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發布時間: 2021-05-26 03:12:27

㈠ 溫哥華機場在哪裡


Vancouver International Airport Address
3211 Grant McConachie Way
Richmond, British Columbia V7B 1Y7

Phone Number: 604 207 7077

㈡ 溫哥華國際機場去溫哥華市中心坐車需要多少時間

如果開車的話大概30分鍾左右,如果坐skytrain就坐canada line這條線從機場Waterfront站出發到Yaletown-Roundhouse station站大概35分鍾。時間都差不多,因為開車會有點堵車。

㈢ 在溫哥華打車是怎麼收費的,從溫哥華國際機場到市中心

那些計程車是可以隨便上的。你不用說什麼,你招手,如果車停了,你就可以上,一般司機會馬上下車幫你安放行李。事先把目的地寫在紙上,給司機看一下,然後一切OK。飛機上、機場里、馬路上。。。到處是華人,在溫哥華不懂英語一樣生活。你現在最需要的是:放鬆,放鬆,再放鬆。。。日子一定會一天天好起來。Good Luck!

㈣ 從溫哥華市區delta酒店到機場做地鐵方便嗎地鐵怎樣收費的

首先。delta 酒店有好多,但是你說是溫哥華市區的話,那就應該坐canada line 到機場。 地鐵是按zone收費的。1個zone 2.75 2個 4.2 3個5塊多 , 不過你要是不懂的話建議直接買daypass 。 一天內 skytrain和公交隨便坐的。 從溫哥華市區到機場大約40分鍾-1小時20分鍾 因為具體位置你也沒說所以只能給你個大概。

㈤ 請問,列冶文區去溫哥華機場幾公里市中心區去機場幾公里兩個區哪個方便去機場食飲逛街哪個區好謝

首先,列治文是「市」,不是「區」,Richmond City。

溫哥華國際機場所在的Sea Island,就是在列治文市的境內。




㈥ 溫哥華機場

我好象沒見過有免費的. 收費好象是$2/分鍾. 能收到信號的地方都很好.

有需要付款的網路可以用, 但是非常貴. 但是機場內的公用電話很多, 也可以播國際長途. 聯系家裡沒問題

㈦ 怎麼從溫哥華火車站坐車去機場

坐sky train直達機場

㈧ 急:請問從溫哥華downtown去機場要坐紀錄bus


Bus service to Vancouver, Richmond and beyond originate at the Airport Station Bus Terminal, located near the Delta Hotel. Airport Station and the airport are connected by Bus Route #424, which picks up and drops off passengers at the Ground Level of the Domestic Terminal.

Several public transportation bus routes service the Airport Station Bus Terminal: The 98 B Line and Route #496 connect to downtown Vancouver, Route #620 connects to the BC Ferries in Tsawwassen, Route #100 connects to Vancouver and points east, Route #491 travels to Richmond and Steveston, Route #301 connects to Surrey/Newton, Route #C 92 connects to the Airport South Terminal while Route #C90 connects to the northern portion of Sea Island.

The #424 bus stop is located on Level 1 of the Domestic Terminal. Bus scheles are available at the Customer Service Counters and at the Visitor Information Centres on the Arrivals Level of both terminals.

Fares vary depending on the destination and time of day. When boarding the bus cash fares must be paid in exact change. A change machine is available in the Domestic Terminal located near the exit doors closest to the transit area. Bus tickets may also be purchased at the 7-eleven convenience store and the Pharmasave pharmacy, both located in the Domestic Terminal. Bus service frequency and times vary depending on time of day, day of week or season.

Further information on service, scheles and fares may be obtained from TransLink or the Tourism InfoCentres and Customer Service Counters in both terminals.
Canada Line

In keeping with our goal of being a sustainable organization operating a world class airport, the Airport Authority has committed up to $300-million to fund the airport portion of the Canada Line (previously known as the RAV Line) rapid transit link. Scheled to begin operations in late 2009, the line will connect downtown Vancouver, Richmond City Centre and YVR. The 19-kilometre transit line will add the equivalent of a 10-lane roadway and provide passengers and employees with convenient transportation to YVR.

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