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『壹』 《精通比特幣第2版(影印版)》epub下載在線閱讀,求百度網盤雲資源




出版社: 南京東南大學出版社
Join the technological revolution that's taking the world of finance by storm. Mastering Bitcoin is your guide through the seemingly complex world of bitcoin, providing the knowledge you need to participate in the internet of money. Whether you're building the next killer app, investing in a startup, or simply curious about the technology, this revised and expanded second editi...
Andreas is a passionate technologist, who is well-versed in many technical subjects. He is a serial tech-entrepreneur, having launched businesses in London, New York, and California. He has earned degrees in Computer Science and Data Communications and Distributed Systems from UCL. With experience ranging from hardware and electronics to high level business and financial system...

『貳』 《精通比特幣第2版(影印版)》pdf下載在線閱讀全文,求百度網盤雲資源

《精通比特幣 第2版(影印版)》(Andreas M. Antonopoulos)電子書網盤下載免費在線閱讀

鏈接: https://pan..com/s/1iEYzqONGS92GPE3DJ8aWew

提取碼: s1cz

書名:精通比特幣 第2版(影印版)

作者:Andreas M. Antonopoulos






Join the technological revolution that's taking the world of finance by storm. Mastering Bitcoin is your guide through the seemingly complex world of bitcoin, providing the knowledge you need to participate in the internet of money. Whether you're building the next killer app, investing in a startup, or simply curious about the technology, this revised and expanded second edition provides essential detail to get you started.

Bitcoin, the first successful decentralized digital currency, is still in its early stages and yet it's already spawned a multi-billion dollar global economy. This economy is open to anyone with the knowledge and passion to participate. Mastering Bitcoin provides the knowledge. You simply supply the passion.

The second edition includes:

A broad introction to bitcoin--ideal for non-technical users, investors, and business executives

An explanation of the technical foundations of bitcoin and cryptographic currencies for developers, engineers, and software and systems architects

Details of the bitcoin decentralized network, peer-to-peer architecture, transaction lifecycle, and security principles

New developments such as Segregated Witness, Payment Channels, and Lightning Network

Improved explanations of keys, addresses and wallets

User stories, analogies, examples, and code snippets illustrating key technical concepts


Andreas is a passionate technologist, who is well-versed in many technical subjects. He is a serial tech-entrepreneur, having launched businesses in London, New York, and California. He has earned degrees in Computer Science and Data Communications and Distributed Systems from UCL. With experience ranging from hardware and electronics to high level business and financial systems technology consulting and years as CTO/CIO/CSO in many companies — he combines authority and deep knowledge with an ability to make complex subjects easy to understand. More than 200 of his articles on security, cloud computing and data centers have been published in print and syndicated worldwide. His expertise includes Bitcoin, crypto-currencies, Information Security, Cryptography, Cloud Computing, Data Centers, Linux, Open Source and robotics software development. He also has been CISSP certified for 12 years.

As a bitcoin entrepreneur, Andreas has founded three bitcoin businesses and launched several community open-source projects. He often writes articles and blog posts on bitcoin, is a permanent host on Let』s Talk Bitcoin and prolific public speaker at technology events. Andreas serves on the advisory boards of several bitcoin startups.

『叄』 區塊鏈有哪些入門書籍



出版時間:2016 年


『肆』 《精通比特幣第2版(影印版)》epub下載在線閱讀全文,求百度網盤雲資源

《精通比特幣 第2版(影印版)》(Andreas M. Antonopoulos)電子書網盤下載免費在線閱讀

鏈接: https://pan..com/s/1zurT4uVTcWLSIFJfhtjOcA 提取碼: 7aqm

書名:精通比特幣 第2版(影印版)

作者:Andreas M. Antonopoulos






Join the technological revolution that's taking the world of finance by storm. Mastering Bitcoin is your guide through the seemingly complex world of bitcoin, providing the knowledge you need to participate in the internet of money. Whether you're building the next killer app, investing in a startup, or simply curious about the technology, this revised and expanded second edition provides essential detail to get you started.

Bitcoin, the first successful decentralized digital currency, is still in its early stages and yet it's already spawned a multi-billion dollar global economy. This economy is open to anyone with the knowledge and passion to participate. Mastering Bitcoin provides the knowledge. You simply supply the passion.

