的Bullo河沿岸。比如是羊、牛放牧,油、瓦斯和歐泊礦業。除了這些個主要的產業之外,Quilpie 郡收藏了一個熱心的和有才能的藝術社區。
Winton 最初被稱為鵜鶘水池,1875年第一次成為殖民地。該鎮最著名的事件是1895年,Banjo·Paterson在Winton的Dagworth車站外面寫了《Waltzing Matilda》這首歌。據報道,該首民謠的首次演出是同年的4月6 日在Winton的北部的Gregory 旅館。Winton 被認為澳大利亞叢林詩歌的「故鄉」,國家級的文學獎「流浪漢銅像獎」每年在那兒舉辦一次。澳洲的國家航空公司(Qantas)於1920 年11月建立在Winton,它的首屆董事會於1921 年2月21 日在Winton 俱樂部舉行。十九世紀九十年代的剪羊毛工大罷工期間,500名剪羊毛工就露營在winton南方,這是成為法定意義上勞工黨的創立的起點。Winton是在Matilda鄉村的中心,巨大的米契爾草原中間貫穿了華麗的彩色峽谷。遊客往往會對由巨大的天然起伏平原和地形感到震驚。種類繁多的動物和鳥生活在該區域,一般在小路和鐵軌邊是觀看黃昏和黎明景色的最佳地點。
包括附近被叫做「黑門」的著名區域在內的Yowah 歐泊礦區是西昆士蘭最南端的歐泊采礦中心。它受到遊人和淘金者的普遍歡迎,因為它的主要道路和有商店、燃料、電話、房車停放公園和永久供水。由礦業能源部、Paroo郡委員會和土地擁有者合作,為旅行者提供必需品和淘金娛樂,建立了Yowah 淘金區。Yowah 在Cunnamulla 以西大約160km處。有2條路線可以到達:一是,往Thargomindah行進,向右轉大約18km到Yowah/Toompine路上的West Eulo,沿Alroy農庄行進48km到Yowah-Quilpie岔道。繼續行進23km後到Yowah;最後23公里是未鋪設柏油的道路;二是,從Quilpie開車110km穿過Toompine到Eulo/Yowah 岔道轉向,向左然後沿著這條主要道路行駛大約56km 到Yowah 岔道,再與上面所寫一樣繼續最後的23km。
Yowah 礦區是出產硅質鐵礦石凝固物中的珍貴歐泊,通常被稱為Yowah 堅果。這些歐泊直徑范圍大約從5mm 到200mm,有球狀或橢球狀形狀,有時這些堅果的核心正好是珍貴的歐泊。堅果被發現於地下20m深的鐵砂岩地層(厚度從150 到600mm ),並且通常與泥石片或黏土球連接在一起。
南澳洲有四活躍歐泊礦區、Andamooka 、Coober Pedy,Lambina 和Mintabie。根據出產量來說,南澳洲是最大的歐泊的出產地,盛產白歐泊和淺色歐泊。
5、Coober Pedy(庫伯佩迪)
Coober Pedy出產世界半數以上的白歐泊。Coober Pedy的歐泊礦區位於南澳洲的內陸地區,小鎮在阿德萊德以北750公里的位置,是斯圖爾特山脈邊緣多石的無樹木沙漠地帶。許多當地人喜歡居住在冬暖夏涼的地下掩體中。由於該地區的降雨量低、土壤貧瘠,很少植物存活。那裡的歐泊被一個的14歲的男孩發現,當時他與父親的金礦勘察隊正在野營,在1916 年,作為主要礦區的區域建立了。一次世界大戰以後,大量歐泊采礦工湧入導致產量大幅度增加,使Coober Pedy成為世界上最大歐泊的出產地。該地方也被譽為「世界歐泊之都」。
