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發布時間: 2022-06-11 16:21:44

⑴ 內衣帶他去參觀那個購物中心嗎英文

英漢互譯:有空的_free_ 帶她參觀向陽購物中心_show her around the Xiangyang Mall_ 你覺得怎麼樣?_what do you think of it?_
用合適介詞填空:He_like_most boys likes playing basketball.
like 可作介詞,通常的語序應該是:He likes playing basketball like most boys.(他像大多部的男生一樣喜歡打籃球.)
選擇:Is this room ____the meeting 選A
形容詞放在enough的前面,後面用to do的不定式表示目的、用途等等.
句型轉換(合並為簡單句):My brother is old enough to go to school.(解釋如上)

⑵ 去購物中心英語翻譯

visit the shopping mall
go to the shopping mall
visit the shopping center
go to the shopping center

⑶ 我需要翻譯一些有關於購物中心的英文. 想找一些相關的中文資料作為參考. 就是補充以下相關的詞彙.

to do some shopping; to go shopping 買東西
shopping centre 商業中心區
department store 百貨商店
children's goods store 兒童用品商店
antique shop 古玩店
second-hand store 舊貨店

counter 櫃台
stall, stand 售貨攤
show window 櫥窗
show case 玻璃櫃台
shelf 貨架
cash desk, cashier's desk 收銀處
price tag 標價簽
prices are fixed, fixed prices 有定價
discount 打折扣
change 零錢
to keep the bill 留發票
to wrap up 包裝
free of charge 不收費
to deliver 送
be al sold out, out of stock 售空
shop assistant, salesman 售貨員
saleswoman 女售貨員
glassware counter 玻璃器皿部
enamel ware 搪瓷器皿
haberdashery 男子服飾用品
confectionery 糖果糕點
cosmetics 化妝用品
stationery 文具
fabrics 紡織品
dry goods 服裝
ready-made clothes, off-the-peg, ready-to-wear 成衣,現成服裝
men's wear 男服
women's wear 女服
underwear 內衣褲
sports goods, athletic equipment 體育用品
sundries 零星小物
toilet articles 盥洗用品
towel 毛巾
handkerchief 手帕
toilet soap 香皂
shampoo 洗發香波
soap 肥皂
laundry soap 洗衣皂
soap powder 肥皂粉
soap flakes 皂片
medicated soap 葯皂
detergent 洗衣粉
cleanser 去污粉
tooth paste 牙膏
tooth brush 牙刷
toilet mirror 梳妝鏡
hair brush 發刷
hair vaseline 發蠟
cosmetics 化妝品
lipstic 口紅, 唇膏
face powder 粉
compact 粉盒
powder puff 粉撲
cold cream 香脂
vanishing cream 雪花膏
perfume, scent 香水
perfume spray 香水噴子
coat hanger 掛衣架
clothes-peg, clothes pin 曬衣夾
string bag, net bag 網兜
thermos bottle 熱水瓶
cap, cork 熱水瓶瓶蓋
travellers' water bottle, water flask, canteen 旅行水壺
lunch box, canteen 飯盒
thread 線
needle 針
button 鈕扣
zipper 拉鏈
key-ring 鑰匙圈
torch, flashlight 手電筒
bulb 燈泡
battery 電池
lock 鎖
watch, wrist watch 表, 手錶
watch band 表帶
watch chain 表鏈
clock 鍾
alarm clock 鬧鍾
electric clock 電鍾
umbrella 雨傘
parasol, sun umbrella 陽傘


⑷ 《我們一起去商場吧!》英語翻譯

Let's go to the mall together!

⑸ 英語句子翻譯 不要百度在線翻譯的謝謝 初一英語

1.Shall I wait for you at the school gate at two in the afternoon?

2.We live far from our parents.

3.Fresh air is good for your health.

4.We are looking forward to knowing more about Chinese art.

5.What about taking them to the shopping center?

6.I want to invite them to have dinner with us.

7.Why not go to the western restaurant?

8.Why not learn to make fire?

9.There's something wrong with my computer.

⑹ 去購物中心 的英文翻譯

Go to the mall

⑺ 我們將要去購物中心用英語翻譯出來


We are going to the shopping mall

滿意請採納,不懂歡迎追問 謝謝😄

⑻ 我要去購物中心購物的英文

I'm going to the shopping centre buy the English book

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