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❶ 請問……誰有名偵探柯南裡面 secret of my heart 去掉開頭,從英文開始的音樂鈴聲啊


❷ 求土木工程類外文翻譯,3000字左右,要有中文,多發一些[email protected] 多謝了

building types and design

A building is closely bound up with people,for it provides with the necessary space to work and live in .
As classified by their use ,buildings are mainly of two types :instrial buildings and civil buildings .instrial buildings are used by various factories or instrial proction while civil buildings are those that are used by people for dwelling ,employment ,ecation and other social activities .
Instrial buildings are factory buildings that are available for processing and manufacturing of various kinds ,in such fields as the mining instry ,the metallurgical instry ,machine building ,the chemical instry and the textile instry . factory buildings can be classified into two types single-story ones and multi-story ones .the construction of instrial buildings is the same as that of civil buildings .however ,instrial and civil buildings differ in the materials used and in the way they are used .
Civil buildings are divided into two broad categories: residential buildings and public buildings .residential buildings should suit family life .each flat should consist of at least three necessary rooms : a living room ,a kitchen and a toilet .public buildings can be used in politics ,cultural activities ,administration work and other services ,such as schools, office buildings, parks ,hospitals ,shops ,stations ,theatres ,gymnasiums ,hotels ,exhibition halls ,bath pools ,and so on .all of them have different functions ,which in turn require different design types as well.
Housing is the living quarters for human beings .the basic function of housing is to provide shelter from the elements ,but people today require much more that of their housing .a family moving into a new neighborhood will to know if the available housing meets its standards of safety ,health ,and comfort .a family will also ask how near the housing is to grain shops ,food markets ,schools ,stores ,the library ,a movie theater ,and the community center .
In the mid-1960』s a most important value in housing was sufficient space both inside and out .a majority of families preferred single-family homes on about half an acre of land ,which would provide space for spare-time activities .in highly instrialized countries ,many families preferred to live as far out as possible from the center of a metropolitan area ,even if the wage earners had to travel some distance to their work .quite a large number of families preferred country housing to suburban housing because their chief aim was to get far away from noise ,crowding ,and confusion .the accessibility of public transportation had ceased to be a decisive factor in housing because most workers drove their cars to work .people we』re chiefly interested in the arrangement and size of rooms and the number of bedrooms .
Before any of the building can begin ,plans have to be drawn to show what the building will be like ,the exact place in which it is to go and how everything is to be done.
An important point in building design is the layout of rooms ,which should provide the greatest possible convenience in relation to the purposes for which they are intended .in a dwelling house ,the layout may be considered under three categories : 「day」, 「night」 ,and 「services」 .attention must be paid to the provision of easy communication between these areas .the 「day 「rooms generally include a dining-room ,sitting-room and kitchen ,but other rooms ,such as a study ,may be added ,and there may be a hall .the living-room ,which is generally the largest ,often serves as a dining-room ,too ,or the kitchen may have a dining alcove .the 「night 「rooms consist of the bedrooms .the 「services 「comprise the kitchen ,bathrooms ,larder ,and water-closets .the kitchen and larder connect the services with the day rooms .
It is also essential to consider the question of outlook from the various rooms ,and those most in use should preferably face south as possible .it is ,however ,often very difficult to meet the optimum requirements ,both on account of the surroundings and the location of the roads .in resolving these complex problems ,it is also necessary to follow the local town-planning regulations which are concerned with public amenities ,density of population ,height of buildings ,proportion of green space to dwellings ,building lines ,the general appearance of new properties in relation to the neighbourhood ,and so on .
There is little standardization in instrial buildings although such buildings still need to comply with local town-planning regulations .the modern trend is towards light ,airy factory buildings .generally of reinforced concrete or metal construction ,a factory can be given a 「shed 」type ridge roof ,incorporating windows facing north so as to give evenly distributed natural lighting without sun-glare .


房屋是用以住人的. 其基本功能是提供住房的內容,但今天人們需要更多的住房內容。一個家庭在進入一個新的社區後將知道,現有住房不僅要符合其安全,健康和舒適等標准。還要考慮其附近是否有相應的配套設施,如食品市場,學校,商店,圖書館,電影院,以及社區中心等。
在建築設計中要特別重視房間的布局,其目的是提供最大的便利與可能的用途。在一個住宅建築設計中,布局可考慮以下三個方面: 「白天」 , 「夜晚」和「服務」。必須注意這些空間區域之間的連通交流。 「白天」房一般包括餐廳,起居室和廚房,但其他房間可能會增加,如書房,並有可能成為一個大廳。起居室通常是最大的,往往是一個餐廳,也或可能有廚房、凹室等。 「夜間」房間包括卧室、客房。「服務」用房間包括廚房,浴室,儲藏室 ,和廁所等。廚房和儲藏室需設置在一起,以方便其房間功能的使用。

