當前位置:首頁 » 算力簡介 » 下午三點我們將乘坐地鐵去市中心


發布時間: 2023-08-04 16:48:03

A. 我們將乘地鐵到市中心去。 他昨天邀請我參加他的生日宴會。(英語翻譯)

(敗慶1)We will take the subway to reach the center of the city

(2) We will get to the center of the city by subway

(3) We will go to the centre of the city by underground

(1) He invited me to attend his birthday Party yesterday

(2) He sent me an invitation to take part in his birthday Party yesterday

(3) I was invited to participate in his birthday party by him yesterday

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