The second edition includes:

A broad introction to bitcoin--ideal for non-technical users, investors, and business executives

An explanation of the technical foundations of bitcoin and cryptographic currencies for developers, engineers, and software and systems architects

Details of the bitcoin decentralized network, peer-to-peer architecture, transaction lifecycle, and security principles

New developments such as Segregated Witness, Payment Channels, and Lightning Network

Improved explanations of keys, addresses and wallets

User stories, analogies, examples, and code snippets illustrating key technical concepts


Andreas is a passionate technologist, who is well-versed in many technical subjects. He is a serial tech-entrepreneur, having launched businesses in London, New York, and California. He has earned degrees in Computer Science and Data Communications and Distributed Systems from UCL. With experience ranging from hardware and electronics to high level business and financial systems technology consulting and years as CTO/CIO/CSO in many companies — he combines authority and deep knowledge with an ability to make complex subjects easy to understand. More than 200 of his articles on security, cloud computing and data centers have been published in print and syndicated worldwide. His expertise includes Bitcoin, crypto-currencies, Information Security, Cryptography, Cloud Computing, Data Centers, Linux, Open Source and robotics software development. He also has been CISSP certified for 12 years.

As a bitcoin entrepreneur, Andreas has founded three bitcoin businesses and launched several community open-source projects. He often writes articles and blog posts on bitcoin, is a permanent host on Let』s Talk Bitcoin and prolific public speaker at technology events. Andreas serves on the advisory boards of several bitcoin startups.

『伍』 《精通比特幣》pdf下載在線閱讀全文,求百度網盤雲資源

鏈接: https://pan..com/s/184XVElrPjhOEF5l12_dqLg

?pwd=sir3 提取碼: sir3

『陸』 能介紹幾本關於比特幣和區塊鏈的書嗎

4. 《失控:機器、社會與經濟的新生物學》
相關書籍還有《經濟學原理》《區塊鏈:技術驅動金融》《區塊鏈革命 : 比特幣底層技術如何改變貨幣、商業和世界》《區塊鏈技術指南》《圖說區塊鏈》《區塊鏈將如何重新定義世界》《數字貨幣:比特幣數據報告與操作指南》《區塊鏈:從數字貨幣到信用社會》《智能時代》等,說實在的,區塊鏈作為一個熱點資源還是比較多的。主要是判斷(是否有價值)和行動(要入早點入)。

『柒』 《數字貨幣:比特幣數據報告與操作指南》pdf下載在線閱讀全文,求百度網盤雲資源

鏈接: https://pan..com/s/1KJ6CmGCOIOv0HHmWJ29k3Q

?pwd=enbd 提取碼: enbd

『捌』 精通比特幣作者


『玖』 《比特幣:一個虛幻而真實的金融世界》pdf下載在線閱讀全文,求百度網盤雲資源

鏈接: https://pan..com/s/1l6aTMc5ZjFZwjYPxnvhNzg

?pwd=9smz 提取碼: 9smz

『拾』 《精通比特幣第2版(影印版)》pdf下載在線閱讀,求百度網盤雲資源

《精通比特幣 第2版(影印版)》(Andreas M. Antonopoulos)電子書網盤下載免費在線閱讀




書名:精通比特幣 第2版(影印版)

作者:Andreas M. Antonopoulos





內容簡介:Join the technological revolution that's taking the world of finance by storm. Mastering Bitcoin is your guide through the seemingly complex world of bitcoin, providing the knowledge you need to participate in the internet of money. Whether you're building the next killer app, investing in a startup, or simply curious about the technology, this revised and expanded second edition provides essential detail to get you started.

Bitcoin, the first successful decentralized digital currency, is still in its early stages and yet it's already spawned a multi-billion dollar global economy. This economy is open to anyone with the knowledge and passion to participate. Mastering Bitcoin provides the knowledge. You simply supply the passion.

The second edition includes:

A broad introction to bitcoin--ideal for non-technical users, investors, and business executives

An explanation of the technical foundations of bitcoin and cryptographic currencies for developers, engineers, and software and systems architects

Details of the bitcoin decentralized network, peer-to-peer architecture, transaction lifecycle, and security principles

New developments such as Segregated Witness, Payment Channels, and Lightning Network

Improved explanations of keys, addresses and wallets

User stories, analogies, examples, and code snippets illustrating key technical concepts

作者簡介:Andreas is a passionate technologist, who is well-versed in many technical subjects. He is a serial tech-entrepreneur, having launched businesses in London, New York, and California. He has earned degrees in Computer Science and Data Communications and Distributed Systems from UCL. With experience ranging from hardware and electronics to high level business and financial systems technology consulting and years as CTO/CIO/CSO in many companies — he combines authority and deep knowledge with an ability to make complex subjects easy to understand. More than 200 of his articles on security, cloud computing and data centers have been published in print and syndicated worldwide. His expertise includes Bitcoin, crypto-currencies, Information Security, Cryptography, Cloud Computing, Data Centers, Linux, Open Source and robotics software development. He also has been CISSP certified for 12 years.

As a bitcoin entrepreneur, Andreas has founded three bitcoin businesses and launched several community open-source projects. He often writes articles and blog posts on bitcoin, is a permanent host on Let』s Talk Bitcoin and prolific public speaker at technology events. Andreas serves on the advisory boards of several bitcoin startups.

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