1930 年二個來自Andamooka 駐地的牧場管理人發現了歐泊。由於苛刻的氣候條件和時值二次世界大戰,該礦區的開采過程比較緩慢,但到了1962年估計有800名礦工從事歐泊開采工作。阿德萊德以北520公里,Andamooka礦工在Arcoona 高原大約52平方公裡面積范圍內的豎井、坑洞、和小地道里進行挖掘工作。歐泊開采自地下三到十米的古老海床。Andamooka歐泊被認為是世界上的最穩定的歐泊。當地氣候特點是半沙漠的環境,並且在3月和11月之間是溫暖的白天和冷爽的夜晚,氣候十分宜人。
相信Mintabie的第一塊歐泊被發現是在20年代。但由於Mintabie的惡劣的氣候和水資源匱乏阻礙了開采。直到1978 年出現好的歐泊該地區才真正開始被重視。Mintabie位於北部領地邊界以南180km和 Coober Pedy以北大約300km的地方。1976 年,炸葯和大機械被帶到礦區。在第一世界大戰期間,Coober Pedy土著人出售的黑歐泊大多來自西北350公里的Mintabie。1988年時的當地人口約1,500 人,由於出產量下降,今天人口大約在300名左右。在Mintabie,多數歐泊開采通過在露天進行。此區域的四季溫度在零度以下到零上40度之間。
老礦工稱在30 年代初期的蕭條年代Lambina歐泊第一次被發現。在80 年代晚期,隨著一些礦工在Seven Waterholes挖掘區一些有價值的發現,一個小的變化發生了。采礦在90年代中期前緩慢的增長著。但是1996年在高品質寶石在那裡被發現,需求真正被激發。然而,在許多要求需要處理之前,Wik,當地的頭領決定製止了任何新的開采,直到在1997年12月,當地頭領正式提出整個Mintabie 地區的主張權。從那以後在礦工和當地頭領們之間允許開采談判始終在繼續。Lambina人口大約300人。
大約95%澳洲出產的歐泊被用於全球首飾產業。歐泊在其它國家包括宏都拉斯、墨西哥、前捷克斯洛伐克和巴西也有少量開采,這些歐泊常常在外觀上不同。澳洲的歐泊礦區位於昆士蘭州、新南威爾士州和南澳洲三個州,這些礦區圍繞者古老的「大自流井盆地」遺跡。發現於南澳州的白歐泊/水晶澳寶(white/crystal opal)、新南威爾士州的黑歐泊(black opal)、昆士蘭州的爍石歐泊(boulder opal)是目前最主流的歐泊種類,其中最為罕有的是江達區(jundah)出產的管狀澳寶(pipe opal)。參觀歐泊礦區的最佳時間是澳洲每年的冬季4月至9月,這是由於澳洲的夏季多雨,有時會淹沒一些區域的公路,所以盡量避免夏天訪問礦區。
1880 年代後期,在萊頓寧瑞奇,住在附近的一所房子中的牧場監督者傑克·默里在大約 1901年 或者 1902年,放下了第一個豎井,歐泊從此被開采。一段時間之後,來自甘比亞首都一個叫做查理的 礦工到達並開始了下沉豎井。
瓦埃特克利佛位於新南威爾士州的西北部,是澳洲的第一個商業歐泊礦區。這個礦區是過去歐泊國際市場的主要出產地。瓦埃特克利佛歐泊的獨特是因為它出產了世界的第一塊深色歐泊。深色歐泊更加易於評估、清洗、製造,因此大受歡迎。瓦埃特克利佛歐泊礦區富有貝殼、蛋白石假晶、骨頭和水晶。1899年,約二千個人居住在瓦埃特克利佛鎮區域的二英里范圍內。這些先驅居住在五百多個木製或鐵制的房子里,以及不計其數的粗麻布和樹皮或帆布製成的白棉布公寓。有一個地下餐館、麵包店和酒吧; 但由於當時地下掩體缺乏,礦工主要居住在豎井裡。瓦埃特克利佛開採的歐泊對全世界澳洲以外的市場供應了二十五年; 在對歐泊不利的迷信盛傳幾個世紀之後,「被遺忘的寶石」——歐泊,重新得到世人的寵愛。瓦埃特克利佛在超過一個世紀的歷史時期中,成為地質學者、古生物學、政府官員和長於追求異性的富商之戶外課堂。1900年強烈的夏日熱量開始使第一批礦工住到地下,隨後大多數的居民仿效他們。直到在 1999 年,90%當地居民的分別住在了約 135個地下掩體中。

