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發布時間: 2022-06-12 18:36:53

① 去購物中心翻譯成英語


  1. Go to the mall

  2. Go shopping center

② 我們將要去購物中心用英語翻譯出來


We are going to the shopping mall

滿意請採納,不懂歡迎追問 謝謝😄

③ 去購物中心英語翻譯

visit the shopping mall
go to the shopping mall
visit the shopping center
go to the shopping center

④ 去商場的英語怎麼說

go to the mall(大商場)

⑤ 我要去購物中心購物的英文

I'm going to the shopping centre buy the English book

⑥ 逛商場用英語怎麼寫

逛街go shopping
購物shopping; trade
逛商店shop around
去超市Go to the supermarket

⑦ 去購物中心怎麼走用英語怎麼寫

How to go to the shopping centre?

⑧ 上個周末我和我的奶奶去了購物中心,怎麼用英文表達

My grandmother and I went to the shopping mall last weekend

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