當前位置:首頁 » 算力簡介 » 昨天你去市中心逛街你買了一本字典


發布時間: 2022-05-29 22:31:32

『壹』 昨天我給他買了一本字典英語2種

I bought him a dictionary yesterday.
I bought a dictionary for him yesterday.

『貳』 我剛剛買了一本英語字典,只知道中文,該怎麼查


『叄』 假定你是李華。上個月你在某外國購物網站上買了一部英語電子詞典但在使用過程



『肆』 昨天我給他買了本字典英文翻譯兩種

I bought him a dictionary yesterday.
I bought a dictionary for him yesterday

『伍』 英語我的母親昨天給我買了一本字典強調句式


『陸』 昨天我給他買了一本字典英語

I bought him a dictionary yesterday.
I bought a dictionary for him yesterday.

『柒』 我剛剛買了一本英語字典,只知道中文,該怎麼查

很不幸,你買錯字典了 你可以去買一本漢英字典,那樣就可以查了

『捌』 寫一篇投訴信(英語的),內容:你在某書店買了一本英漢字典,回家後發現少了兩頁,你去信要求這家書店換貨或...


『玖』 英語作文,你去書店買書,碰到了一個外國人他要買一本字典,但是售貨員聽不懂他說話,你上前去幫他解決了

Today, Li Lei went to the Xinhua Bookstore to buy a book about European travel books, it is looking for the book, see a foreign woman is a talk to the sales clerks, saw their communication for a long time, Li Lei felt may be the salesman did not understand the foreign women. So Li Lei went to help them. By talking with the foreigners, that he is an American. Want to buy a Chinese dictionary, then use Chinese to tell the salesman. The salesman was prepared with foreigners to sell the dictionary area. Foreigners are very happy, grateful for Li Lei's help. At the same time, Li Lei also very happy, use English to help others.

『拾』 英語作文 假如你是李華,上周末你在重慶新華書店買了一本英文字典,發現有印刷錯誤、漏頁等質量問題後與書

Dear Manager,

My name is Li Hua. Last weekend, I bought an English dictionary in your bookstore.

When I arrived home, I found that there are some quality issues in the dictionary. There are some printing mistakes. And some pages are lost. I think it is necessary to contact with you in order to improve your service.

I suggest that it will be helpful to check the same dictionaries in your store, and contact with the publishing organization as soon as possible. Probably, they have the same problems.

For me, I think I have to return premium. Or will you please exchange another one for me?

Please pay attention to the quality issues of these dictionaries.

Thanks very much!

Best wishes!


Li Hua

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