⑹ 我需要dragon的英文資料

The dragon is a mythical creature typically depicted as a large and powerful serpent or other reptile, with magical or spiritual qualities. Mythological creatures possessing some or most of the characteristics typically associated with dragons are common throughout the world's cultures.

Dragons are commonly portrayed as serpentine or reptilian, hatching from eggs and possessing long, typically scaly, bodies; they are sometimes portrayed as having large eyes, a feature that is the origin for the word for dragon in many cultures, and are often (but not always) portrayed with wings and a fiery breath. Some dragons do not have wings at all, but look more like long snakes.

Although dragons (or dragon-like creatures) occur commonly in legends around the world, different cultures have perceived them differently. Chinese dragons (Simplified Chinese: 龍; Traditional Chinese: 龍; pinyin: lóng), and Eastern dragons generally, are usually seen as benevolent, whereas European dragons are usually malevolent (there are of course exceptions to these rules). Malevolent dragons also occur in Persian mythology (see A Dahaka) and other cultures.

Dragons are often held to have major spiritual significance in various religions and cultures around the world. In many Eastern and Native American cultures dragons were, and in some cultures still are, revered as representative of the primal forces of nature and the universe. They are associated with wisdom—often said to be wiser than humans—and longevity. They are commonly said to possess some form of magic or other supernormal power, and are often associated with wells, rain, and rivers. In some cultures, they are said to be capable of human speech.

Dragons are very popular characters in fantasy literature, role-playing games and video games today.

The term dragoon, for infantry that move around by horse, yet still fight as foot soldiers, is derived from their early firearm, the "dragon", a wide-bore musket that spat flame when it fired, and was thus named for the mythical beast.

Dobrynya Nikitich slaying Zmey Gorynych, by Ivan Bilibin
[edit] Symbolism
In medieval symbolism, dragons were often symbolic of apostasy and treachery, but also of anger and envy, and eventually symbolised great calamity. Several heads were symbolic of decadence and oppression, and also of heresy. They also served as symbols for independence, leadership and strength. Many dragons also represent wisdom; slaying a dragon not only gave access to its treasure hoard, but meant the hero had bested the most cunning of all creatures. In some cultures, especially Chinese, or around the Himalayas, dragons are considered to represent good luck.

Joseph Campbell in the The Power of Myth viewed the dragon as a symbol of divinity or transcendence because it represents the unity of Heaven and Earth by combining the serpent form (earthbound) with the bat/bird form (airborne).

Dragons embody both male and female traits as in the example from Aboriginal myth that raises baby humans to althood training them for survival in the world (Littleton, 2002, p. 646). Another contrast in the way dragons are portrayed is their ability to breathe fire but live in the ocean--water and fire together. And like in the quote from Joseph Campbell above, they also include the opposing elements of earth and sky. Dragons represent the joining of the opposing forces of the cosmos.

Yet another symbolic view of dragons is the Ouroborus, or the dragon encircling and eating its own tail. When shaped like this the dragon becomes a symbol of eternity, natural cycles, and completion.

[edit] In Christianity
The Latin word for a dragon, draco (genitive: draconis), actually means snake or serpent, emphasizing the European association of dragons with snakes. The Medieval Biblical interpretation of the Devil being associated with the serpent who tempted Adam and Eve, thus gave a snake-like dragon connotations of evil. Generally speaking, Biblical literature itself did not portray this association (save for the Book of Revelation, whose treatment of dragons is detailed below). The demonic opponents of God, Christ, or good Christians have commonly been portrayed as reptilian or chimeric.

