當前位置:首頁 » 算力簡介 » 開你的車去市中心的英語


發布時間: 2022-05-24 22:58:35

A. 開我的車去用英語怎麼說

drive my car

B. 公交車的英文怎麼寫

jitneys = 公車 = 小型 bus 或 van貨車 <緋聞女孩>裡面出現的
1.bus travel by bus

C. 英語翻譯!!急


















D. 陳計程車到南通市中心只要二十分鍾時間用英語怎麼說


Chen taxi into the center of nantong as long as 20 minutes of time

E. 到鎮中心的公交車的英文

You live with your parents a call Garden Town Town, twenty minutes by bus to the city center, with more than two hundred households in the town, you know each other are very friendly. Some of the family cattle to grow wheat and corn. Aroundyour yard there are flowers and trees. We enjoyed the life here, this is a good place to live.

F. run out of和run out 的區別

run out 1. 跑出去;匆匆離開:例句: Lots of students ran out to see what had happened. 許多學生跑出去看發生了什麼事情。2. (液體)流出:例句: The water runs out at the other end of the pipe. 水從管子的另一端流出去。3. 到期,期滿:例句: Our contract runs out at the end of the month. 我們的合同在本月底到期。4. 被耗盡,被用完:例句: You'd better go home before your money runs out. 你最好別等錢花光再回家。5. 突出;伸出:例句: The wall runs out into the field. 這面牆一直延伸到田野里。6. 把(繩子等)放出;拉出:例句: They ran the rope out a little at a time. 他們一次把繩子抽出來一點。7. 使跑得精疲力竭:例句: I've run myself out. I can't go any further. 我跑得精疲力竭,再也走不動了。8. [英國英語]用汽車把…送出去;駕車出遊:例句: We ran out to the centre of the city this morning. 我們今天上午開車到市中心一帶去玩。9. 強迫離開;趕走:例句: If he refuses to leave here,the police will run him out. 如果他拒不離開此地,警方將強迫他離開。10. 消失;失蹤:例句: The cashier had run out with eighty thousand pounds in cash. 這個出納員帶著八萬鎊現鈔消失得無影無蹤。 run out of 1. 從…跑出來:例句: All the students run out of the classrooms as soon as the bell rings. 鈴聲一響,學生們都從教室里跑出來。2. (液體)從…流出:例句: Filthy water runs out of the pipe every day. 污水每天從管道中流出來。3. 耗盡,用完:例句: We ran out of coal,and had to burn wood. 我們的煤用光了,只好燒柴。4. [美國英語]強迫離開;驅逐出…:例句: They ran the spies out of the country. 他們將間諜驅逐出境。 @關鍵是run out 是不及物片語 ,和主語是邏輯上的主謂關系 run out of是及物片語 所以呢run out是不及物的,後面不能加賓語,所以沒有被動 run out of是及物的,後面必須加賓語 就是如果出現sth be run out那就是錯的 只有sth run out等

G. 請英語大師幫我翻譯一下。


I have ridden the bus on the weekend to visit downtown. I really like it much better than riding in my car because it costs a lot of money to park a car downtown. Sometimes between $5 and $12 dollars just for a few hours. However, the bus is only $2.25 to ride anywhere. If I take friends with me in my car it could be cheaper to drive than to ride the bus.




H. 英語句子翻譯

shortly after the train leave for my 20- minute ride downtown
shortly after (the train leave) for (my 20- minute ride) downtown
the train leave是從句,my 20-minute ride是我的20分鍾的騎車,ride在此是名詞。這是用名詞表達動作的形式。你就當動作去理解吧。歡迎追問~

I. 高一英語11 那輛黃色的公共汽車將乘客從機場運到市中心 from...to

The yellow bus takes passengers from the airpot to the city centre.

J. 乘公交車到市中心只要10分鍾 翻譯英文

It only takes you 10 minutes to get to the centre of the city by bus.

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