❸ 尋找神秘園, 神秘園之歌的鈴聲、

去下個Cool Edit Pro 2.0 是一個音樂編輯的軟體,可以任意截取音樂段落的,
你嫌麻煩的話把郵箱告訴我 我截了發給你 音質不變的

❹ 求secret baseー君がくれたものー(10 years after ver.)小緣翻唱版 mp3格式地址 能放空間里

君と夏の終わり 將來の夢
與你在夏末約定 將來的夢想
大きな希望 忘れない
遠大的希望 別忘記
10年後の8月 また出會えるのを 信じて
我相信十年後的八月 我們還能再相遇
出會いは ふっとした 瞬間 帰り道の交差點で
相識 是在那麽不經意的瞬間 我在回家途中的十字路口
仆は 照れくさそうに
本當は とても とても 嬉しかったよ
其實我心裡好高興 真的好高興
あぁ 花火が夜空 きれいに咲いて ちょっとセツナク
啊 煙火在夜空中燦爛盛開 幾許傷感
あぁ 風が時間とともに 流れる
啊 風和時間一起飄過
嬉しくって 楽しくって
很高興 很愉快
冒険も いろいろしたね
二人の 秘密の 基地の中
君が最後まで 心から 「ありがとう」叫んでいたこと 知っていたよ
我知道一直到最後 你仍在心底呼喊著『謝謝你』
涙をこらえて 笑顏でさようなら
せつないよね 最高の思い出を...
無限感嘆涌現 那一段最美好的回憶
あぁ 夏休みも あと少しで 終わっちゃうから
啊 暑假就快要過完了
あぁ 太陽と月 仲良くして
啊 太陽和月亮 默契十足
悲しくって 寂しくって
想來令人悲傷 或許有些寂寥
喧嘩も いろいろしたね
突然の 転校で どうしようもなく
你突然要轉學 你我都無可奈何
手紙 書くよ 電話もするよ
我會寫信給你 也會打電話給你
忘れないでね 仆のことを
いつまでも 二人の 基地の中
永遠別忘記 那段在秘密基地中的日子
君と夏の終わり ずっと話して
與你在夏末 聊了那麽多
君の頬を 流れた涙は ずっと忘れない
流過你雙頰的淚水 我永遠不會忘記
君が最後まで 大きく手を振ってくれたこと きっと忘れない
直到最後 你緊緊握住我的手 這感覺也將長在我心中
だから こうして 夢の中で ずっと永遠に...
就這樣 讓我們永遠在夢中相會吧

Adobe Premiere Pro CS3 , vegas , 會聲會影 , Mkvtoolnix 都可以 推薦最後一個 很簡單

❺ 世界上最強的防火牆是哪個

第一名 ZoneAlarm Pro (Zone Labs公司出品的網路防火牆)
ZoneAlarm Pro 是一款優秀的網路防火牆軟體,使用很簡單,界面易於瀏覽,具有很強的反探測和預防網路入侵的工具。只要在安裝時填入你的資料,安裝完後重新開機,ZoneAlarm 就會自動啟動,幫您執行任務。其主要功能模塊包括:
◆反間諜,保護您的計算機免於間諜軟體的危害。(lrj6.x 版新增)
◆隱私保護,可以控制 Cookies,過濾廣告,防止惡意的活動代碼的威脅。

第二名 Outpost Firewall Pro 防火牆

第三名 Norton Personal Firewall

第四名 Norman Personal Firewall

第五名 SurfSecret Personal Firewall

第六名 McAfee Personal Firewall Plus (賣咖啡)

第七名 BullGuard

第八名 Sygate Personal Firewall Pro

第九名 Injoy Firewall

第十名 BlackICE PC Protection

❻ 求:安卓secret video recorder pro無時間限制


❼ 不能說的秘密里secret樂譜上面的英文字體


❽ 死亡筆記好看嗎

Death Note,一本只要名字被寫上的人就會死的筆記。一切就從這本死神丟落在人間界的死亡筆記開始……
隨著世界上不斷有罪犯突然死亡,眾人心目中便出現了「 KIRA」這個救世主。有人認為KIRA是一個制裁罪惡的正義使者,不過在警方眼中,KIRA是一個兇殘的連環殺手,罪無可恕。為了找出並逮捕KIRA,警方只好出動他們的最後王牌:L

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