In the Book of Job Chapter 41, the sea monster Leviathan, which has some dragon-like characteristics.

In Revelation 12:3, an enormous red beast with seven heads is described, whose tail sweeps one third of the stars from heaven down to earth (held to be symbolic of the fall of the angels, though not commonly held among biblical scholars). In most translations, the word "dragon" is used to describe the beast, since in the original Greek the word used is drakon (δράκον).

In iconography, some Catholic saints are depicted in the act of killing a dragon. This is one of the common aspects of Saint George in Egyptian Coptic iconography [1], on the coat of arms of Moscow, and in English and Catalan legend. In Italy, Saint Mercurialis, first bishop of the city of Forlì, is also depicted slaying a dragon.[2] Saint Julian of Le Mans, Saint Veran, Saint Crescentinus, and Saint Leonard of Noblac were also venerated as dragon-slayers.

However, some say that dragons were good, before they fell, as humans did. Also contributing to the good dragon argument in Christianity is the fact that, if they did exist, they were created as were any other creature, as seen in Dragons In Our Midst, a contemporary Christian book series by author Bryan Davis.

[edit] Chinese zodiac
The years 1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024, 2036, 2048, 2060 are considered the Year of the Dragon in the Chinese zodiac.

The Chinese zodiac purports that people born in the Year of the Dragon are healthy, energetic, excitable, short-tempered, and stubborn. They are also supposedly honest, sensitive, brave, and inspire confidence and trust. The Chinese zodiac purports that Dragon people are the most eccentric of any in the eastern zodiac. They supposedly neither borrow money nor make flowery speeches, but tend to be soft-hearted which sometimes gives others an advantage over them. They are purported to be compatible with Rats, Snakes, Monkeys, and Roosters.

[edit] In East Asia
Main article: Chinese dragon
Main article: Vietnamese dragon
Dragons are commonly symbols of good luck/health in some parts of Asia, and are also sometimes worshipped. Asian dragons are considered as mythical rulers of weather, specifically rain and water, and are usually depicted as the guardians of flaming pearls.

In China, as well as in Japan and Korea, the Azure Dragon is one of the Four Symbols of the Chinese constellation, representing spring (season), the element of Wood and the east. Chinese dragons are often shown with large pearls in their grasp, though some say that it is really the dragon's egg. The chinese believed that the dragons lived under water most of the time, and would sometimes offer rice as a gift to the dragons. The dragons were not shown with wings like the European dragons because it was believed they could fly using magic.

A Yellow dragon (Huang long) with five claws on each foot, on the other hand, symbolize imperial authority in China, and indirectly the Chinese people as well. Chinese people often use the term "Descendants of the Dragon" as a sign of ethnic identity. The dragon is also the symbol of royalty in Bhutan (whose sovereign is known as Druk Gyalpo, or Dragon King).

In Vietnam, the dragon (Vietnamese: rồng) is the most important and sacred symbol. According to the ancient creation myth of the Kinh people, all Vietnamese people are descended from dragons through Lạc Long Quân, who married Âu Cơ, a fairy. The eldest of their 100 sons founded the first dynasty of Hùng Vương Emperors.

[edit] History and origins of dragons
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A naga guarding the Temple of Wat Sisaket in Viang Chan, LaosWhere the original concept of a dragon came from is unknown, as there is no accepted scientific theory or any evidence to support that dragons actually exist or have existed.

Some believe that the dragon may have had a real-life counterpart from which the legends around the world arose — typically dinosaurs or other archosaurs are mentioned as a possibility — but there is no physical evidence to support this claim, only alleged sightings collected by cryptozoologists. In a common variation of this hypothesis, giant lizards such as Megalania are substituted for the living dinosaurs. Some Creationists hold that dragons are just an exaggerated depiction of what we now call dinosaurs and that humans and dinosaurs (dragons) did co-exist.[1] All of these hypotheses are widely considered to be pseudoscience or myth.

