當前位置:首頁 » 算力簡介 » 你可以坐地鐵去市中心的英文


發布時間: 2024-12-07 14:03:19

Ⅰ 我們將乘地鐵到市中心去。 他昨天邀請我參加他的生日宴會。(英語翻譯)

(敗慶1)We will take the subway to reach the center of the city

(2) We will get to the center of the city by subway

(3) We will go to the centre of the city by underground

(1) He invited me to attend his birthday Party yesterday

(2) He sent me an invitation to take part in his birthday Party yesterday

(3) I was invited to participate in his birthday party by him yesterday

Ⅱ 我們將乘地鐵到市中心去。 他昨天邀請我參加他的生日宴會。(英語翻譯)

(1)We will take the subway to reach the center of the city

(2) We will get to the center of the city by subway

(3) We will go to the centre of the city by underground

(1) He invited me to attend his birthday Party yesterday

(2) He sent me an invitation to take part in his birthday Party yesterday

(3) I was invited to participate in his birthday party by him yesterday

Ⅲ 昨天下午,李先生乘坐地鐵到達市中心。翻譯成英文

Mr Li went to the city center by subway/metro yesterday afternoon.

Ⅳ 如何去多倫多市中心

你可以做finch上的TTC BUS,好像是39路,往西直到底站,也就是Finch Subway Station,然後做地鐵往南直到Dundas那裡就是市中心的Eaton了。

汗,准備2個2塊7毛5,然後在finch這條路上的北邊隨便找一個bus stop,等39路車來了之後就上去。39路車的終點站在Finch station。直到你的車右轉之後所有人下車之後你也下來,坐電梯或者走樓梯到下面的地鐵站,然後往南坐地鐵(這也是地鐵的最北邊的終點站)直到南邊的Dundas或者你想去的地鐵站,然後跟著人流出來就可以了。回來的時候就找最近的地鐵站,在靠邊的有人在的收費站把錢丟在他們玻璃外的小玻璃盒子里,就可以直接進去了。然後往北坐到Finch,下來後上樓梯,找39路車,坐上去,直到公車上報站下一站是Don Mills你就拉窗邊的黃色繩子,然後到Don Mills的路口的時候你就下車就可以了。


Ⅳ 把我們經常乘地鐵去市中心翻譯成英語

We often go to the centre of the city by subway.

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