Dinosaur fossils were once thought of as "dragon bones" — a discovery in 300 BC in Wucheng, Sichuan, China, was labeled as such by Chang Qu.[2] It is unlikely, however, that these finds alone prompted the legends of flying monsters, but may have served to reinforce them.

Herodotus, often called the "father of history", visited Judea c.450 BC and wrote that he heard of caged dragons in nearby Arabia, near Petra, Jordan. Curious, he travelled to the area and found many skeletal remains of serpents and mentioned reports of flying serpents flying from Arabia into Egypt but being fought off by Ibises Histories. Histories (Greek). Retrieved on 2006-06-14..

According to Marco Polo's journals, Polo was walking through Anatolia into Persia and came upon real live flying dragons that attacked his party caravan in the desert and he reported that they were very frightening beasts that almost killed him in an attack.[citation needed] Polo did not write his journals down — they were dictated to his cellmate in prison, and there is much dispute over whether this writer may have invented the dragon to embellish the tale.[citation needed] Polo was also the first western man to describe Chinese "dragon bones" with early writing on them. These bones were presumably either fossils (as described by Chang Qu) or the bones of other animals.[citation needed] Reference: Il Milione

It has also been suggested by proponents of catastrophism that comets or meteor showers gave rise to legends about fiery serpents in the sky.[citation needed] In Old English, comets were sometimes called fyrene dracan or fiery dragons. Volcanic eruptions may have also been responsible for reinforcing the belief in dragons, although instances in Europe and asian countries were rare.

In Hin mythology, Manasa and Vasuki are serpent like creatures associated with the dragon. [3] Indra, is the hin storm god who slays Vritra, a large serpent like creature on a mountain.

The Vietnamese dragon is the combined image of crocodile, snake, lizard and bird. Historically, Vietnamese people lived near rivers, so they venerated crocodiles as "Giao Long", the first kind of Vietnamese dragon. Then, many kinds of dragon were developed in architecture, painting, literature and Vietnamese consciousness.

In Greek mythology there are many snake or dragon legends, usually in which a serpent or dragon guards some treasure. The first Pelasgian kings of Athens were said to be half human, half snake. The dragon Ladon guarded the Golden Apples of the Sun of the Hesperides. Another serpentine dragon guarded the Golden Fleece, protecting it from theft by Jason and the Argonauts. Similarly, Pythia and Python, a pair of serpents, guarded the temple of Gaia and the Oracular priestess, before the Delphic Oracle was seized by Apollo and the two serpents were draped around his winged caceus, which he then gave to Hermes.

The Greek myths of Hercules and Ladon and others are believed to be based upon earlier from Canaanite myth where Baal overcame Lotan, and Israelite Yahweh overcame Leviathan. These stories too go back still further in history 1,500 BCE, to the Hittite or Hurrian hero Kumarbi who had to overcome the dragon Illuyankas of the Sea.

In Australian Aboriginal mythology, the Rainbow Serpent was a culture hero in many parts of the country. Known by different names in different places, from the Waugal of the South Western Nyungar, to the Ganba of the North Central Deserts or the Wanambee of South Australia, the rainbow serpent, associated with the creation of waterholes and river courses, was to be feared and respected.

Recently, Discovery Channel ran a programme titled Dragons: A Fantasy Made Real. The programme tries to look at plausible scientific explanations to assume a "what if" scenario, putting various theories and portraying dragons as if they had existed.[4]

A docudrama called The Last Dragon was made by Animal Planet and the people behind Walking With Dinosaurs. It shows how different the world would have been if dragons had actually evolved and lived.

⑺ great holes are g and filled with zhe sea water


⑻ The fish swam under the boat and bit holes in it. The sea water came ___.


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